Actual Loss
a person, object, or situation is no longer perceptible nor tangible, permanently.
Perceived Loss
less obvious to others,
it is defined by the person experiencing
the loss. (rejection by friend)
The emotional response to a loss
grief that is also called uncomplicated grief
normal grief
True or false? normal grief lasts months to a year
normal grief coping mechanisms
* Resilience
* Personal sense of control
* Ability to make of sense of and identify
possibilities after a loss.
* Typically, feelings lessen in intensity
over time and there is movement toward
Unconscious process of “letting go”
prior to actual loss or death occurring
Anticipatory Grief
Disenfranchised Grief
Grief related to a loss that does not coincide with what
society recognizes as justified.
Prolonged ( > 6 months), has a significantly difficult time
moving forward after a loss. Affects ability to function.
Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD)
“Complicated Grief”
Kubler-Ross’s Stages of
* Anger
* Bargaining
* Depression
* Acceptance
Dual Process Model
Grieving shifts between:
Loss-oriented grief
Restoration grief
Worden’s Grief Tasks
ask I: Accept the reality of the loss
* Task II: Experience the pain of grief
* Task III: Adjust to a world in which the
deceased is missing
* Task IV: Emotionally relocate the
deceased and move on with life
the outward, social
expressions of grief and the behavior
associated with loss in public.
describes a period of
time that encompasses grief and
mourning after a loss.
NURSE Mnemonic
Assisting Client’s and Families Experiencing
Grief and Loss
Name ( identify the emotion expressed)
* Understand (recognize client’s feelings
and allow them to discuss feelings)
* Respect (voice respect for them under
the client circumstances)
* Support (Inform client you are here for
* Explore (Ask open-ended questions to
help feeling expression)
Care of terminally ill patients and their
families. It is a patient and family
centered approach to care…..not a
place. Life expectancy ~ 6 months
hospice care
- Holistic care that focuses on the
prevention, relief, reduction, or soothing
of symptoms of disease disorders, client
can still receive curative treatments, no
time constraints.
Palliative Care
describe the depression stage
overwhelmed, helplessness, hostility, flight
describe the anger stage
frustration, irritation, anxiety
describe the acceptance stage
exploring options, making new plans, moving on
describe the denial stage
avoidance, confusion, elation, shock, fear
bargaining stage
struggling to find meaning, reaching out to others, telling one’s story
is it ok to ignore grief?