LI 5-8 Flashcards
id agere debemus
we ought to make every effort
ut…quam longissime profugiamus
to flee as far as possible
irritamenta vitiorum
from the incentives of vices
indurandus est animus
the mind must be hardened
procul abstrahendus
dragged far away
a blandimentis voluptatum
from the charms of pleasures
una Hannibalem hiberna solverunt
one winter quarters relaxed Hannibal
illum…virum enervaverunt fomenta Campaniae
the warm baths of Campania weakened that man
indomitum nivibus atque Alpibus
unconquered by blizzards and the Alps
armis vicit, vitiis victus est
he conquered with weapons, he was vanquished by vices
nobis quoque militandum est, et quidem
we, too, must serve as soldiers, and indeed
genere militiae
in the kind of campaigning
quo numquam quies, numquam otium datur
in which never a rest, never a break is granted
in primis
above all
voluptates, quae
the pleasures which
ut vides
as you see
saeva quoque ad se ingenia rapuerunt
have also seized tough characters for themselves
debellandae sunt
must be battled
si quis sibi proposuerit
if anyone imagines
quantum operis aggressus sit
how much work he will undertake
sciet nihil…esse faciendum
he will know that nothing should be done
delicate, nihil molliter
luxuriously, nothing softly
quid (mihi) cum
what use (to me) are
istis calentibus stagnis?
those hot pools of yours?
sudatoriis, in quae siccus vapor
saunas, into which dry vapour
corpora exhausturus includitur
is confined in order to drain the body?
omnis sudor per laborem exeat
let all sweat come out through toil
si faceremus quod fecit Hannibal
if we were doing what Hannibal did
ut…operam daremus
in order to pay attention
fovendis corporibus
to keeping our bodies warm
interrupto cursu rerum
with our military advances interrupted
omissoque bello
and our war overlooked
nobody, rightly so
would not blame us for our idleness
intempestivam…victori quoque
untimely also for a victor
nedum vincenti, periculosam
not to mention dangerous for someone on his way to victory
minus nobis quam…licet
we have less right than
illis Punica signa sequentibus
those following the Carthaginian standards
plus periculi
since more danger
restat cedentibus
remains for us if we give in
plus operis etiam perseverantibus
more toil, even, if we persevere
fortuna mecum bellum gerit
fortune wages war with me
non sum imperata facturus
I am not going to obey her commands
iugum non recipio
I do not take on her yoke
no indeed, I am shaking it off
quod…faciendum est
an act which must be done
maiore virtute
with greater virtue
non est emolliendus animus
the soul is not to be softened
si voluptati cessero, cedendum est
if I yield to pleasure, I must yield
to pain, to toil, to poverty
volet et ambitio et ira
both ambition and anger will want
idem sibi in me iuris esse
the same right over me for themselves
inter tot affectus
affected by so many things
distrahar, immo discerpar
I shall be pulled apart, nay, torn to pieces