LVII 5-9 Flashcards
and so certain men
fortes…et paratissimi
brave and very ready
fundere suum sanguinem
to pour out/shed their own blood
alienum videre non possunt
can’t stand the sight of someone else’s
quidam…succidunt ac liquuntur animo
some collapse and faint
ad vulneris novi…tractionem inspectionemque
at the handling and inspection of a new wound
quidam ad veteris et purulenti
others at the handling and inspection of an old and festering one (take tractionem and inspectionem)
alii gladium facilius recipiunt
some receive a sword blow more easily
quam vident
than they see one
sensi ergo
so I felt
ut dicebam
as I was saying
quandam non quidem perturbationem
a certain, not actually unease
sed mutationem
but a transformation
ad primum conspectum
at the first sight
redditae lucis
of the returning light
alacritas rediit
my cheerfulness returned
incogitata et iniussa
spontaneous and unbidden
illud deinde mecum loqui coepi
then I began to tell myself this
quam inepte…timeremus
how absurd it is that we fear
quaedam magis aut minus
certain things to a greater or lesser degree
cum omnium…finis
since the end of all/everybody’s end
idem esset
is the same
quid enim interest utrum
for what does it matter/what difference does it make whether
vigiliarum ruat an mons
a watch tower or a mountain fall down
supra aliquem
on someone
nihil invenies
you will find it makes no difference
erunt tamen qui
yet/however there will be those who
hanc ruinam magis timeant
(may) fear this latter destruction more
quamvis utraque mortifera aeque sit
although both are equally deadly
adeo non effectus…timor spectat
fear looks not so much at the results
sed efficentia
but at the things bringing them about
nunc me putas de Stoicis dicere
now do you think I am speaking about the Stoics
qui existimant
who suppose
animam hominis…extriti
that the soul of a man crushed
magno pondere
by a huge weight
permanere non posse
can not endure
et statim spargi
and is at once dispersed
quia non fuerit illi
because it hasn’t had
exitus liber?
a free exit?
ego vero non facio
indeed I am not doing that
qui hoc dicunt
those who say this
videntur mihi errare
seem to me to be wrong
quemadmodum flamma
just as a flame
non potest opprimi
can not be crushed
nam circa…effugit
for it escapes around
id…quo urgetur
that which it is being pressed by
quemadmodum aer…non laeditur
just as the air is not hurt
verbere atque ictu
by a blow and a beating
ne scinditur quidem
nor indeed cut
sed circa…refunditur
but pours back around
id cui cessit
that which it has yielded to
sic animus
thus the soul
qui ex tenuissimo constat
which is composed of the finest matter
deprendi non potest
can not be caught unawares
nec intra corpus effligi
nor destroyed within the body
sed beneficio
but thanks to
subtilitatis suae
its own slightness
per ipsa…erumpit
bursts out through the very things
quibus premitur
by which it is crushed
quomodo fulmini…est reditus
in the way that lightning has a way back
etiam cum…percussit
even when it has struck
latissime…ac fulsit
and flashed over the widest area
per exiguum foramen
through a tiny outlet
sic animo, qui…fuga est
thus the soul, which…has a way of escaping
adhuc tenuior est igne
is slighter still than fire
per omne corpus
through every body
itaque de illo quaerendum est
and so one ought to inquire about this
an possit immortalis esse
whether the soul can be immortal
hoc quidem certum habe
know this for certain indeed
si superstes est corpori
that if it survives from the body
proteri illum nullo genere posse
it can not be crushed in any way
quoniam nulla immortalitas
since no immortality
cum exceptione est
has this exception
nec quicquam noxium…est
and nothing is harmful
for something that is eternal