LI 9-13 Flashcards
libertas proposita est
freedom has been set before my mind
ad hoc praemium laboratur
there is effort required for this prize
quae sit libertas, quaeris?
you ask what freedom is?
nulli rei servire
to be a slave to no situation
nulli necessitati, nullis casibus
to no necessity, to no event
fortunam in aequum deducere
to put fortune on equal terms
quo die…intellexero
on the day on which I understand
illam…plus posse
that she is more capable than I
nil poterit
she will be capable of nothing
ego illam feram
will I endure her
cum in manu mors sit?
when death is in my power?
his cogitationibus intentum…oportet
it is proper for a man intent on these thoughts
loca seria
an earnest…place
sanctaque eligere
to choose…and upright
amoenitas nimia
too much pleasantness
effeminat animos
makes the mind weak
nec dubie
and without a doubt
aliquid…potest regio
the place has some power
ad corrumpendum vigorem
to corrupt one’s strength
beasts of burden
quorum durata…ungula est
whose hooves have been hardened
in aspero
on rough ground
quamlibet viam…patiuntur
endure any type of road
saginata cito subteruntur
those fattened…are swiftly ground down
in molli palustrique pascuo
on soft and marshy pasture
et fortior miles…venit
and a braver soldier comes
ex confragoso
from a rough place
segnis est
are lazy
the city dweller
et verna
and house-slave
nullum laborem recusant manus
hands reject no toil
quae ad arma ab aratro transferuntur
that are turned to weapons from the plough
ille unctus et nitidus
that oily and shiny man
in primo deficit pulvere
fails at the first cloud of dust
severior loci disciplina
training in a tougher place
firmat ingenium
strengthens the character
and makes it suitable
magnis conatibus
for great trials
honestius Scipio…exulabat
it was more honourable for Scipio to live in exile
Literni…quam Bais
at Liternum than at Baiae
ruina eiusmodi
destruction of such a kind
non est tam molliter collocanda
does not need such a soft location
illi quoque
those men, too
ad quos…fortuna populi Romani
to whom the fortune of the Roman people
primos…publicas opes transtulit
first awarded public wealth
exstruxerunt quidem villas in regione Baiana
did indeed build villas in the region of Baiae
sed illas imposuerunt
but they established those
summis iugis montium
on the highest ridges of mountains
videbatur hoc magis militare
this seemed more fitting for a soldier
to observe the places lying…below
late longeque
far and wide
ex edito
from up high
aspice quam positionem elegerint
look at the positions they chose
quibus aedificia excitaverint locis
in what places they constructed their buildings
et qualia
and what they were like
scies non villas esse sed castra
you will see that they are not villas, but camps
habitaturum tu putas umquam fuisse inimica (loca) M. Catonem
do you think that Marcus Cato would ever have lived in hostile places
so that he might count
praenavigantes adulteras
the adulterous women sailing behind
et tot genera cumbarum
and so many types of boats
variis coloribus picta (agreeing with genera)
painted with various colours
et fluvitantem toto lacu rosam
and rose petals floating on the whole lake
ut audiret
or to hear
canentium nocturna convicia
the nocturnal clamours of those who sing?
nonne ille manere…maluisset
surely he would have preferred to stay
intra vallum…quod
within his fortification, which
ipse duxisset?
he himself had constructed
in unam noctem manu sua
in a single night with his own hands?
quidni mallet
wouldn’t anyone prefer
quisquis vir est
any real man, that is
somnum suum…rumpi?
to have his sleep disturbed
classico quam symphonia
by a military trumpet rather than a chorus?
sed satis diu cum Bais litigavimus
but I have been quarrelling with Baiae enough for a long time
numquam satis cum vitiis
never enough with vices
oro te, Lucili
I beg you, Lucilius
go after these
sine modo
without limit
sine fine
without end
nam illis quoque
for, for them also
nec finis est nec modus
there is neither limit nor end
proice quaecumque
cast aside whatever
cor tuum laniant
tears at your heart
quae si…nequirent
and if they are not able
aliter extrahi
to be dragged away in another way
cor ipsum
the heart itself
cum illis revellendum erat
must be torn out with them
drive out pleasures
et invisissimas habe
and consider them most hateful
latronum more…in hoc
in the custom of robbers
quos ‘φιλήτας’ Aegyptii vocant
whom the Egyptians call ‘φιλήται’/Philetae
nos amplectuntur, ut strangulent
they embrace us, in order to strangle us
Explain the use of ‘φιλήτας’
It is a pun on φιλήτης = thief and φιλέω = I love or φιλήτης = lover
Hence the thieves ‘love’ us to death