Limitations Flashcards
Load Factor Acceleration ?
Clean : -1G to +2.5G
Other conf : 0G to +2G
Minimum and maximum temperatures at maximum ceiling
-70°C to -30°C
Minimum and Maximum temperatures at sea level ?
-40°C to +55°C
Mean runway slope ?
+/- 2%
Max runway altitude ?
9 200ft
Nominal runway width ?
Minimal runway width ?
Maximum crosswind for take-off and landing ? (A320 NEO)
35kt (gusts included)
38kt (gusts included)
Maximum crosswind for take-off and landing ? (A320 CEO)
38kt (gusts included)
Maximum tailwind for take-off ?
Maximum tailwind for landing ?
CONF for landing in tailwind conditions for A320 CEO ?
If tailwind > 10kt, FLAPS FULL ONLY
CONF for landing in tailwind conditions for A320 NEO ?
If tailwind > 10kt, FLAPS FULL recommended
Maximum wind for passenger door operation ?
65 kt
Maximum wind for FWD and AFT cargo door operation ?
40kt (or 50kt if nose into the wind or doors on the leeward side)
What is the maximum speed at which the FWD or AFT cargo doors must be closed ?
Before the wind speed exceeds 65kt
What is the Max crosswind for RWYCC 6 or 5 ?
38 kt for CEO
35kt (take-off) and 38kt (landing) for NEO
What is the Max crosswind for RWYCC 4 ?
29 kt
What is the Max crosswind for RWYCC 3 ?
25 kt
What is the Max crosswind for RWYCC 2 ?
20 kt
What is the Max crosswind for RWYCC 1 ?
15 kt
What is the maximum speed at which the cockpit window can be opened ?
200 kt
What is the maximum speed for clean configuration ?
What is the maximum speed for CONF 1+F ?
What is the maximum speed for CONF 1 ?
230 kt
What is the maximum speed for CONF 2 ?
200 kt
What is the maximum speed for CONF 3 ?
185 kt
What is the maximum speed for CONF FULL ?
177 kt
Maximum speed VMO ?
350 kt
Maximum speed MMO ?
Maximum speed with the Landing Gear extended (VLE)
280kt - 0.67
Maximum speed at which the Landing Gear is extended (VLO extension) ?
250kt - m 0.6
Maximum speed at which the Landing Gear is retracted (VLO retraction) ?
220kt - m 0.54
Maximum tire speed ?
195 kt
VMCL for 320 CEO ?
113 kt
VMCL for A320 NEO ?
116 kt
Minimum control speed on narrow runway ?
Full determined in Performance application on the iPad
Maximum speed for taxi when > 76 000kt ?
Maximum 20 kt during a turn
Maximum wipers speed ?
230 kt
Maximum time without air conditionning with pax onboard ?
20 minutes
Can we use APU BLEED air and HP air at the same time ?
What is the maximum OAT above which the avionic ventilation becomes limiting ?
OAT < 49°C = no limitation
What is the maximum positive differential pressure ?
9.0 PSI
What is the maximum negative differential pressure ?
-1 PSI
At what pressure do the safety valves relief ?
8.6 PSI
At what altitude is the CAB ALT warning triggered ?
9 550 ft
At what altitude does the Outflow valve close ?
15 000 ft
Is it possible to use APU BLEED air and LP air at the same time ?
Minimum altitude for auto pilot ?
100ft AGL or 5 sec after lift off
Minimum altitude for FLS ?
200 ft AGL
Minimum altitude for FINAL-APP, V/S, FPA or PAR ?
250 ft AGL
Minimum altitude for AP in cirling ?
500 ft AGL
Minimum altitude for AP in ILS when CAT 1 on the FMA ?
160 ft AGL
Minimum altitude for AP in ILS when CAT 2, CAT 3 SINGLE or CAT 3 DUAL on the FMA ?
0ft if autoland
Minimum altitude for AP in GLS when CAT 1 on the FMA ?
160 ft AGL
Minimum altitude for AP in GLS when AUTOLAND on the FMA ?
0ft if autoland
Minimum altitude for AP in LPV approach (with SLS) when APPR1 on the FMA ?
160ft AGL
Minimum altitude for AP after a go around ?
100ft AGL
What is the minimum altitude for all other phases ?
500ft AGL
Is RNP ops still valid with GPS PRIMARY LOST ?
Yes, if RNP value is checked or entered in the MCDU and HIGH ACCURACY is displayed
NPA approaches OEI in A319 ?
No AP allowed in FINAL APP, NAV V/S or NAV FPA
Minimum DH for CAT 2 ?
Minimum DH for SA CAT 2 ?
100 ft
Minimum DH for CAT 3 Single ?
50 ft
Alert height for CAT 3 Dual ?
100 ft AGL
Minimum RVR for CAT 3 Dual ?
75 m
Autoland OEI FLAPS limitation in A320 CEO ?
CAT 2 and CAT 3 single are only approved in CONF FULL
Autoland OEI FLAPS limitation for A319 - A320 NEO ?
CAT 2 and CAT 3 (single) are only approved in CONF 3 or FULL
What is the maximum glide slope in autoland ?
-2.5° and -3.15° (CEO)
-2.5° and -3.25° (NEO)
Is overweight landing approved in autoland ?
NO, except for 319 up to 69T in case of emergency
Is autoland approved on contaminated runways ?
Automatic rollout approved only in DRY and WET runways.
How many APU starts attempts ?
After 3 consecutive starts, cooling period of 60 minutes before a new start
Maximum APU N speed %
107 %
Maximum EGT for APU start (below 35 000 ft)
1 090°C
Maximum EGT for APU start (above 35 000 ft)
1 120°C
Maximum EGT for APU running
APU start during refuelling ?
- If the APU failed to start or auto shutdown, do no start the APU
- If fuel spill, perform normal APU shutdown
APU battery start inflight ?
FL 250
Max altitude to assist engine start
20 000 ft
Max altitude for air conditioning and pressurization (single pack operation)
22 500 ft
Max altitude for air conditioning and pressurization (dual pack operation)
15 000 ft
Is the use of Wing anti ice and APU BLEED air permitted ?
Not permitted
When not to use BACF
Failure impacting braking performance or runways with average slope > 1%
TOGA time limit ?
5 min - AEO
10 min - OEI
EGT limit during start for A320 NEO ?
On ground : 750°C
Inflight : 875°C
EGT limit during start for A320 CEO ?
On ground and inflight : 725°C
Maximum N1 for A320 NEO ?
101 %
Maximum N1 for A320 CEO ?
104 %
Maximum N2 for A320 NEO ?
Maximum N2 for A320 CEO ?
Maximum oil continuous temperature - CEO and NEO
140 °C
Maximum oil transient temperature (15 min) - CEO and NEO
155 °C
Minimum oil starting temperature - CEO and NEO
-40 °C
Minimum oil temperature before takeoff - NEO
Minimum oil quantity - NEO
10.6 qt, or 8.9 qt + estimated consumption (0.45 qt/h)
Minimum oil pressure - NEO
17.4 PSI
Minimum oil temperature before takeoff - CEO
Minimum oil quantity - CEO
9.5 qt + estimated consumption (0.5 qt/h)
Minimum oil pressure - CEO
13 PSI
What is considered one cycle during engine start ? (CEO and NEO)
A standard automatic start that includes up to three start attempts, is considered one cycle
How much time between successive cycles ? (NEO)
60 seconds
How much time between successive cycles ? (CEO)
20 seconds
How long is the cooling period for engine (NEO)
15 min cooling period after 3 failed cycles (9 starts in total)
How long is the cooling period for engine (CEO)
15 min cooling period after 4 failed cycles (12 starts in total)
What is the starter limitation ? (NEO)
The starter must not be run when N2 is above 63 %.
What is the starter limitation ? (CEO)
The starter must not be run when N2 is above 20 %.
Is FLEX allowed on contaminated runways ?
What is the maximum value of ISA ?
CEO : ISA + 53 °C.
NEO : ISA + 55 °C.
A319 : ISA + 60 °C.
Is FLEX allowed with derated takeoff ?
Not at the same time
Crosswind limitation for engine start ? (NEO)
Up to 45kt crosswind
GA-soft mode limitation ?
Not permitted during OEI
Maximum altitude for FLAPS ?
20 000 ft
Minimum temperature of the fuel ? (JET A1)
Maximum temperature of the fuel ? (JET A1)
CEO : 54°C
NEO : 55°C
Maximum imbalance at takeoff for outer tanks ?
370 kg
Maximum imbalance inflight or landing for outer tanks ?
690 kg
Maximum imbalance at takeoff for inner tanks ?
If tank full (5 500kg), maximum 500 kg imbalance
Maximum imbalance inflight or landing for inner tanks ?
If tank full (5 500kg), maximum 1 500 kg imbalance
Minimum fuel quantity for takeoff ?
1 500 kg
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff ?
Maximum NWS angle
Maximum speed with deflated tire ?
One tire per gear : 7kt
Two tires on the same gear : 3kt
Maximum NWS angle : 30°
SLS limitation ?
Not permitted to deselect SLS during the approach
What does the minimum oxygen bottle pressure cover ? (NEO)
- Preflight checks
- The use of oxygen, when only one flight crewmember is in the cockpit
- Unusable quantity
- Normal system leakage
- The most demanding case among the following:
–> Protection after loss of cabin pressure, with mask regulator on NORMAL (diluted oxygen), during emergency descent for all flight crewmembers and observers for 15 min
–> Protection against smoke with 100 % oxygen for all flight crewmembers and observers during 15 min at 8 000 ft cabin altitude.
What does the minimum oxygen bottle pressure cover ? (CEO)
- Preflight checks
- The use of oxygen, when only one flight crewmember is in the cockpit
- Unusable quantity
- Normal system leakage
- The most demanding case among the following:
–> Protection after loss of cabin pressure, with mask regulator on NORMAL (diluted oxygen), during emergency descent for all flight crewmembers and observers for 13 min
–> Protection against smoke with 100 % oxygen for all flight crewmembers and observers during 15 min at 8 000 ft cabin altitude.
Autoland FLAPS limitation approval for the entire fleet ?
CAT 2 and CAT 3 autoland are approved in CONF3 and CONF FULL