LO 5.1 - Identify 5 common diseases from a list of 10 Flashcards
Examples include: Botrytis, powdery and downy mildew, black spot, damping off, sooty mould, bacterial canker, soft rot of potato, apple canker, apple scab, fusarium patch on turf, leaf mosaic virus e.g. cucumber mosaic, tulip break, tomato mosaic, - symptoms, damage, control measures
Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
Disease ID
Apple Scab symptoms
It’s a fungus that occurs on leaves, fruit, flowers, and young shoots
* Spring: light green lesions
* Summer: turns olive-brown with a velvety texture
* Scab-like lesions warp the leaf and lead to defoliation.
* On fruit: bare, brown and corky spots that crack open
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Club Root symptoms
* Common disease of cabbages/Brassicaceae family
* Gall formation or distortion takes place on roots
* Heads do not develop and declining health overal
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Viral symptoms
* Tomato mosaic virus
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Powdery mildew symptoms
* Rarely kills, reduces vigour, lowers aesthetic.
* Affected parts discoloured and distorted.
* Slow decline of host plant vitality
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Potato Blight
* Brown freckles or patches on the potato leaves.
* Yellowish border spreading from the brown patches.
* Dark patches on the tubers.
* Inside of the tubers are brown or rotting.
* The potatoes will turn soggy and foul-smelling.
* Remove all infected leaves and stems.
* Water plants at the base rather than overhead.
* If the infection has spread, cut the foliage and stems.
* Removing foliage prevents the disease from getting into the tubers.
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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* Basidiomycetes type
* Obligate parasites of vascular plants
* Highly host specific
* High economic costs
* Complex life cycle with multiple hosts and multiple types of spores.
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Botrytis AKA Grey Mould
* Perhaps the most serious disease of many horticultural crops
* Botrytis cinerea Affects more than 200 dicot plant species and a few monocot plants
* Can infect mature or senescent (dying) tissues
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the controls?
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Apple scab control
* Tree pruning - airflow/ventilation
* Resistant Cultivar selection
* Low(er) Nitrogen input
* Removal of plant debris + mulching
* Bio-fungicide use - Gliocladium catenulatum (Prestop 4B)
* Fungicide
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Botrytis symptoms AKA Grey Mould
* Soft rot
* Collapsed and looking water soaked on soft fruit and leaves
* Brown lesions may develop on undeveloped fruit
* Twigs infected with grey mould will die back
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Black Spot symptoms
* Dark brown spots with irregular margins
* Leaves turn yellow and fall prematurely
* Can infect young stems too
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Viral symptoms
* Hellebores black death virus
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the controls?
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Black Spot (Rose)
* Buy a modern (resistant) rose!
* Yellow tends to be more susceptible than red/pink roses
* Pick leaves on early signs
* Prune hard in winter and remove!
* Mulch thickly
* Rose clear?
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Viral symptoms
* Mozaic
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Viral symptoms
* Mottling
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Apple Scab Venturia inaequalis
* The most serious fungal disease of Apples in Ireland
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Rust symptoms
* Rusty, dusty spots on foliage and stems.
* Spores are generally brown but can be white, yellow, orange, purple or black * Depending on stage and time of year
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Bacterial Canker (Pseuomonas syringae)
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Id this Disease
Name some controls.
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Viral controls
* No chemical control possible
* If infected, dump them!
Preventative options:
* Control of vectors
* Resistant crops
* Meristem tissue
* Seed
* Exclusion zones (quarantine)
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the controls?
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Club Root controls (prevention)
* Grow more resistant cultivars
* Crop rotation
* Good drainage
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Fire blight
* bacterium Erwinia amylovora
* In Ireland since 1986 * has not become established here.
* Spread from and through flowers * Summer flowering trees like pears are more at risk
* Fear of infecting Hawtorns in hedges
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Powdery mildew
* Fungus lives mainly on outside of plant
* Small feeder cells will enter plant (Haustoria)
* White mycelium on the leaves, stems, buds etc
* Powdery appearance on top and bottom of leaves
* Cloudy humid conditions
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the controls?
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Bacterial Canker control
* Use resistant varieties : E.g. ‘Victoria’- plum very susceptible!
* Careful pruning and staking - Reduce entry points for disease
* Propagate from bacterial free material
* Get from reputable source
* Keep plants dry and in the sun
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Id this Disease
What is this disease, it’s type and the symptoms?
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Fire blight symptoms
* Bacterium
* Dieback of twigs and branches
* Shrivelling of flowers
* Occurs in warm, moist weather.
* Tissues turn very dark and twigs are crook shaped.
* Notifiable disease! * Report to DAFM * Burn plants
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Id this Disease
What is this disease?
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Club Root
* Resting spores can live in the soil for up to 20 years!
* Hard to control when established
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the controls?
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Botrytis controls AKA Grey Mould
* Lower relative humidity
* Increase airflow
* Removal of organic debris * Leaves, etc.
* Removal of infected plant (parts)
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Id this Disease
What is this Disease?
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Boot lace fungus
* Dense mass of parallel growing hyphae that are fused together
* It’s a Rhizomorph (parallel-oriented hyphae)
* Infects most woody plants
* Yew is resistant
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Boot lace fungus symptoms
* Die back of branches
* Death of whole plant in time
* Mycelium between bark and wood mainly at roots
* Becomes bootlace-like in time
* Tan coloured mushrooms in autumn
* Spreads by rhizomorphs through soil to new host
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Id this Disease
What is this disease and the symptoms?
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Bacterial Canker symptoms
* On leaves shot hole symptoms in late spring
* Shallow depressions in stems with amber coloured gum oozing out.
* Affected branches die back after yellowing or stunting of leaves.
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