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L5 - 1 - Plant Protection
> LO 1.2 - Molluscs > Flashcards
LO 1.2 - Molluscs Flashcards
- Outline damage, lifecycle and control - Slugs, snails
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L5 - 1 - Plant Protection
(48 decks)
LO 1.0 - Describe the characteristics of common plant pests, disease causing agents and their effects.
LO 1.1 - Insects and other arthropods
LO 1.1 - True Bugs
LO 1.1 Thrips and Scale Insects
LO 1.1 - Whitefly
LO 1.1 - Flies
LO 1.2 - 1.4 - Non insect pests.
LO 1.2 - Molluscs
LO 1.3 - Nematodes
LO 1.4 - Birds & Mammals
LO 1.5 - Fungi as plant parasites
LO 1.6 - Bacteria as plant parasites
LO 1.7 - Viruses as plant parasites
LO 1.8 - Outline causal agents of non-pathogenic plant disorders
LO 2.0 - Review the effects, reproduction, spread and control of weeds
LO 2.1 - Definition and classification of weeds
LO 2.2 - Effects of weeds
LO 2.3 - Weed survival
LO 2.4 - Weed control measures
LO 3.0 - Describe the range of formulations and uses of pesticides
LO 3.1 - Types of pesticides
LO 3.2 - Formulations
LO 3.3 - Uses and mode of action
LO 3.4 - Consumer and public concerns and demands regarding pesticide usage
LO 4.0 - Describe pest and disease control measures appropriate to specific situations
LO 4.1 - Legislative Controls and Notifiable Pests and Diseases
LO 4.2 - Cultural control
LO 4.3 - Chemical control
LO 4.4 - Biological control
LO 4.5 - Integrated control methods
LO 4.6 - Sustainable Use Directive
LO 5.0 - Identify a range of horticultural pests and diseases,
LO 5.1 - Identify 5 common diseases from a list of 10
LO 5.2 - Identify 5 common pests from a list of 10
LO 5.3 - Identify 5 common disorders from a list of 10
LO 6.0 - Safely apply pesticides with a knapsack sprayer
LO 6.1 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
LO 6.2 - Interpreting labels, safety data, hazard symbols
LO 6.3 - 6.4 Assessing weather conditions & Carrying out risk assessment
LO 6.5 - Checking sprayer
LO 6.6 - Calibration
LO 6.7 - Calculation of rates, volumes, selection of nozzle and pressure.
LO 6.8 - Measuring and mixing
LO 6.9 - Application techniques
LO 6.10 - Freeing blocked nozzles
LO 6.11 - Washing out, decontamination and storage procedures
LO 6.12 - Keeping appropriate records and traceability
LO 6.13 - Chemical storage