LO 3.1 - Types of pesticides Flashcards
- definition of pesticide - herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, acaricides, moluscides, biological pesticides
What is a pesticide?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Pesticides are substances that are meant to control pests.
- Most pesticides are intended to serve as plant protection products
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
List types of pesticides?
12 in the list.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Algicides or algaecides - Algae
- Avicides - Birds
- Bactericides - Bacteria
- Fungicides - Fungi and oomycetes
- Herbicides - Plants
- Insecticides - Insects
- Miticides or acaricides - Mites
- Molluscicides - Snails
- Nematicides - Nematodes
- Rodenticides - Rodents
- Slimicides - Algae, Bacteria, Fungi, and Slime molds
- Virucides - Viruses
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are other categories of pesticides?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Disinfectants - bacteria, viruses
Fumigants - Gas of vapour to kill pests in buildings and soil
Attractants - traps for pests
Defoliants - of plants for harvest
Desiccants - dries tissue
Insect growth regulators - Disrupt life cycle (Ovicides)
Plant growth regulators - alters growth flowering or reproduction.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Disinfectants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Kills or inactivates disease producing micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses)
* Antimicrobials or Biocides
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Fumigants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Are a gas or vapour that destroys pests in buildings and/or soil.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Attractants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Attract pests (to lure a pest into a trap)
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Defoliants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Cause leaves or other foliage to drop from a plant, usually to facilitate harvest.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Desiccants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Promotes the drying out of living plant tissue.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Insect Growth Regulators?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Insect Growth Regulators:
- Disrupts the life processes of insects (molting, pupa maturing to adults, etc.).
- Ovicides: kill eggs of insects and mites.
Effectively insecticides.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Plant Growth Regulators?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Plant Growth Regulators
- Alters the growth, flowering or reproduction of plants.
- Excluding fertilizers.
- Used extensively in bedding production to create stocky compact plants.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is a BIO-pesticide?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Biological pesticide (Applied like chemicals).
EU definition
- A form of pesticide based on (1)** micro-organisms** or (2) natural occurring substances.
USA definition
- Include (1) micro-organisms that control pests (microbial pesticides), (2) naturally occurring substances that control pests (biochemical pesticides), and pesticidal substances produced by plants containing (3) added genetic material (GMOs).
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Microbial (bio-) pesticides?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Microbial (bio-) pesticides
Contain a micro-organism (e.g., bacteria, fungi, viruses) as an active ingredient
- Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
- Serenade
- Beauveria bassiana
- Nematodes (not really a micro-organism)
- Mixomythosis
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Bt is a soil dwelling bactereum that produce crystal proteins which have insecticidal action.
- Mainly works against caterpillars, mosquitoes (Bt subsp. israelensis) and sciarid flies.
- When insects ingest toxin crystals, their digestive tracts make the crystals soluble and proteases found in the insect gut liberate the toxin from the crystal.
- The Cry toxin is then inserted into the insect gut cell membrane, paralyzing the digestive tract and forming a pore. The insect stops eating and starves to death.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are some Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) products?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
DiPel and Lepinox Plus (products)
Bt subsp. kurstaki Specific for the control of lepidopterans (caterpillars). It’s very insect specific.
- environmentally friendly mostly
- Except: Bt subsp. aizawai is toxic to honey bees!
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Serenade?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
The active ingredient is a soil born fungi called Bacillus subtilis that builds a dense biofilm on plant roots.
It also:
1. is a fungicide. (botritis)
2. is an antimicrobial agent.
3. Indirectly it promotes plant immunity.
4. it stimulates plant growth (vigour.)
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Beauveria bassiana?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Beauveria bassiana:
Is a fungus specifically for insects.
Naturalis L.
Needs high humidity to work so in reality not that effective.
Zero resistance.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Nematodes as a bio-pesticide, explain.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Control of Black vine weevil larvae.
- Heterorhabditis, Steinernema sp
Slug control
- Phasmorhabditis sp
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Myxomatosis?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Myxomatosis is a disease caused by Myxoma virus.
- Kills rabbits.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Name some naturally occuring pesticides.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum)
- Azadiractins (Seeds of the Neem tree)
- Nicotine (Tobacco leaves)
- Rotenone (Derris roots)
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Name some naturally occuring pesticides.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Plant based chemicals
- Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum)
- Azadiractins (Seeds of the Neem tree)
- Nicotine (Tobacco leaves)
- Rotenone (Derris roots)
Insect based substances:
- Pheromones - to attract insects
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is SB Plant Invigorator?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Controls pests and mildew
- Contains Linear Sulphanate, 0.37%w/w Iron Chelate (Fe), 9.57% w/w Nitrogen (N) and natural products.
- Controls a wide range of important pest species including whitefly, aphid, spider mite and mealybug.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Flipper?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- The Active Substance are fatty acids (Potassium salts).
- Physical mode of action.
- Death is by suffocation (24 hours).
- Oil based product that blocks breathing pores.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Pheromones?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Pheromones are chemicals used by insects and other animals to communicate with each other.
- Sex pheromones and aggregating pheromones are the most common types used.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are Pheromone traps?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Specific pheromones and traps can be used to monitor or trap target pests.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Mating disruption with pheromones, how do they work?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Mating disruption with pheromones.
- In one form of mating disruption, males are attracted to a powder containing female attractant pheromones.
- The pheromones stick to the males’ bodies, and when they fly off, the pheromones make them attractive to other males.
- If enough males chase other males instead of females, egg-laying will be severely impeded.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Name 2 Semio-chemicals?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Insect pheromones
- Allelo-chemicals
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Pheromones are Semio-chemicals. How do they work?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Allelochemicals are Semio-chemicals. How do they work?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Kairomones ⇒ benefits receiver
Synomones ⇐⇒ benefits both
Allomones ⇐ benefits emitter
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are GMOs?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Genetically Modified Organisim (GMO)
- Plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs) have genetic material from other species incorporated into their genetic material.
- Bollgard cotton contains a gene that produces Bacillus thuringiensis.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are bio-stimulants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Bio-stimulants are products that reduce the need for fertilizers and increase plant growth, resistance to water shortage and abiotic stresses.
- can be applied to seeds, plants and or soil various raw materials, such as:
- humic acids
- hormones
- algae extracts
- plant growth-promoting bacteria.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are bio-stimulants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Bio-stimulants are products that reduce the need for fertilizers and increase plant growth, resistance to water shortage and abiotic stresses. They can be applied to seeds, plants and or soil.
Various raw materials, such as:
- humic acids
- hormones
- algae extracts
- plant growth-promoting bacteria.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What are some examples of bio-stimulants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Various raw materials, such as:
- humic acids
- hormones
- algae extracts
- plant growth-promoting bacteria.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Silicon (Si)?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Silicon (Si) is the eighth most common element in the universe by mass, but very rarely occurs as the pure element.
More than 90% of the Earth’s crust is composed of silicate minerals, making silicon the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust (about 28% by mass), after oxygen.
- Cement for mortar and concrete
- Ceramics (porcelain) and glass
- Silicon valley!! used in semiconductor electronics etc.
- Silicon is an essential element in biology (sponges)
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Silicon (Si) in relation to plants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Silicon (Si) in plants
The amount in plants is very low.
When taken up sillicon (Si):
- will boost the strength of cells and optimise overall growth potential.
- aids the balance of nutrient uptake by the plant,
- will reinforce leaf cuticle and other epidermal tissues to reduce susceptibility to pathogenic and pest pressure.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What is Salicylic acid?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Salicylic acid is derived from Willow (Salix sp.)
- Salicylic acid is used as a food preservative.
- bactericidal and antiseptic.
- Can be made into Aspirin.
- Or medicine for skincare, e.g. warts.
- Rooting hormone.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Salicylic acid in plants?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
Salicylic acid is involved in endogenous signaling, mediating in plant defense against pathogens.
- It is involved in the systemic acquired resistance in which a pathogenic attack on one part of the plant induces resistance in other parts.
- The signal can also move to nearby plants and induce the immune response there.
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
What makes a good pesticide?
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides
- Target pest specificity
- Good suppression of target pest
- Rapid suppression of target pest
- Degrades fairly rapidly
- Low mammalian toxicity
- No phyto-txicity
- No risk to environment
LO 3.1 Types of pesticides