Listening N2 vocab Flashcards
旅行会社 (ryokougaisha)
travel agent, travel agency
泊 (haku)
counter for nights of a stay
日程 (nittei)
schedule, program
宿泊料金 (shukuhakuryoukin)
accommodation charge, lodging charges
上旬 (joujun)
first ten days of month
包装 (housou)
packing, wrapping
包装紙 (housoushi)
wrapping paper
花柄 (kahei)
(botanical) peduncle
有料 (yuuryou)
fee, charge, toll
無地 (muji)
plain, unfigured
監督 (kantoku)
supervision, control
初優勝 (hatsuyuushou)
first championship win
翌年 (yokunen)
following year
finally, at last
掴む (tsukamu)
to seize, to grab
体操 (taisou)
gymnastics, physical exercises
姿勢 (shisei)
posture, attitude
挟む (hasamu)
to interpose, to hold between
劇場 (gekijou)
座席 (zaseki)
日日 (hinichi)
係の人 (kakari no hito)
official in charge, person in charge
案内係 (annaigakari)
clerk at the information desk
売り切れ (urikire)
縮む (chidjimu)
to shrink, to diminish (in size)
洗剤 (senzai)
detergent, washing material
試す (tamesu)
to attempt, to test, to try out
冷える (hieru)
to grow cold, to get chilly
直接 (chokusetsu)
direct, immediate
布製 (nunosei)
made of cloth
持ち歩く (mochiaruku)
to carry
波 (nami)
海水浴 (kaisuiyoku)
sea bathing, seawater bath
名所 (meisho)
famous place
潜る (moguru)
to dive
企画 (kikaku)
planning, project, plan
資料 (shiryou)
materials, data
新人 (shinjin)
new face, newcomer
件 (ken)
matter, case
対処 (taisho)
deal with, cope
打ち合わせ (uchiawase)
appointment, business meeting
商店街 (shoutengai)
shopping district, shopping street
近づく (chikazuku)
to approach, to get near
荒れる (areru)
to be stormy
設置 (secchi)
establishment, institution
最低限 (saiteigen)
機能 (kinou)
function, facility, feature
操作 (sousa)
operation, processing
歌謡曲 (kayoukyoku)
popular song
歓迎会 (kangeikai)
welcome party
無口 (mukuchi)
x ckp byk
豊富 (houfu)
abudance, wealth, plenty