LIII 9-12 Flashcards
si aeger esses
if you were sick
curam intermisisses
you would have stopped worrying
rei familiaris
about domestic matters
et forensia…negotia
and your public business
would have slipped your mind
nec quemquam…putares
and you would think no-one
of such importance
cui advocatus…descenderes
that you would deign to work as an advocate for them
in remissione
in your convalescence
toto animo id ageres
you would commit to this completely
ut…morbo liberareris
in order to be freed from sickness
quam primum
at the first opportunity
quid ergo?
so what, then?
non et nunc idem facies?
will you not even now do the same?
omnia impedimenta dimitte
dismiss all hindrances
et vaca
and be free to dedicate yourself
bonae menti
to achieving a sound mind
nemo occupatus
no busy person
ad illam pervenit
reaches this
exercet philosophia regnum suum
philosophy runs her own kingdom
dat tempus, non accipit
she gives out time, doesn’t receive it
non est res subsiciva
she is not part-time
ordinaria est
she’s part of daily life
domina est
she is the mistress
adest et iubet
she is present and in control
Alexander cuidam civitati…promittenti
Alexander, to a certain city promising him
partem agrorum
part of their fields
et dimidium rerum omnium
and half of everything
inquit…in Asiam veni
said, ‘I came into Asia
with the intention
ut non…acciperem
not to receive
id…quod dedissetis
what you might give
sed ut…haberetis
but that you keep
id…quod reliquissem
what I have left behind.’
idem philosophia rebus omnibus
philosophy says the same thing in all situations
non sum…acceptura
‘I am not going to accept
hoc tempus…quod vobis superfuerit
the time that you have left over
sed…vos habebitis
but you will have
id…quod ipsa reiecero
that which I myself have rejected’
totam huc converte mentem
turn your whole mind to her
huic asside
be at her side
hanc cole
worship her
ingens intervallum…fiet
a huge gap will develop
inter te et ceteros
between you and everyone else
omnes mortales multo antecedes
you will be far ahead of all mortals
non multo te di antecedent
the gods will not be far ahead of you
quaeris quid…interfuturum sit?
you ask what will be the difference
inter te et illos
between you and them?
diutius erunt
they will exist for longer
at mehercules
but, my goodness
magni artificis est
it is indicative of a skilled craftsman
clusisse totum
to have enclosed the whole
in exiguo
into a short space of time
sapienti sua…aetas patet
a wise man’s own life lies open for him
as much as
deo omnis (aetas patet)
all time lies open for a god
est aliquid quo
there is something in which
sapiens antecedat deum
a wise man may be ahead of a god
ille…non timet
a god doesn’t fear death
naturae beneficio
thanks to his nature
(beneficio…) suo sapiens
the wise man thanks to himself
ecce res magna
behold this wonderful situation
habere inbecillitatem hominis
to have the weakness of a man
securitatem dei
the composure of a god
philosophiae vis
the power of philosophy
to blunt
omnem fortuitam vim
all the power of fortune
is incredible
nullum telum in corpore eius sedet
no weapons stick in her body
munita est, solida
she has solid defences
quaedam defatigat…tela
she breaks the force of certain weapons
and parries them
velut levia
as if they were weightless
laxo sinu
with the loose folds of her garments
quaedam discutit
she dashes certain weapons to pieces
et in…usque…respuit
and spits all over
eum…qui miserat
the person who had sent them