Commercial Paper Flashcards
Types of commercial paper
(1) note (2) drafts
Certificate of deposit
Bank receives notification of deposit
What is a draft
Order to pay; drawer is ordering payment, drawee is the person being ordered to pay, payee is the person who gets the money
Types of checks
Cashier checks, tellers check (drawn by one bank on another bank), travelers check
Priority of contradictory terms
Hand written > typewritten/printed, words > numbers
What is a note
A two-party negotiable instrument
Who is a party to both a note and a draft
What makes an instrument negotiable
(1) must be in writing and signed (stamped, thumbprint, computer generated); (2) promise to pay must be unconditional; (3) payable to order or bearer; (4) must be a fixed amount of money but interest can be variable; (5) payable on demand or at a definite time
What does payable to order
“Pay to the order of” or “Pay X to the order of”
What does bear mean
Does not need the phrase to the order of because it is not directed to a specific person
What does it mean that an order is payable at a definite time
The holder of the instrument may freely extend the time for payment; extensions, conditioned on the option of the maker, do not destroy negotiability; events that will ocurr but not at a specific time are not readily ascertainable. However, acceleration clause are NOT a definite time
What is negotiation
Any transfer of possession of an instrument by any person other than the issuer to a person who thereby becomes the holder
What is a blank indorsement
A blank indorsement is not made to a specific person
How does someone become a holder
Through issuance or negotiation of an instrument
Who can make an instrument
A maker or drawer
What constitutes value
Forgiveness of debt obligation; doing something of value; giving something of value
What requirements for a note
(1) value (2) good faith (3) instrument as a holder
How is good faith judged
Honesty if act (subjective) and observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing (objective)
When is an instrument overdue
(1) day after due date (2) day after accelerated due date (3) day after installment due date
Types of infirmity that prevent holder from being a holder in due course
(1) instrument has been altered (2) forged (3) claim in recoupment
Shelter Rule
Rights follow the instrument
Must you give value under the shelter rule to acquire rights?
Can you acquire rights if you are aware of an earlier fraud
Transfer Warranty
Movement of the instrument between parties are making warranties by transferring itself. (1) all signatures are authentic and authorized (2) instrument has not been altered (3) no defenses or claims can be asserted against the instrument