Male Repro System Flashcards
What hormone will dominate in the animal causing the Wolffian ducts to grow?
Testosterone (estrogen in the female)
What hormones do the testes produce?
Estrogen, testosterone, inhibin
What does the spermatic cord provide a pathway for?
Vasuculture, lymphatics, nerves and ductus deferens
What temperature are the testes kept at?
4-5 degrees lower than the body temp
What three parts make up the excurrent duct system?
Efferent ducts, epididymal ducts and vas deferens
What are the accessory sex glands?
empulla, seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral gland
What two layers covers the testes?
Visceral tunica vaginalis and Tunica albuginea
Describe the tunica albuginea
Smooth muscle which under hormonal control provides a pumping action to move spermatazoa into rete testes
What are the rete testis?
Tiny channels that transports spermatozoa out of the testis
What is the central connective tissue core of the testes and what does it house?
Mediastinum and it houses the rete testes
What part of the testes is spermatozoa formed?
Seminiferous tubles
What are the functions of the epididymus?
Maturation point for sperm, store, concentrate, and as a passageway for sperm
What does the epididymus depend on to function
What part of the epididymus is spermatozoa stored in the longest?
Which sperm is eligible for ejaculation in the epididymus?
Only the sperm in storage in the tail
Will sperm fertility be affected depending on ejaculation times?
Yes if sperm aren’t ejaculated they may decrease in quality over time
What is the purpose of teasing and false mounting?
Increase sperm removed from the tail because of the smooth muscle contractions moving sperm into the vas defrens
What is the cytoplasmic droplet?
Located near the base of the sperm head. It falls off eventually and the sperm are considered immature if ejaculated with this on it
What contributes seminal plasma?
Accessory sex glands and epidiymus
Describe the ampulla
Enlargement of the vas defrens. The boar does not have one visable
Is seminal plasma needed for fertilization?
No it just helps with mobility
What are the vesicular glands?
Paired glands that empty into the pubic urethra. In bulls and boars it adds a large portion to their ejaculate
What are the differences in the vesicular glands between species?
Bulls and Rams have lobed shaped glands
Stallion has elongated hollow pouches
Boar well developed glands
Where does the prostate sit?
between the bladder and pelvic urethra
What is another name for the Bulbourethral glands?
What are the species differences in the cowpers gland?
Bull, stallion and Ram have small ones
Boar has large ones and it adds a gelatious product
What do secretions of the accessory sex glands contain?
- Fructose (Energy source for the sperm)
- Citric Acid
- Inositol
- Ergothioneine
- PG
What are the three parts of the penis?
Base attached to the ischial arch, shaft and glans penis
What is the corpus spongiosum penis?
An example would be the stallion and the penis surrounds the urethra and enlarges at the ischial arch
What controls the penis length in ruminants and swine
Retractor penis muscle and the sigmoid flexure
Describe the penis of the stallion.
Large cavernous bodies that expands with blood flow-Vascular type
What species are the fibroelsatic penis found in?
Bull, Boar, Ram
What is Intromission?
Entry of the penis into the vagina
What is emission?
Moving the spermatic fluid along the vas defrens to be mixed with accessory gland secretions
What four structures help temperature regulation?
Skin and scrotum, cremaster muscle, tunica dartos and pampinform plexus
Which muscle courses the length of the spermatic cord?
Which smooth muscle is able to sustain contractions longer than the striated cremaster muscle?
Tunica Dartos
What is another useful tool of the tunica dartos?
Increases the surface area of the scrotom in hot weather and decrease in cold
What is the name of the vascular structure of veins and arteries that assist in thermoregulation?
Paminform plexus
What does the mesonephros produce?
List the passage of the spermatozoa.
1) Made in the seminiferous tubules
2) Rete Testes
3) Efferent duct
4) Head (Capet) of the Epididymus
5) Epididymus Duct
6) Body of the Epididymus
7) Tail of the Epididymus
8) Vas deferens
9) Ampullae
10) Vesicular glands
11) Pelvic Urethra
12) Prostate Gland
13) Bulbourethral glands
How does the scrotum assist in the thermoregulation?
Temperature receptors notice the changes and cause panting and sweating for cooling
The movement of the testes up and down by the cremaster assists what other thermoregulation system?
Creates blood movement to assist with the pampiniform plexus
What devolops and maintains the tunica dartos muscle?
What happens when the testes overheat?
Spermatogenesis will stop
Steroidogenesis will continue
Describe the spermatic cord pathway
Provides a pathway for vasculature, nerves and lymphatics and vas deferens.
Spermatic cord extends from inguinal ring to the the dorsal pole of the testes
What term is used to describe the entire count of the sperm in the epididymus, vas deferens and ampulla?
Exragonadal Reserves (EXG)
What is production of the hormones in the testes called?
What is the production of sperm called?
Describe the 4 steps to testes descent.
1) The gonad travels caudally toward the deep ingiunal ring
2) Transverses the abdominal wall until it reaches the superficial inguinal ring
3) The vaginal process occurs with a peritoneal sac extending from the body encasing gubernaculum testes ligament
4) The testes descends into the scrotum caused by abdominal pressure and contraction of the gubernaculum tests ligament
What is the parenchyma?
A large tissue mass that includes the seminifourus tubules and Interstitial cells (nerves, lymphatics)
What are the parts of the epididymus?
Tail- Caudua
Compare the length of epididymal transport in the species.
Stallion is the shortest with 9 days, ram follows 12 and the boar and bull are the longest at 14
What changes to the cytoplasmic droplet in the epididymus?
It starts at the base of the sperm head and moves downward throughout its travel, its located distally on the tail of the sperm in cauda location
Contrast the species differences of the prostate gland
Bull has both a corpus and disseminate
Boar is mostly disseminate
Stallion has two lateral lobes and is corpus
Ram is completely disseminate
Define cryptorchid
A mature animal where one or both testes did not fully descend.
Compare species penis types
Stallion has a vascular (large cavernous body that fills with blood)
Bull Boar and Ram have fibroelastic penis (smaller cavernous body, fill with less blood)
What is the corpus spongiosum?
Surrounds the urethra and forms the penile bulb at the ischial arch
What is the corpus cavernousum?
Extends from the ischial arch to the apex of the penis and arises as a pair crura
Is the cremaster striated or smooth?
Describe the changes of the tunic dartos in the weather.
In the cold it contracts to wrinkle the scrotum, causing less surface area
In the heat it relaxes to create a smooth scrotum and more surface area
What do the Wolffian ducts develop into?
Rete Testes, efferent ducts, vas deferense and epididymus
What initiates the development of the male system?
Testis determining factor found on the Y chromosome
What regresses the Mullurian glands in gland origin?
the anitmullarian secretion from the Steriolli cells which is produced by the testes
What are the four layers of the scrotum?
Tunica Dartos
Scrotal Fascia
Parietal Vaginal Tunic (PVT)