Minimum Runway Length (DRY)
4000’ DRY
**Minimum distances are required for release only. Upon arrival, pilots may land if the LPA computed distance is less than the landing distance available.
OPS review required if runway length is less than what?
Contaminated: Less than 5500’
**Minimum distances are required for release only. Upon arrival, pilots may land if the LPA computed distance is less than the landing distance available.
Max Crosswind for TAKEOFF?
(Normal Conditions)
28 kts
Max crosswind for LANDING with NWS INOP?
15 kts. (operations on contaminated runways not authorized with NWS inop)
Max crosswind for LANDING?
(Normal Conditions)
24 kts
Max crosswind for landing on a contaminated runway?
150 or greater runway width: 15 kts
149 or less runway width : 10 kts
Max tailwind for takeoff and landing?
10 kts
Max ramp/taxi weight.
Max takeoff weight.
Max Landing Weight
Max Operating Altitude
45,000 feet
Max turbulent air penetration speed
Max landing gear extension speed (VLO EXT)
250 kts.
Max landing gear retraction speed (VLO RET).
200 kts.
Max flap extension speeds?
Flaps 10°- 210
Flaps 20°- 210
Flaps 30°-175
Maximum cabin differential pressure for landing.
1.0 psid
Max cabin differential for ground operations.
0.1 psid
APU starter limits
3 start attempts with 1 minute intervals (then 20 minutes cooling, 2 additional attempts, then 40 minutes cooling)
APU airborne attempts allowed
1300 lbs.
Max altitude for APU start
30,000 feet
Max Altitude for APU operation.
37,000 feet
Max airspeed for APU start.
285 Kts
Min Altitude for autopilot engagement.
700 feet AGL
Min altitude for using autopilot during a precision approach (GP angle 3.5 degrees or less)
80 feet.
Min altitude for using autopilot during a non- precision approach (GP angle of 3.5 degrees or less) or visual approach.
200 feet.
Approach Category
Max time on APR
10 minutes (when automatically activated)
5 minutes (when manually activated)
Max time in TO thrust.
5 minutes
Max Zero fuel weight
28,200 lbs
Max takeoff and landing altitude
10,000 feet
Max altitude with yaw damper off
Max runway slope
+/- 2%
VMO up to 8000 feet msl
300 KIAS
VMO (8001-29,475 ft)
320 KIAS
.83 Mach
Max gear extension altitude
18,000 feet
Max gear EXTENDED speed
250 KIAS
Max Flap extension altitude
18,000 feet
Tire speed limit
182 KIAS
Min Oil temp for starting
-40 C
Min oil pressure at IDLE
28 psi
Max ground START ITT
650 C
Engine Starter Limits
3 starts, followed by 15 minutes cooling period.
engine must be motored for 30 seconds after an aborted start
How long can the engine be motored for?
5 minutes followed by a 15 minute cooling period.
Max ITT to initiate a start
350 C
Max ITT FADEC begins a start at
250 C
Minimum airspeed with spoilers extended
Vref + 8
Minimum altitude with spoilers extended
500 ft AGL
When can you use EMER speed brakes?
Emergency, QRC or QRH
When must power/gravity crossflow be off?
Minimum go around fuel (per wing)
500 lbs (collector tank capacity)
Max fuel imbalance.
250-600 lbs depending on fuel load (The higher fuel the load, the less the imbalance can be)
> 13,700————> 250lbs
10,000-13,699—–> 315lbs
4,700-9,999——–> 450lbs