Lower GI Bacterial Toxins Flashcards
Has an emetic, preformed enterotoxin that produces holes in membranes
Bacillus cereus
Has 7 different toxins that survive at high temps
Staph aureus
Has a diarrheal Ig molecular weight enterotoxin that is present if infection is in large amounts in small intestine
Bacillus cereus
Has a powerful neurotoxin blocking ACh release from motor end plates
Clostridium botulinum
Has an enterotoxin that binds into endothelial cell junctions, making pores
Clostridium perfringens
Replicates in host cell and increases water and electrolyte secretion into the lumen
Salmonella spp
Invasive into immune cells, spreads to other organs. Uses actin polymerization to move in the cell
Listeria monocytogenes
Enterotoxins include TDH (thermostable direct hemolysin) and TRH.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Enters M cell to be taken up by a macrophage, leading to inflammation. Uses actin rockets.
Shigella sonei and flexnori
Invasive, phage-borne shiga toxin which acts on vascular endothelial cells inactivating ribosomes and causing cell death
Shigella dysenteriae
Has a toxin that activates adenylate cyclase, increasing CFTR and water, with no bacterial penetration
ETEC, Vibrio cholerae
Has a toxin that causes intimate attachment to a cell with actin condensation and microvillous effacement
Has exotoxins leading to cell death. Early lesions are superficial, then ulcers, then pseudomembranes
C. diff