M4 Flashcards
Degree of enlargement
Resolving power/Resolution
Detail and Clarity
Light Microscope
Uses light from below, inexpensive, observe living organisms, Thin samples only, Not very powerful
Dissecting microscope
Thick objects, 3D view, low magnification.
Electron microscope
high magnification and resolving power, No living samples
Scanning electron microscope
e beam moves across the cell surface, and observes surface structure.
Transmission e microscope
e- beamed through sample, gets internal structure
Robert Hooke
termed “cells” in 1670’s
Antonie van leevwhenhoek
Lens hobbyist, Discovered several bacteria in 1670’s, Considered Father of microbiology
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwan
Botanist and zoologist, unified cell theory, 1830’s
Unifed cell theory states
1) All living things are made of cells, 2)cell is the basic unit of life, 3)new cells come from existing cells.
prokaryotic cells
simple unicellular, or nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. Dna located in nucleoid
Eukaryotic Cells
Unicellular or multicellular, Has nucleus + membrane-bound organelles, DNA located within nucleus, larger than prokaryotic cells, animal and plant cells.
Form Follows Function (FFF)
structure relation to function
Plasma membrane (PA)
Separate internal organelle contents from the outside environment. Regulates passage of substances, phospholipid bilayer(PLB)
contents of the cell between membrane and nucleus
Collection of filaments that provide structure and movement for cell. Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments, Microtubules
Thinnest, Used for cell division and Muscle contraction
Intermediate filaments
Cell shape and Anchor organelles in place
Thickest, organelle movement, Cell division, Centrosome
Endomembrane System
collection of membrane and organelles involved in protein synthesis, 8 structures
organelle that contains DNA (Chromotin), Synthesize ribosomes (nucleolus)
Nuclear envelope
membrane that surrounds nucleus, PLB
organelle for protien synthesis
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
organelle for portien synthesis and phospholipid synthesis
Smooth ER
organelle for synthesis of carbs, lipid, and steroid horomones
Golgi Apparatus GA
organelle for sorting, tag, package, ship lipids and protiens
Organelle for storage + transport
large vesicle
Type of Vesicle to break down materials
Synthesizes ATP(energy carrying molecules), powerhouse of the cell
Extracellular matrix
material secreted from cell, Holds cells together(tissue), cell communication, protection
Intercellular Junctions IJ
When contact is made btwn cells, Plasmodesmata(plant cells)
Tight Junction
Water tight seal
Gap Junction
material transport
allows for cells to slide against each other
Plant cells specific
Cell Wall, Central vacuole, chloroplast
Animal cell-specific
Centriole, centrosome, lysosome
Cell Wall
Structure external to cell membrane, rigid, protection, cellulose
organelle where photosynthesis occurs
Central Vacuole
fluid-filled organelle, provides outward pressure
organism that makes own food, plant photosynthesis
Animals that eat other organisms for food
Cell Membrane CM
encloses cell, Flexible, controls passage of materials, Receptors + Protiens embedded in membrane
Fluid Mosaic Model
CM is mosaic of components that flow and change position
Membrane Transport
movement across CM, Selectively permeable (semi-permeable)
Passive Transport PT
does not require/use energy. Transport via diffusion (spread). High concentration to Low concentration
Cocentration gradient
Area of High concentration to low concentration
Affectors of Rate of diffusion
The extent of concen gradient (Faster at high concen), Ambient Temperature (Hot has higher diffusion), Diffusion medium(gas has higher diffusion), Mass of molecules diffusing.
Facilitated transport
PT assisted by protien
diffusion across semipermeable membrane based on water concentration gradient, Water POV
total amount of solution per 1 liter of solution
The capability of a solution to modify the volume of cells by change in water content.
extracellular fluid has lower osmolarity than inside-cell
more concentration outside cell
cell death too much water
too little water = shrivel cell
Same osmolarity inside and outside, no net movement
Electrical gradient
Gradient resulting from ions moving in/out of cell
Electrochemical gradient
Combined gradient (electrical + concentration) that attracts an ion
Active Transport (AT)
Requires/uses energy 3 types
Primary AT
uses ATP, move ions across a membrane + creates a diff in charge across membrane
Secondary AT
Uses energy from primary AT to move materials across the membrane
moves fluid/other particles into the cell
solutes into cell
Receptor-mediated endocytosis
, Specific substances using binding proteins to move into cell
process of expelling materials from cell