LN 09 (Neoplasm) Flashcards
Classical neoplasm 3 features
- it is an excessive tissue growth
- it lacks responsiveness to control mechanisms
- it lacks continued dependence on the stimulus that initiated it
form of pathological hyperplasia
retrogressive change that is reversible and is
responsive to growth control mechanisms
Neoplasia literally means “new growth”, and this tissue growth is called
a tissue swelling or mass that may or may not
be neoplasm
study of neoplasia
chemical messengers of density-dependent inhibition or contact inhibition of growth
process of normal cells losing their innate characteristics and become neoplastic cells
neoplastic transformation
Morphological characteristics of transformed cells
1) May or may not resemble their cell origin
2) Presents increased nucleus to cytoplasmic ratio, the nuclei being enlarged hyperchromatic and may be multinucleated
3) Chromosomes may present mitotic figures
4) They lack orientation to adjacent cells
5) Decreased rough endoplasmic reticulum and increased free ribosomes
Characteristics of transformed cells beside morphological changes (6)
- Transplantability
- Immortality
- Tumorigenicity
- Antigenic changes
- Karyotypic changes
- Biochemical changes
neoplasm containing tissue derived from more than one germ layer
neoplasm derived from one embryonic germ layer
mixed neoplasm
Based on the tissue origin, the neoplasm could be
epithelial, mesenchymal
inoffensive, grow slowly by expansion, circumscribed, does not undergo metastasis, few mitotic or apoptotic figures, and is rarely fatal
benign neoplasm
refers to those that are aggressive and potentially life threatening
malignant neoplasm
Benign neoplasms carry the suffix
Benign neoplasms derived from glandular epithelia
solid lobular pattern of growth and those with
recognizable acini, ducts and tubules
adenoma forming cystic cavitation
forms branching finger-like projections into the lumen
papillary adenoma
adenoma derived from ducts
ductular adenoma
neoplasms growing at the surfaces
polyps or papilloma
Malignant neoplasms of mesenchymal origin are called
Malignant neoplasms of epithelial origin are called
carcinoma forming recognizable ducts, tubules or acini
fail to mimic their tissue origin sufficiently for them to be recognized
poorly differentiated sarcoma or carcinoma
well differentiated such that they resemble the tissue of origin both cytologically and architecturally
benign neoplasm
vary greatly in the degree of differentiation, and they usually exhibit anaplasia
malignant neoplasms
failure of cells to differentiate or loss of differentiation
one of the hallmarks and the most important morphologic feature of malignancy
nuclei become large, hyperchromatic or vesicular, have abnormal shapes and may contain one or more prominent nucleoli
anaplastic cells usually exhibit?
Examples of well-differentiated neoplasms
- glandular adenomas
- endocrine adenomas
retain the functional characteristics of the
parent tissue, such that even their functional activity is intact
well-differentiated neoplasms
one of the basis on which the origin of neoplasms may be known
functional activity
precludes further mitotic division
full differentiation
contains a high proportion of cells unable to divide and so grow slowly
benign neoplasm
contain many cells in the growth fraction and usually grows at a more rapid rate
malignant neoplasms
exhibit local invasiveness or infiltration
malignant neoplasms
potential to spread to distant sites not
directly adjacent with the primary mass
Enzymes produced by neoplastic cells that degrade adjacent tissues
- lysosomal hydrolases
- collagenase
- plasminogen activator
important factor in invasiveness
Steps to complete metastasis
1) Release from site of origin
2) Transportation
3) Lodgment at distant site
4) Growth and survival at lodgment site
destroy vital structures due to their location and may even be fatal even if benign
tumor masses