crashes involving “Possible Injury” or “Suspected Minor Injury” claim(s), regardless of whether an involved party (or parties) is transported to a medical facility for treatment, may be documented in ___________.
Report format
When an officer does not witness a crash-causing violation, they may issue a citation for the infraction, complaint to be filed, pursuant to Section 40600 of the California Vehicle Code, _______________.
Regardless of crash documentation format
When feasible, the sergeant or officer-in-charge shall appoint a ________ to be present and to observe the nonconsensual blood draw.
Safety officer
The safety officer’s name and ID number shall be documented in the report.
The safety restraint chair’s restraints are applied in the following order:
1) Hips
2) Ankles
3) Hands/ arms
4) Shoulders
When nonconsensual blood draws are conducted at a CHP facility and the SRC is unavailable, or the subject cannot be secured in the SRC by objectively reasonable means (control holds), the SRC shall not be utilized, and the nonconsensual blood draw procedure ___________.
(MM 23-022)
Shall be terminated
If the subject is in the nylon leg restraint and removal would cause a greater risk of harm, or if the subject has been arrested for DUI involving serious bodily injury or a fatality, and the SRC is unavailable, or the subject cannot be reasonably secured in the SRC utilizing the control holds, the subject may be restrained using _______.
(MM 23-022)
A mat on the ground.
The subject shall be placed on their side and secured by officers at the subject’s legs, hips, and shoulders. Once the blood sample is obtained, officers should place the subject in an upright seated position to allow for adequate breathing
If the subject cannot be secured in this manner by objectively reasonable means when using a mat on the floor, the nonconsensual blood draw procedure _________.
(MM 23-022)
Shall be terminated
When completing the CHP 215, the officer shall document the reason for the stop by writing in the, “Reason for Stop:” box. The reason documented shall match the reason provided to the violator. To ensure the violator’s understanding of the reason, __________ shall not be used.
(MM 23-065)
Specific code sections
A vehicle impounded pursuant to Section 14602.6 CVC shall be released, upon request, to the legal owner, registered owner, or their agent, upon providing proof of the following:
(MM 24-015)
- Current registration.
- Payment of any applicable fees.
- Proof of a valid driver’s license (provided by either the legal owner, the registered owner, or an agent of the legal owner or registered owner).
Current departmental policy contains Inconsistent and Incompatible Activities, prohibiting the use of marijuana for uniformed employees. This MM revises this policy and extends the prohibition of marijuana use to _______.
(MM 24-027
Initial contact during all inspection stops of vehicles at CVEF shall be made by a _______ of the Department pursuant to 2813 VC.
(MM 24-031)
Uniformed employee
Each sergeant and sergeant’s manager shall complete and sign the CHP 112 ________; however, comments from the sergeant’s manager will now be required on a _______ basis if all critical tasks are rated “Proficient” or “Excellent.”
( MM 24-034)
While the ultimate goal of the Department’s Occupational Safety Program is ___ for preventable deaths, injuries, illnesses, and vehicle crashes, _____ goals are developed to provide each Executive office and Division with a realistic projection based upon previous trends as set by the Office of the Commissioner.
To ensure adequate coverage and availability, each Division shall strive to staff a minimum of ___certified detectives
(MM 24-052)
High-risk vehicle stops shall/shall not be conducted solely on the suspicion that a vehicle is stolen or that the plate does not match the vehicle.
(MM 24-057) (Chinaryan)
Shall not