Local Government Law Flashcards
Is a county government liable for personal injuries
No, a county government is not liable for PI caused by the negligence of its officers, agents, or employees
What is a city
An independent incorporated community that has a population of 5,000 or more citizens within its boundaries or that became a city before July 1, 1971
What is a town
A town is within a county and has a population of 1,000 or more citizens
How are local governments created
Judicial proceeding or general assembly granting a charter
How can the boundary of a town or city be changed
Through annexation, which requires (1) passage of an ordinance to petition the circuit court for the county in which any territory adjacent to the city or town lies through majority vote (2) filing notice with the Commission on Local Government and all governments located within (3) the Supreme Court appoints a special court to hear the case
What does the circuit court consider when reviewing an annexation petition
(1) best interests of the people of the locality (2) services to be rendered (3) best interests of the people in the annexed portion and the remaining portion (4) best interests of the people int he remaining portion of the county and (5) best interests of the state in promoting strong and viable units of government
How does a town become a city
Supreme Court appointed special court will consider (1) 5,000 people (2) ability to function as an independent city and provide services, including an independent school system (3) will not impair the ability of county from which the town is to be separated to meet the service needs of the remaining population and (4) best interests of the party and the state
City to Town
(1) less than 50,000 people (2) adjoining county or counties are defendants (3) will not substantially impair adjoining county’s ability to serve the new town (4) proposed change will not result in substantially inequitable sharing of resources and liabilities (5) best interests of the city, county, state, and people therein and (6) best interests of the state in promoting a strong and viable unit of local government
Define Dillon’s Rule
Localities have no inherent power. All power must be (1) expressly granted by statute or charter (2) necessarily or fairly implied from those expressly granted powers (3) essential or indispensable to the locality’s declared objectives and purposes. Any reasonable doubt concerning the existence of power is resolved against the local government
Can powers be delegated?
Powers delegated may only be re-delegated if they contain fixed and readily ascertainable standards when noting is left to the discretion of the person or body charged with the power beyond reasonable discretion in administration of those standards
Define police power
All necessary power and authority to secure and promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality and the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, morals, trade, commerce, and industry of the municipality and the inhabitants thereof
Enactment of ordinances
Simply majority vote of the governing body who are present at a lawful meeting
Procedure for issuance of bonds
Notice in the local newspaper and the notice must (1) state the estimated maximum amount of the bonds proposed to be issued (2) state the proposed use of the bond proceeds and (3) specify the time and place of the hearing
What is the limitation on debts
No municipality may issue any bonds or other interest bearing indebtedness whihc, including existing indebtedness, at any time exceeds 10% of the assessed valuation of the real estate in the municipality subject to taxation, as shown by the last preceding assessment for taxes
Can local governments tax
Local government cannot impose income tax. They may tax property, persons, and other subjects. Property taxes must be uniform in the jurisdiction.
Burden of proof in attacking zoning
The party attacking the validity of a zoning decision has the burden of establishing that the decision is not reasonable. A decision is reasonable if the matter under consideration is fairly debatable, meaning that objective and reasonable persons could come to different conclusions after reviewing the evidence offered in support of opposing views.
What powers does the BZA have
(1) hear and decide appeals from any order/requirement/decision/determination made by an administrative office; (2) authorize variances; (3) hear and decide appeals decisions made by the zoning administration; (4) hear and decide applications for interpretation of the district map determining a local boundary; (5) hear and decide application for special exceptions
When must a zoning decision be appealed
Within 30 days
How long does the BZA have to respond
21 days
What are the requirements for a variance
(1) strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance would result in undue hardship not shared by other landowners and (2) granting of a variance would not be substantially detrimental to other property
When do development rights vest
(1) obtains or is the beneficiary of a significant affirmative governmental act (2) relies in good faith on that act and (3) incurs extensive obligations or substantial expenses in diligent pursuit of the specific project in reliance on that affirmative act
Define public use
(1) the public interest dominates the private gain and (2) the primary purpose is not private financial gain, private benefit, an increase in tax bases or tax revenues, an increase in employment, or economic development
Define blighted property
Any property that endangers the public health or safety in its condition at the time of the filing of the petition for condemnation and is a public nuisance or a structure that is beyond repair or unfit for human occupancy/use
When is condemnation available
After the government has made a good faith effort to purchase the property for fair value