Logical Fallacies I Flashcards
- subtle flaws within the logic of an argument
- arguments that deceptively appear to be strong logic appeals when, in fact, they are faulty
- sometime fallacies are used in argument intentionally to deceive the audience
why identify fallacies
- strengthens your own arguments
- helps you critique the arguments of others
types of fallacies
- hasty generalization: a generalization based on insufficient information (e.g. kangaroos are adorable. therefore, kangaroos are harmless)
- non sequitar: a conclusion that does not follow logically from preceding statements (e.g. Jed has always wanted to play the trumpet. He will be a great musician
- false analogy: the assumption that since two things are alike in some respects, they are alike in others (e.g. Italy and Morocco are both Mediterranean countries, so their cultures are quite similar
- circular reasoning: an argument where instead of supplying evidence, the point is simply restated (e.g. Clint exercises a lot, therefore, he will be a great football player since he works out so often)
- “either … or”: the suggestion that only two alternatives exist when in fact there are more (e.g. either get this operation right now, or you’re going to die within a week)
- false cause (post hoc): the assumption that because one event follows another, the first is the cause of the second (e.g. i ate chocolate last month and now I have lots of pimples. the chocolate gave me pimples)
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Derek loves shooting arrows, so he will make an excellent hunter
non sequitar
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
The city I visited in Alabama served fried chicken three times a day. Therefore, fried chicken is a favorite dish throughout the state of Alabama
hasty generalization
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
If animals have the ability to feel pain like humans, they should be given the same rights and liberties as humans
false analogy
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Lou Ann is a great mother. All of her kids think she is wonderful
circular reasoning
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Dylan ate potato chips before the game so of course he hit more home runs
false cause
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Either you go to be right now, or you won’t be ready to take that test tomorrow
“either… or”
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
A small group of environmentalists protested outside of a factory in a radical manner, hence all environmentalists are radical
hasty generalization
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
I don’t like to prewrite my papers. I tend to just start writing, which then gives me my ideas, so I know what I want to say. I guess my writing process is called a brainstorm instead of writing because I just start writing to get my ideas
circular reasoning
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
He decides what activities we do because he always makes those sorts of decisions
circular reasoning
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Last week, I ate donuts every day and I lost 2 pounds. Donuts are amazing at helping you lose weight
false cause
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Whenever the baseball player wears his dirty, orange socks, he hits a home run. Hence his socks cause the home runs
false cause
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Every year I plant tomatoes in my backyard, and I see hummingbirds. These birds are attracted to my tomatoes
hasty generalization
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Either we curb fossil fuel emissions or we’ll all die from global warming
“either… or”
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Every time I mop my floor, it rains, so the muddy dog dirties my floor. I need to stop mopping the floor
false cause
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Airplane travel is fast, so it should be the primary way to travel for all people
hasty generalization
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
I think flowers are beautiful because they are so pretty
circular reasoning
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Obesity is rampant in America, so doctors should receive more training
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
Thomas Jefferson was the best president because he negotiated the Louisiana Purchase
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
That presidential candidate is impressive because he’s awesome
circular reasoning
What type of logical fallacy is shown below?
The sun will rise tomorrow because tomorrow is another day