Exam Rules - Personal Property Flashcards
What is misplaced property
Misplaced property is property that reasonably appears to have been intentionally placed in a particular location, but then appears to have been forgotten
What rights does a finder of misplaced property have
A finder of misplaced property does not have possession. Their right to the misplaced property falls after the true owner’s and the owner of the property on which the misplaced property was found
What is a bailment
The delivery of possession of goods to a person for a limited time.
What conditions must be satisfied for a bailment to exist
The person receiving the goods (the bailee) must: (i) physically possess the property with the intent to exercise control over it; (ii) consent to the bailment; and (iii) be aware that the bailed goods exist.
When is property abandoned
Personal property is abandoned when the owner has the full intention to leave the property and give up title and possession to it
When does abandoned property become captured
Unowned property is “captured” and becomes a possession when an individual manifests the intent to own by exercising actual or constructive dominion and control.
What is conversion
Conversion is an unauthorized act over the property of another of such nature as is inconsistent with the right of the owner.
When are bailees strictly liable
Bailees are absolutely liable if they stray from the conditions of the bailment such as to (1) use the goods for a different purpose than agreed (outside the scope of the bailment), (2) move the property from an agreed place of storage, (3) fail to redeliver the goods in the condition in which they were bailed after expressly or impliedly agreeing to insure the goods and failing to do so, or (4) non-delivery or misdelivery.
What is a treasure trove
Treasure troves include property that is concealed and is anticipated to be recovered at a later time. A treasure trove is usually gold or silver that is found hidden and the owner is not known
Is vegetation personal property
Yes, if the vegetation is cultivated. If the vegetation is wild, then no (it is real property)
Do you have ownership of wild animals?
Not if you are a trespasser, but yes if you are invited.
Does someone who owns a wild animal retain their ownership interest if the animal wanders away
No if (1) the animal is branded (2) the owner is actively attempting to recapture the animal (3) the animal has a tendency to wander off and then return
What is required to obtain a copyright over your work
(1) must actually exist (2) must be original (3) in a fixed, tangible medium of expression
How long does copyright last
Remainder of life + 70 years after, 95 years after publishing if anonymous, 120 years if not published but created
How can ownership be created
(1) capture (2) creation (3) conversion