LIII 1-4 Flashcards
quid non potest mihi
what can I not
be persuaded to do
cui persuasum est
I who have been persuaded
ut navigarem
to sail
solvi mari languido
I set sail on a calm sea
erat sine dubio caelum
the sky, without doubt, was
grave sordidis nubibus
heavy with murky clouds
quae fere…resolvuntur
which usually are dispelled
aut in aquam aut in ventum
either into rain or into wind
sed putavi tam pauca milia…surripi posse
but I thought that so few miles could be snatched away
a Parthenope tua
from your own Parthenope (old name for part of Naples)
usque Puteolos
right up to Puteoli
quamvis dubio et impendente caelo
although the sky was doubtful and looming
itaque quo celerius evaderem
and so to go out more quickly (lit. by which the more…)
I immediately headed
per altum ad Nesida
across the deep towards Nesis
praecisurus omnes sinus
in order (lit. about) to cut across all the bays
cum iam…processissem
when I had already gone
so far that
mea nihil interesset
that it made no difference to me
utrum irem an redirem
whether to go on or to turn back
aequalitas illa quae…periit
that calmness that…disappeared
primum…me corruperat
had first enticed me
nondum erat tempestas
there wasn’t yet a storm
sed iam inclinatio maris
but there was now a change in the sea
ac subinde
and, just after that
crebrior fluctus
the waves became more frequent
coepi gubernatorem rogare
I began to ask the helmsman
ut me….exponeret
to alight me
in aliquo litore
on some shore or another
aiebat ille…esse
he said that the shores were
aspera…et importuosa
rough and without a harbour
nec…se…in tempestate timere
and that in a storm he did not fear
quicquam aeque
anything as much
quam terram
as the land
however I was troubled
peius…quam ut
too badly to
mihi periculum succurreret
think about the danger
nausea enim…segnis haec
for this lingering nausea
was tormenting me
et sine exitu
and without relief
quae bilem movet
the kind that moves the bile
nec effundit
and does not come out
institi itaque gubernatori
and so I urged the helmsman
et illum…coegi
and compelled him
vellet nollet
whether he wanted to or not
peteret litus
to make for shore
cuius ut viciniam attigimus
when we reached the vicinity of the shore
non exspecto ut quicquam…fiat
I did not wait for anything to be done
ex praeceptis Vergilii
in accordance with Virgil’s maxims
obvertunt pelago proras
they turn their prows to the sea
ancora de prora iacitur
the anchor is thrown down from the prow
memor artificii mei
mindful of my profession
vetus frigidae cultor
an old supporter of cold baths
mitto me in mare…gausapatus
I got down into the sea, dressed in a cloak
quomodo psycholutam decet
how it befits a cold-water bather
quae putas me passum
what do you think I suffered
dum per aspera erepo
while I was crawling over rough rocks
dum viam quaero
while I was looking for a path
dum facio
while I was making one
intellexi…nautis terram timeri
I understood that land is…feared by the sailors
non inmerito
not undeservedly
incredibilia sunt quae tulerim
incredible were the things I bore
cum me ferre non possem
since I was unable to bear myself
illud scito
know this
Ulixem non fuisse
that Ulysses had not been
tam irato mari natum
destined for such an angry sea
ut ubique naufragia faceret
that he got shipwrecked everywhere
nauseator erat
he suffered from sea-sickness
et ego quocumque navigare debuero
and wherever I have to sail
vicinissimo anno perveniam
I will get there in the twentieth year