LOT 202.28 AFW Flashcards
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What AFW controls are available on the ASP?
Motor Driven Pumps
- *Turbine Driven Pump**
- MOV-0514 / MOV-0143 / AFW trip*
AFW flow regulating valves
Train “D” transfer switches
AFW flow and Terry Turbine discharge pressure also on ASP

- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What are the makeup sources to the AFWST while implementing FLEX?
Clean Sources:
Dirty Sources:
Fire Water
Organics Basin
ECW Pond
Circ Water
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What are the design bases for the AFW system?
- Automatic Operation:*
- *Starts within 1 min and can run unattended for 10 mins**
- Flowrate:*
- *Supplies 500 gpm to 1 S/G for FW Rupture / SLB**
Supplies 500 gpm to 2 S/Gs for loss of FW / LOOP
- Cooldown:***
- *50 ˚F/hr with 1 RCP**
25 ˚F/hr on natural circ
- AFWST:***
- *Maintain plant in hot standby for 4 hrs and then go to RHR conditions**
- Containment Integrity:*
- *Prevents reaching containment design pressure (56.5 psig)**
- Note:*
- Showed up on instructor’s NRC exam*
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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Where are MOV-0514 and MOV-0143 physically located?
- MOV-0514: Trip / Throttle Valve
- MOV-0143: MS Supply
- MOV-0514:*
- *Terry Turbine Cubicle (IVC 10’)**
- MOV-0143:*
- *By SG PORVs (IVC 58’)**
Must leave MOV-0143 open (≥ 2 hrs) or water collects in pipe and will result in overspeed of terry turbine.
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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How does the operator start the terry turbine?
- *Open MOV-0514**
- Turbine Trip/Throttle Valve*

MS Supply (MOV-0143) maintained open
Located on CP006
- Note:*
- Overspeed will trip close this valve*
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What level in the AFWST requires the operators to enter FLEX?
- Loss of All AC Power:*
- *< 164,000 gals**
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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When will the terry turbine (MOV-0514) trip on overspeed?
- *114%**
- 100% speed is 3600 RPM*
Manual linkage reset after mechanical overspeed (4100 RPM)
Trip pushbutton on CP006/ASP is an electrical overspeed.
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What is the major concern when cross-connecting AFW trains?
Runout of Pump (675 gpm)

Will not see on flow meters
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What will auto start the AFW pumps?
- Motor Driven:*
- *SG Level - Low 2 (20%) [2/4 on 1/4]**
AMSAC (15%) [1/1 on 3/4] [25 sec TC]
- *Sequencers (MODE I,II,III)**
- MODE II starts pump but valves do NOT open*
- Turbine Driven:*
- *SG Level - Low 2 (20%) [2/4 on 1/4]**
AMSAC (15%) [1/1 on 3/4] [25 sec TC]
Regulating Valves throttle and OCIVs open for:
- SG Level - Low 2 (20%) [2/4 on 1/4]
- AMSAC (15%) [1/1 on 3/4] [25 sec TC]
- SI
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What cools the terry turbine oil cooler?
AFW pump 1st stage

Goes to TGB Sump
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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How are the AFW pump bays physically located in the IVC 10’?
Doors being closed required for operability.
- Can have 1 door open (Requires permits)

- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What is the minimum volume in the AFWST as required by LCO AFWST?

485,000 gals

Applicability: MODES 1 - 3
- LOT 202.28 AFW*
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What is the minimum speed of the terry turbine?
- *1900 RPM**
- 45 sec after start*
Must trip terry turbine if < 1900 RPM to prevent damage