Liste 6 Flashcards
Feuilles de vigne
Hojas de parra rellenas de arroz y carne picada
Stuffed grape leaves
ورق عنب
Eplucher (fruit, légumes, crevettes)
To peel
How to peel prawns ?
Peau de banane = banana peel
To stab
= apuñalar
Apuñalo a su victima en el pecho
A stabbing = une attaque au couteau
A scourge
Un fléau
Etre au chômage
To be unemployed
Indemnités de chômage
Unemployement benefit
I’ve got a job interview tomorrow and I’m looking for a suitable outfit
=je cherche une tenue appropriée
Suitable for
Être adapté à
Convenir à
This movie is not suitable for young children because of the violence
He doesn’t think his daughter’s boyfriend is suitable for her = il ne pense pas que le copain de sa fille convienne a cette dernière
Have you ever been to France ?
Es-tu déjà allé aller en France ?
I have never been to Paris
The Beatles were one of the most successful bands ever
Les Beatles étaient l’un des groupes les plus populaires de tous les temps
Have you ever met a famous person ?
Attacker (person who assaults)
To feed
Helen feeds the dog every morning
I need to feed the children = je dois donner a manger aux enfants
To arise from
To arise
Faire suite a qch
Résulter de qch
Se produire, survenir
Several complications arose from the surgery = des complications ont fait suite a l’opération
My grandfather died of a stroke
Gestion de patrimoine
Asset & Wealth Management
Introduction en bourse
IPO = Initial Public Offering
Salida a bolsa
Un phoque
A seal
Is this coat really made of seal ?
Una foca
Lécher (verbe) (with tongue)
To lick
The dog licked his owner’s hand
Lick the envelope to seal it =
Lèche l’enveloppe pour la sceller
Desolé, cette place est occupée
Place de cinema
I am sorry, but that seat is taken (ou: occupied, reserved)
Tirer sur quelqu’un
To fire
To shoot
Un piéton
A pedestrian
Un Passage piéton
A zebra crossing
Cross on the zebra crossing
Use the crosswalk
Paso de peatones o paso de cebra
Widespread (adj)
The use of mobile phones is widespread
Gommer (crayon)
Effacer (du texte)
To erase
To cope
Surmonter, s’en sortir, sortir d’un moment difficile
You are going through a dificult time, but you will cope
= estas pasando por un momento dificil, pero vas a salir adelante
Rescuers have freed four children who were trapped after a crash
A probation
To put (sb) on probation
Liberté conditionnelle
Mise a l’essai
My contract includes a three-month probation period
Mon contrat inclut une période d’essai de trois mois
She had a year of probation after her release from prison
Fierce (adj)
Violent , féroce
Fierce winds = vents violents
Kate had a fierce argument with her roommate = kate a eu une violente dispute avec sa colocataire
Un ticket de caisse
A receipt
Levure chimique
Baking powder
Chiffre romain
Roman numeral
The roman numeral for 50 is L
Rouleau à pâtisserie
A rolling pin
Rodillo de cocina
Raper (du gingembre, carottes..)
To grate
She always grates cheese onto her salad
Confondre quelqu’un avec quelqu’un d’autres
Mistake (sb) for (sb) else
I didn’t recognize her voice and mistook her for Jenny =
Je n’ai pas reconnu sa voix et l’ai confondue avec Jenny.
Un plombier
A plumber
Un électricien
An electrician
Un maçon
A builder
Cernes (sous les yeux)
Dark rings under his eyes
Shadows under your eyes
The dark rings under his eyes are due to lack of sleep
He has shadows under his eyes due to lack of sleep
Sus ojeras se deben a la falta de sueno
Crude oil
Petrole brut
Durée de vie
Life span
The life span of …. is very short
La maison etait entourée de champs
The house was surrounded by fields
If you want to surround yourself with people who are motivated,
And so on and so forth
Et ainsi de suite
And so on
Je jette toutes ces vieilles photos a la poubelle
I am throwing all these old photos away
To throw away
Quelle est le nom de jeune fille de ta mère ?
What is your mother’s maiden name ?
A magic bullet
Un remède miracle
Avoir honte de
To be ashamed of
The children were ashamed of their father’s alcoholism
You should be ashamed of yourself for failing that test
Tu devrais avoir honte d’avoir raté ce test
It’s annoying = c’est énervant
The constant noise of the traffic was annoying =
Le bruit constant de la circulation était énervant