Listening N2 vocab 3 Flashcards
経済成長率 (keizai seichouritsu)
rate of economic growth
示す (shimesu)
to show, to indicate
税制 (zeisei)
tax system
長期 (chouki)
long time period
迫る (semaru)
to draw near, to press (someone for something)
only, merely
景気 (keiki)
condition, state, business (condition)
回復 (kaifuku)
recovery, improvement, restoration
傾向 (keikou)
tendency, trend, inclination
布 (nuno)
製品 (seihin)
manufactured goods, product
再利用 (sairiyou)
reuse, recycling
木製 (mokusei)
wooden, made of wood
レジ袋 (reji bukuro)
(disposable) shopping bag
圧縮 (asshuku)
compression, condensation
故障 (koshou)
break-down, failure, out of order
法則 (housoku)
law, rule
to a very great extent
散らかる (chirakaru)
to be in disorder, to lie scattered around
整理 (seiri)
sorting, arrangement, putting in order
事務室 (jimushitsu)
交流会 (kouryuukai)
(cultural) exchange meeting, gathering
当日 (toujitsu)
appointed day, very day
開催 (kaisai)
holding a meeting, open an exhibition
記入 (kinyuu)
entry, filling in of forms
領収書 (ryoushuusho)
(formal) receipt
印刷物 (insatsubutsu)
printed matter
配る (kubaru)
to distribute, to deliver
事前 (jizen)
prior, beforehand, in advance
揃う (sorou)
to become complete, to be all present
志望 (shibou)
wish, desire, ambition
印象 (inshou)
健康診断 (kenkou shindan)
physical examination
成績証明書 (seiseki shoumeisho)
transcript of results, report of results
患者 (kanja)
(a) patient
塗る (nuru)
to spread, to paint
容器 (youki)
container, vessel
切り替える (kirikaeru)
to change, to exchange, to renew
新入生 (shinnyuusei)
freshman, first-year student
実施 (jisshi)
enforcement, carrying out
学生課 (gakuseika)
student affairs office
割引 (waribiki)
discount, reduction
受け付ける (uketsukeru)
to be acceptd, to receive (an application)
比較 (hikaku)
最新 (saishin)
latest, newest
世界各国 (sekai kakkoku)
countries all over the world
加える (kuwaeru)
to append, to add