Liste 7 Flashcards
Un pays laïc
A secular state
A lay person
Un moine
A monk
Un monje
It’s carcinogenic
Processed meat
Viande industriel
Processed meat includes sausages and bacon
La soie (matière)
Bill has just bought a new silk shirt
Seda: es dulce como la seda = c’est doux comme la soie
A grave
Une tombe
Lieu de culte
Place of worship
People should be free to choose their own place of worship
To worship = vénérer, adorer
Appel a la prière
Call to worship
Islamic call to worship
Adhan, the muslim call to prayer
Sans pitié
Marta is ruthless
Une raffinerie (de pétrole)
A refinery
A typical oil refinery is capable of processing 200,000 barrels of crude oil per day
Mon fils n’est pas encore capable de lacer ses chaussures
My little boy isn’t capable of tying his own shoelaces yes
Prendre sa retraite
To retire
Maison de retraite
Retirement home
Age de la retraite
Retirement age
Service militaire obligatoire
Compulsory military service
Par la suite
Dans un futur proche
A court terme
In the foreseeable future
A foreseeable crisis
Une crise prévisible
Les récentes avancées dans le traitement du cancer
The recent advancements in cancer treatment
On the grounds of
Parce que
To pledge allegiance to
Prêter allégeance
Promise to be loyal to sb
Day of mourning
Jour de deuil
Dia de duelo nacional
Tom didn’t come to work because he was in mourning for his son
Étendre le linge
To hang out the washing
To assert
New Zealand assert their global rugby supremacy
Un coffre-fort
A safe
Étendre le linge
To hang out the washing
To assert
New Zealand assert their global rugby supremacy
Faire le ménage
To do the cleaning
To do the housework
Ellison a fait son discours inaugural
Ellison delivered his maiden speech
Widow = veuve
Widower= veuf (widowed man)
Harry has been a widower for over five years
Veuf/veuve= viudo/viuda
Ellison a fait son discours inaugural
Ellison delivered his maiden speech
Les pirates ont creusé dans le sable avec une pelle pour trouver le trésor
The pirates dug into the sand with a shovel to find the treasure
Creuser = dig/dug/dug
Les débris (avion)
The wreckage
Enrolled (adj)
Un marteau (clou)
A hammer
Un martillo
Contrôleur (train, métro)
Inspector, ticket inspector
Get your ticket ready, here comes the inspector
Mourir de soif
Die of thirst
Mourir de faim
Die of hunger
Starve to death
Passer les menottes à
The police handcuffed the suspect
Des menottes = handcuffs
Une explosion
A blast
Un attentat a la bombe
Un bombardement
A bombing
Lebanon is holding a day of national mourning after at least 41 people were killed in two suicide bombings in the capital Beirut
Issue de secours
Salida de emergencia
Emergency exit
Rendre hommage
Rendir homenaje
La ceremonia se hizo en homenaje a las victimas del atentado
Une décennie
A decade
There have been enormous technological advances over the last decade
Una década
Los anos 60 son una decada celebre
Un tueur a gages
Un sicario
A hitman
Pourquoi n’es-tu pas venu hier ?
Why didn’t you come yesterday ?
Qu’aimerais-tu manger ?
What would you like to eat ?
Tu as fait de gros progrès en français
You have made great progress in your French !