Lipids Part 2 Flashcards
What are the function of lipids ?
Store energy
Insulation /regular heat
Make up membranes
Cell messengers
What are the type of Lipids ?
What is Functional groups ?
Which is healthier ?
unsaturated because of more kinks and bents look for carbons carbon not carbon and hydrogen
Which disrupt London forces ?
Cis distrupt London forces preventing tails from packing together .
How are trans created ?
Hydrogenation in which food is chemically processed.
Give examples of steroids ?
What is the structure of steroids ?
Have four rings in which a b c is 6 rings and d is 5 rings
Methyl group is attached to the ring.
What are the two types of conformations ?
Trans -A - B beta cist to the methyl
Methyl are in axil position top
How do you determine beta cis and trans or alpha cis and trans ?
If its up its cis due to the hydrogen on side |(Beta)
If its down its trans due to the hydrogen opssote ch3 (Alpha )
What happens at Carbon 17 ?
Different alkyl groups generate different steroids for examples cholesterol they have 8 sterocterts meaning 256 steeriomrers are possible they are found in animals.
What can too much cholesterol called ?
Leads to clot in arteries .
Functional hormones as chemical messages
.They don’t have fatty acids but have rings structures .They have hydrophobic away from but have four rings structure making them a lipid
What is the main type of Steroid ?
Cholesterol in which are found in your cell membrane and make steroid hormones Its also a lipid it doesn’t lie water so it hydrophobic and is carried out by lipoproteins (Soluble proteins combine with and transport lipids or fats in blood plasma )
LDL-BAD (Low density lipoproteins )
Bad/contain more fat
Transport cholesterol , triclyclerid and phospholipids from the liver to the tissue .
High levels of LDLis considered bad this is why LDL is considered bad cholesterol
100 mg/dl is bad
Contain high amount of proteins
They prevent the build up of cholesterol .Transporting cholesterol and phospholipids back to the liver
High levels of HDL is good
40mG/dl is good
What are chylomcirons ?
They transport primarily Tricylerides from the digestive tract.
What are the differences between Saturated and unsaturated bonds?
Saturated : They all single bonds Straight chains Full of hydrogen Packed well
Unsaturated : Not full of hydrogen Liquid at room temperature One double bond at least Kinked on bent Oil example Not packed well
What are Phospholipids ?
A liquid containing a phosphate group found in the cell membrane
They are amphipathic because the phosphate groups is hydrophilic .Whereas, the fatty acids bit is hydrophobic
Structure of Phospholipids ?
They consist of two fatty acid substance attached to a glycerol
And a phosphate groups which hydrophilic .
The heads of the phosphate group are on the outside and are hydrophilic in aqueous solution , whereas, the hydrophobic is in the inside bit
What are they used for ?
Used commercially as emulsying agents .An emulysing agents stabilizes an emulsion .
Mayonnaise which an example
Lecithin another name for phosophiolipids used as an emuslting agent .
What are sphingolipids ?
The core of a sphingolipid is an amino alcohol called sphingosine.
Complex sphingolipids located in the plasma membrane of animal cells (especially nerve cells)
function and are believed to protect the cell surface from harmful environmental factors.
Structure of Sphingolipids ?
Found in the myelin membrane and have a function in protecting the cell surface .
One fatty acids , phosphate group and sphingolipids .
Its a steroid which means its composed of foru rings one being five side and the rest being six sided .
Found normally in some aquatic birds/leaft structures surfaces .
Has a hydrophobic property prevsting water from sticking to or soaking into surface .
Structure of Waxes
Contain a long fatty acid connected to alcohol /ester linkage although the waxes are produced by plants.
They are made by combining a fatty acid with long chain alcohols
Carboxylic acids react with alcohol to form esters.
The word resudide is used to replace which molecule including carboxylic and alcohol part .
Examples of Waxes
Hydrophobic are used by plants to protective water proof coating.
Reactions involving water
Hydrolysis can be catalysed using a base OH-
The base catalysed hydrolysis ethanol is called saponification
Carboxylic acid in base catalysed hydroxylisis the base undergoes a second acid /base reaction with carboxylic acid to produce carboxylate ion
What happens if a drop of Phospholipids are placed
It forms a MICHELLE
In which the hydrophilic phosphate heads face the outside /fatty acid face the interior of this structure .
Cis /Trans
Cis-Same side -unsaturated
Trans- Opposite sides in configuration keeps the chain easily packed /straights/ Unsaturated
They are both type of amphiatatic which means they have a non-polar component and polar component.
What is glycerol ?
Its three part carbon alcohol molecule containing oxygen
Partial Hydrogenation
Gives CIS some desirable properties of saturated fats such as solid at room temperature
Trans -Unsaturated fatty acid can pack more tightly to be solid at room temperature .