Male Reproductive System - External Genetalia Flashcards
What are the external male genetalia?
What is the scrotum?
Cutaneous pouch, containing testis, epididymis and lower part of the spermatic cord
What are the layers of the scrotum?
External to Internal:
Skin (thin, sweat glands & vascular)
Dartos muscle (smooth, replaces fatty layer of superficial fascia is anterior abdominal wall)
External Spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle (skeletal)
Internal spermatic fascia
How many erectile bodies does the penis have?
What surrounds the erectile bodies of the penis?
Tough tunica albuginea
Names of erectile bodies of the penis
One corpus spongiosum
Two corpora cavernosa
Arterial supply of the penis
The internal pudendal artery gives off three branches which supply the penis
Branches of the internal pudendal artery
Deep artery of the penis
Dorsal artery of the penis
Artery of the bulb of the penis
Veins of the penis
Dorsal veins, superficial and deep
Nerve supply of the penis
The sensory nerve supply: Dorsal nerve of the penis and the ilioinguinal nerve. Muscles of the root of the penis are supplied by the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve
Autonomic nerves are derived from the pelvic plexus via the prostatic plexus
Lymphatic drainage of penis
Lymphatics from the glans drain into the deep inguinal nodes also called gland of Cloquet
Lymphatics from the rest of the penis drain into the superficial inguinal lymph nodes