Listening N2 vocab 4 Flashcards
いい加減にする (ii kagen ni suru)
to put an end to something
以後 (igo)
after this, from now on
招く (maneku)
to invite
欠かす (kakasu)
to miss (doing); to fail (to do)
見学 (kengaku)
inspection; study by observation; field trip
経営 (keiei)
management; administration; running (business)
to collect; to put (it all) together; to summarize
映像 (eizou)
video; film; footage; clip
興味を引く (kyoumi o hiku)
to attract interest; to arouse someone’s interest
編集 (henshuu)
editing; compilation
古本 (furuhon)
secondhand book
積極的 (sekkyokuteki)
positive; assertive; active
強調 (kyouchou)
emphasis; highlight; stress
配布資料 (haifushiryou)
handout (i.e. document distributed to a group)
名札 (nafuda)
name plate; name tag
記念品 (kinenhin)
souvenir; memento
seal; sticker
市民 (shimin)
citizen; public; townspeople
総合 (sougou)
synthesis; coordination; putting together; integration
気の毒 (ki no doku)
pitiful; unfortunate
開始 (kaishi)
start; commencement; beginning
練習場 (renshuujou)
practice ground
一応 (ichiou)
just in case
敷く (shiku)
to spread out; to lay out
値札 (nefuda)
price tag
旅行先 (ryokousaki)
足を伸ばす (ashi o nobasu)
to (relax and) stretch one’s legs out
訪問 (houmon)
call; visit
問い合わせる (toiawaseru)
to enquire; to inquire; to seek information
結末 (ketsumatsu)
end; conclusion
感情的 (kanjouteki)
emotional; sentimental
対立 (tairitsu)
confrontation; opposition; antagonism
指導 (shidou)
leadership; guidance
冷静 (reisei)
calm; composure; coolness
警報 (keihou)
alarm; warning
直前 (chokuzen)
just before
不在 (fuzai)
外出先 (gaishutsusaki)
where one has gone to; place where one has gone
箪笥 (tansu)
chest of drawers; cabinet
作り直す (tsukurinaosu)
to remake; to rebuild
使い道 (tsukaimichi)
purpose; utility; way to use something
譲る (yuzuru)
to turn over; to hand over; to yield
手放す (tebanasu)
to let go of; to release; to relinquish
縫う (nuu)
to sew; to stitch
四角い (shikakui)
square; rectangular
生かす (ikasu)
to make (the best) use of; to revive