Liste 5 Flashcards
Cote d’agneau
Lamb ribs
Hojaldre (pâte feuilletée)
Puff pastry
An ashtray
Un cenicero
Grève de la faim
Hunger strike
Huelga de hambre
إضراب عن الطعام
Boucle d’oreille
Un Pendiente
Croiser (quelqu’un)
Adivina a quien me encontré hoy en el supermercado?
Guess who I bumped into at the supermarket ?
Un cintre (vêtements)
A hanger
Una percha
Match nul (en sport)
A draw
The football match was a draw
Neither team won the game: they drew
Un prisonnier
Un détenu
A prisoner
An inmate
Un prisionero
Un preso
Viande hachée
Ground beef
Ground meat
Un naufrage
A shipwreck
More than 1000 people died in the shipwreck of the Titanic
Un cercueil
A coffin
Un ataúd
To take the helm
Prendre les commandes (figuré)
Prendre la barre
It is his first visit to the USA, since taking the helm of the nation
My father was at the helm during the storm = mon père était aux commandes du bateau pendant la tempête
Do you often order things online ?
Comment cela se passe-t-il ?
How’s it going ?
How is it going ?
Un mouton (l’animal)
A sheep
Maire d’une ville
Amy was elected as mayor of her town
Abats (meat: internal organs)
Une poussette
Un cochecito
A stroller
A pushchair
Cueillir dès fleurs
Cueillir des fruits
To pick
He likes to pick flowers for his girlfriend
Pears are usually picked unripe
Etre pressé
To be in a hurry
I was in a hurry to get home
Depechez-vous !
Hurry up !
Se dépêcher
To hurry
If you hurry, you might catch the next bus !
Si te das prisa, quiza puedas coger el autobus
Il se dépêcha de ranger son appartement avant l’arrivée de son invité
He hurried to clean his appartement before his date arrived
Comment faire murir rapidement un avocat ?
How to ripen an avocado quickly ?
Une gousse d’ail
A clove of garlic
Garlic clove
Enlever (vêtements)
Take off
Pierre took his coat off on entering the room
Take your clothes off
No-frills carriers
Low cost airline
Une grue
A crane
To spearhead
Etre a l’origine de, mener, conduire
I spearheaded a campaign to build a new regional hospital
To entice
Persuader quelqu’un de faire quelque chose
Ann tried to entice her boss to close the office on Friday
Oak tree
But contre son camp
Own goal
Le bateau de croisière allait à destination de New-York
The cruise ship was bound for New-York
Crackdown (nom, verbe)
Nom =Mesures répressives, répression
Verbe = sévir
The police will no longer tolerate public drunkenness: they’re going to crack down
The principal is starting to crack down on unexcused absences
Un otage
Un rehén
A hostage
Une trêve
Una tregua
A ceasefire
Un alto el fuego
Gilet pare-balles
Bulletproof vest
Chaleco antibalas
Une barrière, une clôture
A fence
Josh built a fence around his garden
Une bande dessinée
A comic strip
A comic book
A breakup
Une rupture, une séparation (romantic séparation)
Dissolution, démembrement
The breakup of the Soviet Union began in the early 1990s
The government issued fewer visas
The library issued me with a new card
To issue : remettre, délivrer,
Un bouchon (circulation)
Traffic jam, bottleneck
The radio is warning of 25-km traffic jams across the whole region
The new road is expected to ease the bottleneck on Springer Street=
La new route est censée réduire les bouchons…
Une croisière
Un crucero
A cruise
This summer I’m going on a cruise among the Greek Island
Bateau de croisière = cruise ship
Un découvert bancaire
An overdraft
Bank overdraft
Un descubierto
J’ai réussi à arriver à l’heure au travail
The traffic was terrible today! I’m amazed I managed to get to work on time
Écraser (véhicule)
Cette voiture a écrasé un renard
To run over
The car ran over a fox
Atropellar: lo siento, accidentalmente atropellé a su gato
Le cuivre
Retrousser ses manches
To roll up your sleeves
I rolled up my sleeves