Machinery Space Examination Flashcards
During examination of the machinery spaces, form an impression of the standard of maintenance. Frayed or disconnected wires, disconnected or inoperative reach rods, quick closing valves or machinery trip mechanisms, missing valve hand wheels, evidence of chronic steam, water and oil leaks, dirty tank tops and bilges, extensive corrosion of machinery foundations, or a large number of temporary repairs, including pipe clips or cement boxes, could be indicative of poor maintenance. Deficient items warrant an expanded examination of the engine room logbook and investigation into the record of machinery failures and accidents and a request for running tests of machinery.
The ship is equipped with a means of communication between the navigation bridge and the steering gear compartment. Typically, ships meet this requirement by use of a fixed sound-powered telephone but a handheld VHF radio is also permissible. The verification can be conducted between the PSC examiner conducting the navigation safety examination and the PSC examiner conducting the steering gear examination and provides an opportunity for the team to acknowledge initiating the operational test of the steering gear system
Operational Test
Witness operational test of controls from the navigation bridge: The examination team is to consult each other before initiating an operational test to ensure both team-members know how the test is going to proceed. The examiner conducting the navigation safety check manages the operational test ensuring that the steering gear can actuate the rudder, by use of each pump individually, to 35 degrees port and starboard in either mode of operation, either follow-up/non follow-up. In addition, the test needs to ensure that the rudder can be actuated from 35 degrees on either side, to 30 degrees on the other side, in 28 seconds or less. Verify the rudder angle is consistent with the rudder angle indicators on the bridge.
Hydraulic Fluid Storage
Each hydraulic pump has a hydraulic fluid reservoir, equipped with a lowlevel alarm to indicate fluid leakage. The alarm signals on the navigation bridge audibly and visually. Check with the PSC examiner conducting the navigation safety check to verify alarms after the ship’s engineering crew simulates the alarm. In addition, verify that the arrangement is equipped with a fixed storage tank and fixed piping with sufficient capacity to refill at least one hydraulic fluid reservoir
Steering Gear Instructions
Verify content of steering gear instructions.
- The instructions are posted in the steering gear compartment.
- The instruction contains a block diagram of the steering system and changeover procedures for the remote steering gear control systems and steering gear power units.
- It is good practice to review the instructions before conducting a local function test to understand the process of changing control from remote to local.
Power Failure
In the event of a power failure to any of the steering gear power units, an audible and visual alarm is given on the navigation bridge, when required, as per reference (e). This requirement can be checked by asking the ships’ engineering personnel to simulate power failure. The alarms are normally checked by shutting off the breaker on each power unit distribution panel.
Non-slip Surfaces
Verify nonslip arrangements of the steering gear compartment. Ensure compartment arranged so that crewmembers have working access to the steering gear machinery and controls in the event of hydraulic fluid leakage. The arrangement includes handrails and gratings or other nonslip surfaces.
Verify gyrocompass repeater heading. If a gyrocompass repeater is required in the steering compartment, the examiner checks the reading on the gyrocompass repeater against the main gyrocompass. Again, this requires coordination with the examiner conducting the navigation safety examination.
Local Test
Witness a functional system test from local control. Ensure the ship’s engineering crew is familiar with local operation of the steering gear. Some PSCOs request the crew to conduct the test by locally actuating the rudder from 15 degrees on either side, to 15 degrees on the other side. This test fulfills the intent of the local test, but understand that the 60-second time requirement is only for auxiliary steering systems and ships with two or more identical power units are not required to be equipped with auxiliary steering systems.
Propulsion Engines Examination
- Verify the installation of machinery covers and guards. Ensure propulsion machinery is installed with devices that protect the crew from moving parts, hot surfaces with temperatures above 220°C such as turbo chargers, steam lines, exhaust manifolds, and other hazards. Ensure covers and guards are intact and in good material condition.
- For ships constructed after 01 Feb 92, verify that high-pressure fuel lines are double-jacketed. Ensure fuel delivery lines are protected with a jacketed piping system, double-walled, between the high-pressure fuel pumps and the fuel injectors. Verify the jacketed piping system has the ability to collect leaks and signal an alarm in the event of a fuel line failure.
- Verify that the ship’s crew controls leaks of flammable liquids.
Examine fuel pipe/fuel line fittings and injectors for evidence of leaks. Evidence of leaking fuel systems could include oil-soaked rags on the main engine and oil-soaked fuel pipe lagging.
• Verify the ship has operating and maintenance instructions and engineering drawings that are in a language understood by the engineering staff.
Auxiliary Machinery Installation
- Visually examine sources of steam supply to include steam tracing lines, reducing and relief valves, and pressure gauges.
- Visually examine condensate pumps and the arrangements to maintain vacuum in condensers.
- Visually examine boiler feedwater systems to include associated pumps, motors, piping, freshwater generating, and storage capacity.
- Visually examine sources of lubricating oil pressure for the main and auxiliary engines. Items include pumps, motors, purifiers that cannot be bypassed, piping and storage.
- Visually examine sources of water pressure to include valves, piping, pumps, and motors. Understand that excessively leaking electricallydriven pumps could constitute a shock hazard.
- Visually examine the mechanical air supply of boilers.
- Visually examine air compressor and receiver used for starting or control purposes, paying particular attention to the condition of associated piping and any reducing and relief valves.
- Visually examine the hydraulic, pneumatic, or electrical means for control in main propulsion machinery, including controllable pitch propellers. This includes the remote control from the engine control room, equipment required for local control, and pumps and motors used for hydraulic supply on ships fitted with a controllable pitch propeller.
Emergency Generator and Prime Mover
Examine emergency generators and prime movers.
- Verify ships are supplied with a source of emergency electrical power. This is usually accomplished with an emergency generator set, however smaller ships can be fitted with accumulator batteries, (a.k.a. rechargeable batteries). Visually examine the emergency switchboard to verify the equipment listed in reference (e) SOLAS, is supplied with an emergency power supply.
- If the emergency power source is a generating set, verify that the engine has two starting sources. A best practice is to test the primary means of starting the emergency generator. The PSCO can expand the exam and test the second independent means if appropriate.
Fuel Delivery Systems
In general, the fuel originates in storage tanks below the cargo holds. It is then transferred to a settling tank in preparation to be purified. Once purified, it is stored in a service tank where fuel pumps draw from it for use in the main engine ship service generators and auxiliary boiler.
Fuel System examination
When checking for material condition, be mindful of:
- Leaking fuel pumps.
- Fuel delivery lines, seals, and fuel rails.
- Overall condition of purifiers and associated piping in the purifier space.
- Buckets or catchments used to contain leaking fuel and origin of source.
- Oil-soaked lagging could indicate excessive fuel leaks.
Be aware of quick closing valves on fuel oil tanks in excess of 500 liters. These are required to be operated from a remote location outside of the space (normally located in the fire control room), as a fire prevention measure. This regulation is grandfathered per reference (b), MSM II, which states that installations prior to May 14, 1998, with a capacity of 500 to 1000 liters, do not have to meet this requirement.
If holdback or blocking devices are found in place, expand the exam to include other valves, maintenance records, and consider conducting an operational test
Fuel Purifier Space Examination
Spaces containing the fuel and lube oil purifiers pose a significant fire risk due to the amount of heated fuel transferred throughout the space.
Leaks are common throughout the space. Develop an understanding of what is acceptable and not acceptable, taking into account the potential fire risk. Pay particular attention to oil-soaked lagging and catchments placed under leaking equipment or piping. Quick closing valves are commonly found in this space as well as fuel tanks adjacent to it. The purpose of a quick closing valve is both fire prevention (in the case of securing fuel to an adjacent space in the event of a fire) and firefighting (in the case of a space that is on fire.)
Fuel Changeover Procedures
Fuel changeover procedures:
Ships operating within the North American Emission Control Area are required to use compliant low sulfur fuel per Annex VI of reference (h), MARPOL. Ships are required to follow their own fuel oil changeover procedures which generally vary from ship to ship. Verify the following:
- Bunker delivery notes showing compliant fuel was received.
- Ship-specific fuel changeover procedures were followed. Physically determine valve alignment and location.
- Changeover logs/records.
- Fuel piping, pumps, flanges, and fittings for excessive leaks.
Excessive leaking due to operating on low sulfur fuel can result in propulsion irregularities, reduction in RPMs, or main/auxiliary engine failure (Marine Casualty).
Main & Emergency Switchboards
Check switchboards for ease-of-access and ensure they allow ample space for a person to stand at the switchboard and work on it while “live” and not be cramped in the working space. Check also for non-conducting mats or gratings that are placed at the front and rear. In addition, ensure overload protection devices (circuit breakers) are not held closed using a blocking device and the rating for each circuit breaker is permanently indicated (labeled) at the location of the circuit breaker.
Handrails and drip shields are not mentioned in SOLAS, therefore, give considerable thought when a potential deficiency is found exclusively for these items. Know that there are class rules, as well as IEC standards that discuss, at a minimum, how switchboards are designed.
Motor Controllers
Motor controllers are only mentioned in reference (e), SOLAS, within the definition of the steering gear control system. A motor controller consists of a relay or “contactor,” which is used to connect the motor to the alternating current line from the switchboard. Examine the controllers to ensure:
- There is no visible damage, either internal or external.
- There is no liquid dripping from the motor controllers.
- Verify there are proper cable connections to the enclosure.
- Check for any visible signs of ship alterations, such as utilizing the power from the enclosure to feed power to a newly installed component.
If the PSCE observes locked out or tagged out equipment, determine reason.
Examine lighting to ensure there is adequate illumination throughout the parts of the vessel that are accessible to the ship’s crew and passengers. Verify that emergency lighting is, at a minimum, adequate enough to safely exit or enter a space. Examine lighting to ensure there are no cracked lenses, loose or missing bolts/hangers, or broken/exposed wiring
Hazardous Lighting
Hazardous (classified) locations are those areas where fire or explosion hazards could exist due to the presence of flammable gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dust, or ignitable fibers or flyings. When electrical equipment is installed in these locations, special precautions are to be taken to ensure that the electrical equipment is not a source of ignition.
Reference (e), lists four spaces where flammable mixtures are liable to collect:
- Hazardous locations.
- Accumulator batteries (rechargeable).
- Paint lockers.
- Acetylene stores, or similar spaces.
The electrical equipment installed in the above mentioned spaces needs to meet the proper classification designation and be properly marked as such.
Electrical Installation in Ships
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), IEC 60092
Discharge Placard
Look for the discharge of oil placard posted conspicuously in the machinery space.
The OWS is used to process the ship’s bilge water. The bilge water is directed through the equipment using a fixed piping system and oil is either filtered or centrifugally separated from the water and sent to a holding tank commonly named the “bilge separator oil tank” or “sludge tank.” The remaining water, referred to as effluent, is allowed to be directed overboard as long as the oil content is no more than 15 parts per million (ppm) at the point of discharge.
OWS Examination
- Under this standard, the oily water monitoring/bilge alarm equipment is designed to store data for up to 18 months and able to display or print protocol for inspectors. Spot-check to ensure that the stored operation matches those recorded in the ORB, keeping in mind that the equipment’s records could be recorded in Greenwich Mean Time/Coordinated Universal Time while the ORB could be in ship’s time.
- Ensure that the OWS and oil content meter (OCM) are approved by the ship’s administration, as per Annex I of reference (h), MARPOL. This is normally conducted during the certificates/documentation portion of the examination via the supplement to the IOPP.
- Ensure the 15-ppm monitor/bilge alarm is sealed to prevent willful manipulation of overboard discharge data. At each IOPP Certificate renewal, or every five years, an authorized equipment testing company ensures the accuracy of the 15-ppm oily water monitors and/or bilge alarms. The testing company provides the ship with a calibration certificate. Ensure the serial number on the calibration certificate matches the serial number on the monitor/bilge alarm measuring cell.
- It is not necessary to witness an OWS test unless tampering or malfunctioning is suspected, or if the manufacturer’s calibration certificate is more than five years old.
- An important feature of an OWS, approved under reference (aa), is that an OCM must activate and prevent the effluent from being discharged overboard when clean water is used for flushing or calibration of the unit.
- During the operational test, ensure great care is exercised by the ship’s crew to prevent overboard releases of oil, even if such efforts require the separation of pipe or flanges after the discharge control devices.
- Allow for 15-20 minutes for the operational test. If the OWS is operated regularly, if will generally be trouble-free. If issues are encountered, consult the manufacturer’s manual if available.
- Verify the fluid entering the OWS for processing comes directly from the bilge holding tank or rose box, and is not diluted by open sea or freshwater connections.
- Ensure there is no dilution of the processed oily-water sample line to the OCM. The OCM outlet fluid is going to be visible as well. Some systems use a three-way ball valve, which is correctly positioned to prevent any dilution of the OWS discharge sample to the OCM.
For all approval types, spot-check to ensure the approved bilge-water piping diagram accurately reflects the bilge water piping system to include any modifications made. If the OWS equipment uses consumable filter elements, such as coalescing media, recording paper, etc., verify that reasonable quantities of these consumables are onboard. In addition, the OWS manufacturer’s recommended spare parts also need to be onboard.
Incineration is a method of disposing of sludge. Sludge and waste oil are generated from a properly operating OWS, from fuel and lube oil purification, and other main engine sources. Incinerators installed on or after January 1, 2000, must be approved by the Flag Administration, based on reference (ss), Standard Specification for Shipboard Incinerators, MEPC.76(40) (series).
Review the Supplement to the IOPP to determine if an incinerator is installed for sludge disposal since some ships only use incinerators for garbage disposal.
Closely examine the firebox refractory (fire brick). Fireboxes that are too clean with minimal deposits indicate that the equipment is not regularly used. Alternatively, thick carbon deposits throughout the furnace area can indicate excessive heat and running the machine at too high or over capacity. When the unit is used to burn solid wastes, ash and other debris can be visible on the furnace floor. The waste oil nozzle is likely to have some carbon deposits, which are evidence of use. Carbon deposits on the outside of the firebox access door indicates an improperly insulated door.
Examine electrical components for loose connection and frayed wires.
Examine fuel/sludge piping for leaks and unauthorized modifications. Consult the approved sludge-system pipe diagram and the incinerator manufacturer’s operation manual for verification.
Marine Sanitation Devices
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) requires marine sanitation devices (MSDs) to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage into U.S. waters. The FWPCA requires a certified, operable MSD on every ship with an installed toilet. Installed toilets that are not equipped with a MSD, and that discharge raw sewage directly over the side, are illegal.
Verify that the MSD is in operable condition.
Ships are required to have a Type II or Type III system. Examine the MSD data plate or approval certificate to verify certification type.
Type III systems are holding tanks and do not have certification. They are considered certified by design.
Ensure that disinfectant chemicals or other consumable supplies needed to operate the device, if required, are stocked on the ship. Hazardous substances that are used to process sewage must be labeled and handled as such.
Ensure there are no suspicious accumulations of liquid or leaks around the treatment plant. Foul odors are indicative that the system is leaking.
Visually examine fixed sanitary plumbing for unauthorized modifications.
If treated sewage is not authorized to be discharged in your unit’s jurisdictional boundary, ensure the system is secured in a manner that prevents discharge of treated or untreated sewage.
Bunkering/ Internal Transfer Procedures
Ensure the engineering crew is provided with oil transfer procedures. Designate a member of the crew, in writing, who is in charge of transfer operations. In addition, verify that all oil transfer systems are tested.
Unattended Machinery Space UMS
Ensure the ship is provided with documentary evidence attesting to its fitness to operate with a periodically unattended machinery space. This evidence is usually an annotation on the ship’s Classification Document and allowance on the ship’s Minimum Safe Manning document.
UMS Examination
Verify the following:
- Ensure the engineers’ alarms are operational. This system provides an audible alarm and visually indicates each fault requiring attention. Verify that alarms are provided in the engine control room, the engineer’s public rooms, in each of the engineer’s cabins, and the navigation bridge.
- Ensure the system is continuously powered and has battery back-up power supply.
- Ensure the presence of an oil mist detection system or engine temperature monitors. Look for faults on the alarm panel.
- Spot-check the bilge high-level alarms.
- Ensure automatic firefighting systems are readily available/operational.