Exam Rules - Trusts Flashcards
What is an express trust
An express trust is a trust created by a settlor where a trustee holds the property and the beneficiary enjoys the property
What is a constructive trust
A constructive trust is an equitable remedy to prevent fraud
What is a resulting trust
(1) A resulting trust arises when one person purchases property but has title conveyed to another; (2) an express trust fail and settlor has not declared his intent; (3) or the trust’s purpose is fully satisfied but some trust property remains
What procedural steps must trustees of testamentary trusts take?
(1) qualify before clerk or court (2) furnish a bond with surety unless surety is waived and (3) file an annual accountings unless the requirement is waived by instrument
What types of trusts are governed by the UTC
Express trusts and testamentary trust
What are the requirements for creating a trust?
(1) settlor has capacity (2) intent (3) trust must have a definite beneficiary (4) trustee has duties (5) the same person is not the sole trustee and sole beneficiary
What are grounds for removing a trustee
(1) committed serious breach of trust (2) lack of cooperation among trustees (3) unfitness, unwillingness, or persistent failure to administer trust effectively (4) substantial change in circumstances or upon request of all qualified beneficiaries
Can settlors opt out of RAP?
Yes, RAP is a default rule for trusts holding personal property; settlors can opt out when the trust instrument holding personal property states that RAP shall not apply to the trust
What types of creditors is a spendthrift trust ineffective against?
(1) child support (2) judgment creditor (3) the government
When can a sttlor enjoy spend-thrift protection
(1) trust is irrevocable (2) trust is subject to VA law (3) VA trustee independent from settlor has sole discretion on distributing income (4) there is at least one other beneficiary entitled to receive income or principal distributions
What are a trustee’s obligations
(1) duty of loyalty (2) impartiality - meaning the trustee considers the interests of both income and remaindermen beneficiaries (3) UPIA - invest funds within a reasonable amount of time and exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution in investing funds
What is the safe harbor provision under UPIA
Under the Uniform Prudent Investor Act, a trustee holding intangible personal property of $100,000 or less will conclusively be presumed to have been prudent in investing funds if they are invested in obligations of VA, U.S. obligations, and insured bank deposits
What duty exists between co-trustees
A trustee must exercise reasonable care to prevent a co-trustee from committing a serious breach of trust and compel the co-trustee to redress a serious breach of trust
What are the remedies for breach of trust
(1) compelling the trustee to perform duties (2) enjoining trustee from committing breach (3) compelling trustee to pay money (4) suspending or removing the trustee and (5) reducing or denying the trustee compensation
How are money damages for a breach of trust calculated
Money damages are equal to the greater of (1) the amount required to restore the property and distributions to what they would have been absent the breach or (2) the trustee’s profit from the breach
When can a court modify an irrevocable trust without the consent of the beneficiaries
(1) There are unanticipated circumstances; (2) Trust is uneconomic to administer; (3) Necessary to achieve settlor’s tax objectives; or (4) Necessary to reform trust terms to conform to the settlor’s intent (need clear and convincing evidence that the settlor’s intent and trust terms were affected by mistake)
Can trusts include exculpatory clauses for trustee liability
Yes, unless the exculpatory clause (i) provides immunity for breaches committed in bad faith or with reckless indifference to trust purposes or the beneficiaries’ interests; or (ii) it was inserted as result of trustee abuse of fiduciary or confidential relationship to the settlor
When can court terminate a trust
The beneficiaries all consent and the continuance of the trust is not necessary to achieve any material purpose of the trust