Long and Short Term Effects Of Exercise Flashcards
Muscle fatigue
When you exercise, your muscles will feel weak, painful and tired.
Anaerobic respiration
When you are exercising for a short amount of time. Sports that are anaerobic are; long jump, high jump and 100m sprint.
Aerobic respiration
When you are exercising for a long time. Sports that are aerobic require a lot of oxygen such as; football, long distance running and rugby.
Lactate accumilation
When you use your muscles have a build up of lactic acid and are getting very tired. When you have a build up of lactic acid, you are more likely to get cramp.
A cramp is a severe sort of muscle fatigue, which causes the muscles to contract in a painful way. These happen when an athelte uses their muscles to their maximum, dehydration. It is the bodies way of telling you to recover and relax your muscles.
Heart rate
Your heart rate is the number of times beats within a minute. A trained athlete is likely to have a lower heart rate than a person who is not as fit. Bradley wiggins (a professional cyclist) has a heart rate of 40bpm. The time it takes you to recover to your resting heart rate, if it is lower timing the better your fitness levels are.
BPM (beats per minute) is the amount of times your heart beats per minute. The average BPM is around 60-80 BPM
Stroke volume
The amount of blood that is pumped out of the heart during each beat. This will increase during physical activity as the muscles will retire more blood. When someone trains more, their heart becomes more efficent and the stroke volume increases therefor the heart rate decreses. This is because the heart doesnt have to work as hard because more blood is being pumped efficiently.
Your heart when you exercise.
When you exercise, the heart grts bigger and the stroke volume increases. This leads to the heart rate decresing. The heart will increase in thickness and strength. This enables atheltes to perform at a much higher intensity.
Cardiac output
Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart within one minute. The equation to work this out is:
Cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume
The higher your cardiac output, the better your physical perfomance will be. Your body holds around 6 litres of blood and all the blood can pass through the heart in one minute. Elite athletes can have an output of 35 litres of blood.
Effects on your breathing.
When you exercise, you need to bring in more oxygen and get rid of more carbon dioxide. Therefor as you exercise the depth and rate of your breathing increases. When you exercise hard, you use up more oxygen than you take in. This shortfall creates oxygen depth.
Oxygen debt
Oxygen dept is when you grt tired from exercising and your body is restriced of it. When you are going through oxygen debt athletes usually stop until they have enough enery and oxygen. Such as boxing when you put your hands up and retreat slightly this also lures the other fighter in and creates an opportunity to counter a punch.
What is the Equation for aerobic respiration?
Glucose + oxygen ——-> carbon dioxide + water + energy
A major source of energy for most cells in the body. Will enable muscles to exercise and used as a fuel.
Aerobic respiration
The process of releasing energy from glucose, using oxygen
Anaerobic respiration
The process of of releasing energy from glucose, without oxygen.
Aerobic exercise
Working at a moderate intensity allowing the body time to utilise oxygen for energy production and to work for a continuous period, e.g a long distance event such as a marathon, football and rugby.
Lactic acid
A colourless acid produced in muscle tissues during strenuous exercise when the body is exercising anaerobically at high intensity.
Energy and food groups
Energy comes from a different range of foods, including fats and carbohydrates
What food stores would a long distance runner require?
A long distance runner would use complex carbohydrates as they tend to provide more energy and last more.
What food stores would a long jumper use?
A long jump athelete would use simple carbohydrates as they are using little oxygen and require less energy
A rich source of energy, but many modern diets provide more than are bodies needed
Free sugars
Extra sugar added to food and drinks