Management Process: Staffing Flashcards
The leader-manager recruits, selects, places, and indoctrinates personnel to accomplish the goals of the organization.
Steps in Staffing
- Determine the number and types of personnel needed to fulfill the philosophy, meet fiscal planning responsibilities, and carry out the chosen patient care delivery system selected by the organization.
- Recruit, interview, select, and assign personnel based on established job description performance standards.
- Use organizational resources for induction and orientation.
- Ascertain that each employee is adequately socialized to organization values and unit norms.
- Use creative and flexible scheduling based on patient care needs to increase productivity and retention.
_____ is the process of actively seeking out or attracting applicants for existing positions and should be an ongoing process.
_____ is the process of choosing from among applicants the best qualified individual or individuals for a particular job or position.
Involves verifying the applicant’s qualifications, checking his or her work history, and deciding if a good match exists between the applicant’s qualifications and the organization’s expectations
The nurse leader is able to assign a new employee to a position within his or her sphere of authority, where the employee will have a reasonable chance for success.
Planned, guided adjustment of an employee to the organization and the work environment.
_____, the first phase of indoctrination includes all activities that educate the new employee about the organization and employment and personnel policies and procedures.
The purpose of the _____ is to make the employee feel like a part of the team.
This will reduce burnout and help new employees become independent more quickly in their new roles.
Orientation Process
The better trained and more competent the staff, the fewer the number of staff required, which in turn saves the organization money and increases productivity.
Staff Development
Staff development activities are normally carried out for one of three reasons
1) to establish competence
2) to meet new learning needs
3) to satisfy interests the staff may have in learning in specific areas
______ refers to a learning of the behaviors that accompany each role by instruction, observation, and trial and error.
______ occurs when individuals are forced to learn new values, skills, attitudes, and social rules as a result of changes in the type of work they do, the scope of responsibility they hold, or in the work setting itself.
______, where staffing decisions are made by personnel in a central office or staffing center.
Centralized Staffing
______, the unit manager is often responsible for covering all scheduled staff absences, reducing staff during periods of decreased patient census or acuity, preparing monthly unit schedules, and preparing holiday and vacation schedules.
Decentralized Staffing
Minimum Staffing Ratio in Critical care or ICU
Minimum Staffing Ratio in Operating Room
Minimum Staffing Ratio in Labor and Delivery
Minimum Staffing Ratio in Antepartum
Minimum Staffing Ratio in Pediatrics
Minimum Staffing Ratio in Medical-surgical
Minimum Staffing Ratio in Emergency Department
Patient Classification System: Category 1 to 5
Category 1 - Self care (1-2 hours)
Category 2 - Minimal care (3-4 hours)
Category 3 - Intermediate care (5-6 hours)
Category 4 - Modified intensive care (7-8 hours)
Category 5 - Intensive care (10-14 hours)