Listening N2 vocab 2 Flashcards
significant, a big deal
to joke, to mess around
風船 (fuusen)
絵本 (ehon)
picture book
天狗 (tengu)
long-nosed goblin
翼 (tsubasa)
下駄 (geta)
geta (Japanese footwear)
生える (haeru)
to grow, to spring up
流行る (hayaru)
to be popular, to spread widely
巻く (maku)
to roll, to coil, to wind (scarf toka)
交差 (kousa)
crossing, intersection
結ぶ (musubu)
to tie, to bind
書類 (shorui)
documents, official papers
会場 (kaijou)
assembly hall, meeting place
修正版 (shuuseiban)
revised version
修正 (shuusei)
amendment, revision
欄 (ran)
column of text
読み上げる (yomiageru)
to read out loud
格好 (Kakko)
shape, form, pose
発想 (hassou)
expression, idea, conception
育児休暇 (ikuji kyuuka)
childcare leave, maternity leave
契約書 (keiyakusho)
(written) contract
unthinkable, outrageous
停電 (teiden)
power outage, blackout, failure of electricity supply
蝋燭 (rousoku)
unintentionally, unconsciously
通勤 (tsuukin)
commuting to work
unsteady on one’s feet, stagger
開発 (kaihatsu)
development, exploitation
わが社 (wagasha)
our company, my company
評価 (hyouka)
valuation, evaluation
緑茶 (ryokucha)
green tea, Japanese tea
香り (kaori)
fragrance, scent
fresh, refreshing
採用 (saiyou)
use, adoption, acceptance
引き受ける (hikiukeru)
to undertake, to take over, to be responsible for
分量 (bunryou)
amount, quantity
撒く (maku)
to scatter, to sprinkle, to sow (seeds)
農薬 (nouyaku)
agricultural chemical
彫刻 (choukoku)
carving, sculpture
彫刻家 (choukokuka)
engraver, carver
騒音 (souon)
持ち運ぶ (mochihakobu)
to carry, to bring (to a place)
汚す (yogosu)
to make dirty, to pollute
汚れ (yogore)
dirt, filth
価格 (kakaku)
price, value, cost
性能 (seinou)
ability, performance, efficiency
分野 (bun’ya)
field, division, branch
会議室 (kaigishitsu)
conference room, council room