LIII 5-8 Flashcards
ut primum stomachum…collegi
when I first settled my stomach
quem scis non
which, as you know, does not
cum mari nausiam effugere
escape nausea at the same time as it escapes the sea
ut corpus unctione recreavi
when I refreshed my body with a rub-down
hoc coepi mecum cogitare
I began to ponder this to myself
quanta…vitiorum nostrorum…oblivio
what great forgetfulness of our failings
etiam corporalium
even those of our bodies
follows us
quae subinde
failings which repeatedly
admonent sui
remind us of their presence
nedum illorum quae
not to speak of those which
eo magis latent
the more they lie hidden
quo maiora sunt
the greater they are
levis aliqua motiuncula
some slight gentle shaking
is deceiving
sed cum crevit
but whenever it has grown
et vera febris exarsit
and a true fever has flared up
confessionem exprimit
it forces out a confession
etiam duro et perpessicio
from even a harsh and much-enduring man
pedes dolent
feet hurt
articuli punctiunculas sentient
joints feel pins-and-needles
adhuc dissimilamus
we still disguise it
and say that
aut talum extorsisse
we have either twisted an ankled
nos aut…laborasse
or over-worked ourselves
in exercitatione aliqua
in some work-out
dubio et incipiente morbo
also, when a disease is beginning doubtfully
quaeritur nomen
a name is sought;
qui ubi ut
when it
talaria coepit intendere
has begun to swell the ankles
et utrosque dextros pedes fecit
and has made both feet look like right ones
necesse est podagram fateri
we must admit we have gout
contra evenit
the opposite occurs
in his morbis quibus
in these diseases in which
afficiuntur animi
minds are affected
quo quis peius se habet
the worse someone is
minus sentit
the less he feels it
non est quod mireris
it is not the sort of thing that should surprise you
Lucili carissime
dearest Lucilius
nam qui leviter dormit
for he who sleeps lightly
et species…capit
both grasps at visions
secundum quietem
in his sleep
et aliquando
and at another time
dormire se…cogitat
contemplates sleeping
while he is sleeping
gravis sopor etiam somnia extinguit
heavy sleep also extinguishes dreams
and sinks the consciousness
altius…quam ut…sit
too deeply to be
in ullo intellectu sui
aware of itself
quare vitia sua nemo confitetur?
why will nobody admit his own failings?
quia etiamnunc
because even now
in illis est
he is in their grasp
vigilantis est…indicium
it is an indication of someone who is awake
somnium narrare
to relate his dreams
and of health
vitia sua confiteri
to admit one’s failings
expergiscamur, ergo
let us wake up, therefore
in order to be able
errores nostros…coarguere
to expose our errors as what they are
sola autem nos philosophia excitabit
but only philosophy will awaken us
sola somnum excutiet gravem
only she will shake off our deep sleep
illi te totum dedica
dedicate the whole of yourself to her
dignus illa es
you are worthy of her
illa digna te est
she is worthy of you
ite in complexum alter alterius
go into one another’s embrace
omnibus aliis rebus te nega
deny yourself all other things
fortiter, aperte
bravely, openly
non est quod
it is not the sort of thing which
precario philosopheris
you study because others demand it