Male Reproductive System Flashcards
Male Reproductive System
Testis, or testicle (pl. testes, or testicles)
primary male sex organs, paired, oval-shaped, and enclosed in a sac called the scrotum. The testes produce spermatozoa (sperm cells) and the hormone testosterone.
Male Reproductive System
sperm (spermatozoon, pl. spermatozoa)
The microscopic male germ cell, which when unite with the ovum, produces a zygote (fertilized egg) that with subsequent development becomes an embryo.
Male Reproductive System
the principal male sex hormone. Its chief function is to stimulate the development of the male reproductive organs and secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair.
Male Reproductive System
Seminiferous tubules
approximately 900 coiled tubes within the testes in which spermatogenesis occurs
Male Reproductive System
coiled duct atop each of the testes that provides for storage, transit, and maturation of spermatozoa; continuous with the vas deferens
Male Reproductive System
vas deferens, ductus deferens, or seminal duct
duct carrying the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. The spermatic cord encloses each vas deferens with nerves, lymphatics, arteries, and veins. The urethra also conects with the urinary bladder and carries urine outstide the body. A circular muscle constricts during intercourse to prevent urination.
Male Reproductive System
Seminal vesicles
Two main glands located at the base of the bladder that open into the vas deferens. The glands secrete a thick fluid, which forms part of the semen.
Male Reproductive System
Prostate gland
encricles the upper end of the urethra. The prostate gland secretes a fluid that aids in ejaculation.
Male Reproductive System
Sac suspended on both sides of and just behind the penis. The testes are enclosed in the scrotum.
Male Reproductive System
male organ of urination and copulation (sexual intercourse)
Male Reproductive System
glans penis
enlarged tip on the end of the penis
Male Reproductive System
fold of skin covering the glans penis in uncircumcised males (foreskin of the penis)
Male Reproductive System
composed of sperm, seminal fluids, and other secretions
Male Reproductive System
genitalia (genitals)
reproductive organs (male or female)
Male Reproductive System
glans penis
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
orchid/o, orchi/o, orch/o, test/o
testis, testicle
Male Reproductive System
prostate gland
Male Reproductive System
vessel, duct
Male Reproductive System
seminal vesicle
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
sperm/o, spermat/o
spermatozoon (pl. spermatozoa), sperm
Male Reproductive System
state of
Male Reproductive System
anorchism (an-OR-kizm)
state of absence of testis (unilateral or bilateral)
Male Reproductive System
balanitis (bal-a-NI-tis)
inflammation of the glans penis
Male Reproductive System
balanorrhea (bal-a-no-RE-a)
discharge from the glans penis
Male Reproductive System
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (be-NIN pro-TAT-ik hi-per-PLA-zha)
excessive development pertaining to the prostate gland (nonmalignant englargement of the prostate gland)
Male Reproductive System
cryptorchidism (krip-TOR-ki-diz-m)
state of hidden testes.
Male Reproductive System
epididymitis (ep-i-did-i-MI-tis)
inflammation of an epididymis
Male Reproductive System
orchiepididymitis (or-ke-ep-i-did-i-MI-tis)
inflammation of the testis and epididymis
Male Reproductive System
orchitis (or-KI-tis), orchiditis (or-ki-DI-tis), or testitis (tes-TI-tis)
inflammation of the testis or testicle
Male Reproductive System
prostatitis (pros-ta-TI-tis)
inflammation of the prostate gland
Male Reproductive System
prostatocystitis (pros-ta-to-sis-TI-tis)
inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder
Male Reproductive System
prostatolith (pros-TAT-o-lith)
stone in the prostate gland
Male Reproductive System
prostatorrhea (pros-ta-to-RE-a)
discharge from the prostate gland
Male Reproductive System
prostatovesiculitis (pros-ta-to-ves-ik-u-LI-tis)
inflammation of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles