life in nazi germany 1933-39 Flashcards
what was the national labour service?
-all young men between ages 18-25 had to join for 6 months
-given jobs in public works like building schools, hospitals and repairing roads
what was invisible unemployment?
official government figures showed unemployment was falling but did not include jews being forced out of jobs, women being dismissed, unmarried men under 25 doing labour service and opponents of the regime who were sent to concentration camps
what was the german labour front?
-hitler banned all trade unions and replaced with DAF - strikes became illegal
-couldn’t ask for higher wages and working hours increased
what was ‘strength through joy’?
-provided workers with leisure activities such as theatre tickets and sports events
-10 millions went on these holidays
what was the beauty of labour?
campaigned to improve the facilities for workers e.g. better toilets and showers
did the german workers benefit under the nazis?
-yes: more people working, wages increased by 20% and workers got their ‘bread and work’ as promised
-no: price of goods rose by 20% and working hours increased
what was the conscription and rearmament?
-breaking the ToV
-army grew to 1.4 million by 1939
-spending on arms went from 3.5 billion to 26 billion
what was public works?
-the nazis plan to build 7000 miles of motorways to improve transport
-spent 738 billion marks on schools and hospitals to create jobs
what were the results of the nazis work for unemployment?
nazis announced unemployment had went from 4,800,000 to 300,000 by 1939
what were autobahns?
-1933 - motorways
-125,000 men employed by 1935
what were the changes to german women’s lives in nazi germany?
1) the mother’s cross rewarded for an amount of children e.g. 4 = bronze medal
2) marriage loan - parents got to keep 250 marks for every child they had
3) lebensborn - aryan women ‘donate’ a child to the fuhrer by getting pregnant from an aryan SS member
4) abortion and contraception was banned
5) sterilisation law 1933 - non-aryan women couldn’t have children
what were the results of the nazi policies against women?
-marriages increased by 21% between 1933 and 1939
-in 1936 there was over 30% more births than 1933
compare hitler youth for boys versus girls
-boys: training for the army, brainwashing, marching, camping, hiking, membership compulsory
-girls: preparing them for lives as wives and mothers - had to run 60m in 14 seconds, cook, sew, iron, must marry an aryan man - 3 Ks (kinder, kuche, kirche)
what are the aims of the nazis towards women?
-stay at home
-look after the family
-breed more pure children
-kinder, kuche, kirche
what was nazi education like?
-religious studies was stopped
-PE was doubled
-‘mein kampf’ was a textbook
-lessons began with a salute
-history books blamed the jews
-maths taught how to solve economic costs in germany
-teachers had to join the nazis teachers alliance
what did the nuremberg laws of 1935 state?
-jewish people subject, not citizens
-jewish people banned from having sex with germans
how many homosexuals were persecuted?
-4000 arrested in 1936
-over 5000 sent to camps
how were gypsies persecuted?
-germans and gypsies couldn’t marry in 1935
-between 1936 and 1939, 35,000 were sent to camps
what were the key events of the nazi persecution of jews?
1933 1st april: boycott business
1933: jews banned from public places
1935 september: nuremberg laws and reich law of citizenship
1936: banned from being doctors and lawyers
1938: had to register possessions
1938: had ID cards, banned from own shops and businesses, kicked out of schools and evicted
when and what happened on the kristallnacht?
-9th and 10th of november 1938
-nazis destroy 7500 jewish businesses, burn 400 synagogues
-sent 25,000 jews to camps and 100 jews killed
-jews forced to pay 1 billion for the damage
how did jews fled germany between 1933 to 1939 to flea persecution?
what was the concordat and when did it end?
-1933 truce with catholics
-ended by 1937 when 400 catholics sent to camps
what was the protestant church replaced with in 1936 and what did it feature?
-reich church
-nazi religion with mein kampf replacing bible
-cross replaced with swastika
who led the reich church?
ludwig muller