Blood Supply of the Heart Flashcards
Describe the arterial and venous supply of the heart
Arterial supply: Coronary arteries and branches
Venous drainage: Coronary sinus and tributaries
Number of coronary arteries
1 right and 1 left
Where do the coronary arteries arise from?
Ascending aorta
Which part of the heart does not receive oxygenated blood from the coronary arteries?
Inner 75-100µm of the endothelial layer of the heart receives nutrition from the blood in the heart chambers
Are the coronary arteries end arteries?
Anatomically not end arteries but functionally end arteries
Describe the course of the right coronary artery
Passes forwards and to the right emerging on the surface of the heart between the root of the pulmonary trunk and right auricle
Runs downwards in the right anterior coronary sulcus to the junction of the right and inferior borders of the heart
Winds round the inferior border to reach the diaphragmatic surface of the heart
Runs backwards and to the left in the right posterior coronary sulcus to reach the posterior interventricular groove
Terminates by anastomosing with the circumflex branch of left coronary artery at the crux
What are the branches of the right coronary artery?
Anterior, posterior and lateral atrial branches. The SA nodal artery arises from the atrial branch and supplies the SA node
Right conus artery forms an arterial circle around pulmonary trunk with a similar branch from the left coronary artery. The circle is called, ‘Annulus of Vieussens’
Anterior and posterior ventricular branches. The anterior group lies on the sternocostal surface while posterior group traverses the diaphragmatic surface of the heart.
Right marginal artery arises as the right coronary artery crosses the right border of heart. It runs along its inferior border till the apex of heart
Posterior interventricular branch arises close to the crux of heart and lies in the posterior interventicular groove. It gives septal branches to posterior one-third of interventricular septum. It also supplies AV node
Areas of distribution of the right coronary artery
Right atrium
Greater part of right ventricle except anterior Interventricular groove
Small part of left ventricle adjoining the posterior interventricular groove
Posterior 1/3rd of interventricular septum
Entire conducting system except left branch of the AV bundle
Describe the course of the left coronary artery
Runs forwards and to the left and emerges between the pulmonary trunk and the left auricle
Gives the anterior interventricular branch which runs downwards in the anterior interventricular groove
The further continuation of the left coronary artery is called the circumflex artery
After giving off the anterior interventricular branch, the artery runs to the left in the left anterior coronary sulcus
It winds round the left border of the heart and continues in the left posterior coronary sulcus
Near the posterior interventricular groove, it terminates by anastomosing with the right coronary artery
What are the branches of the left coronary artery?
Anterior interventricular branch
Circumflex branch: Terminal part of left coronary artery
What are the branches of the anterior interventricular branch?
i. Anterior ventricular branches for the ventricles. The large branch is called ‘left diagonal artery’
ii. Septal branches which supply anterior two-thirds of the interventricular septum
iii. Left conus artery forms an arterial ring around the pulmonary trunk
What are the branches of the circumflex artery?
i. Left marginal artery which lies along the left border of heart till the apex of heart
ii. Anterior and posterior ventricular branches
iii. Anterior, posterior and lateral atrial branches
Areas of distribution of the left coronary artery
Left atrium
Greater part left ventricle except posterior Interventricular groove
Small part right ventricle at anterior Interventricular groove
Anterior 2/3rd of interventricular septum
Left branch of AV bundle
What is cardiac dominance?
Describes which coronary artery gives rise to the posterior interventricular branch
Right cardiac dominance
Right coronary artery gives rise to the posterior interventricular branch
Majority of population have right cardiac dominance
Left cardiac dominance
Left coronary artery gives rise to the posterior interventricular branch
Approximately 10%
What conditions commonly affect people with left cardiac dominance?
Coronary diseases
Posterior interventricular artery arises from both coronary arteries
Least affected by coronary diseases
What are the cardiac anastomoses?
First two coronary arteries anastomose in the myocardium
What are the extracardiac anastomoses?
Coronary arteries anastomose with other arteries, including:
* Vasa vasorum of the aorta
* Vasa vasorum of the pulmonary arteries
* The internal thoracic arteries
* The bronchial arteries
* The pericardiacophrenic arteries
Last three anastomose through the pericardium
These channels open up in emergencies when both coronary arteries are obstructed
Describe the venous drainage of the heart
Venous blood drains from the heart into the right atrium through:
* The coronary sinus
* Anterior cardiac veins
* Venae cordis minimae (thebesian veins)
Characteristics of the coronary sinus
2 to 3cm long
Situated - Left posterior coronary sulcus
Opens - Right atrium
Valve - Thebesian valve
What are the tributaries of the coronary sinus?
- Great cardiac vein
- Small cardiac vein
- Middle cardiac vein
- Posterior vein of left ventricle
- Oblique vein of left atrium (vein of Marshall)
Characteristics of the anterior cardiac vein
Drains anterior part of right ventricle
Usually 2 or 3 in number - parallel to each other
Opens into right atrium
Characteristics of venae cordis minimae/Thebesian veins
Opens into all chambers
Numerous in right atrium & ventricle