Creditors' Rights Flashcards
What are questions to ask on a creditors rights question
What kind of creditor are they, what kind of property is at issue
General/Unsecured Creditors
Do not have any lien, only recourse is against the debtor.
Lien/Secured Creditor
Rights against the debtor and their property.
Define deed of trust
Consensual lien in real property
Can a tenant in the entirety encumber the property
No, creditor cannot reach tenancy in the entirety if they only have a claim against one tenantW
What are examples of judicial liens
Garnishment, execution, attachment
What is an attachment lien
Arise in the middle of a lawsuit, before judgment. Prevent debtor from disposing of property before judgment. Extraordinary remedy, raises due process concerns
When might an attachment lien be appropriate
Debtor is a foreign corp or out of state resident, removing his/her property from VA, converting property to other forms to delay/defraud creditors, transferred/assigned property to others
Procedure for attachment
File petition (describe claim, amount, statutory ground), post bond, memorandum of attachment or lease pendence in circuit where property is located
Distress for right
Pre-judgment lien for landlords. Goods on leased premises or goods removed within the last 30 days. Cannot be for rent from for more than 4 years ago. Gives priority over Art. 9 creditors. Must post a bond.
How long do judgments last
CC - 20 years, GDC - 10 years
How to get out of state judgments enforce
Uniform Foreign Judgment Act
How long to enforce judgment lien
10 years
How do you enforce
(1) fill a bill in equity to enforce through sale (2) appoint commissioner
What is an execution lien
A lien on tangible personal property
What is the waiting period for an execution lien
CC - 21 days, GDC - none
What is a garnishment lien
Lien on intangible goods (wages, bank accounts)
Procedure for garnishment
(1) writ of execution asking for garnishment summons - must name garnishee directly
Limitations on Garnishment
Government style benefits are generally exempt - child support, disability, veteran benefits. Cannot access jointly owned marital account
When must the sheriff levy property after the issuance of a writ of execution
90 days
Family bible, engagement rings, heirlooms, clothing up to $1000, furniture up to $5000, car up to $6000, $5000 wild card exemption ($10,000 if 65+ yo), 40x minimum wage, 75% of wages are protected
Procedure for exemption
File a homestead deed. Do not apply to child support, consensual liens.
Fraudulent conveyances
Generally cannot get at property in third parties unless it is a fraudulent conveyance.
Questions for fraudulent conveyances
(1) intentional fraudulent conveyance: meant with intent to defraud creditors, burden is on creditor (2) constructive fraudulent conveyance