life cycle Flashcards
infancy to 18 months
humans seek and need attachment/presence of others.
when does social smile occur?
12 weeks
when does the child develop stranger anxiety
9 months
separation anxiety when and in association with what
late in first year. associated with object permanence.
when should the child be sitting without support
9 months
standing with assistance?
by 11-12 months
hands and knees crawling
13-14 months
walking with assistance
14 months
standing alone
17 months
walking alone
18-19 months
what is characteristic of the infant?
reflexes and instincts necessary for survival. rooting reflex: turn cheek toward nipple, palmer grasp, moro reflex: limb extend when frightened. babinski: dorsiflexion when soles are stroked (this disappears around 1 yr)
rapproachment: moves away then comes back quickly.
2 yrs old
no! the terrible twos. the child is affirming itself. parallel play, next to but not reciprocated.
3 years
able to spend time away from mom for a number of hours. gender identity. begin bowel and bladder training.
3-6 years
sibling rivalry, regression, vocab expands dramatically by age 4. potty training complete by4-5. active fantasy life. knows that imaginary friends are not real. strong fear of bodily injury. curiosity about body: playing doctor.
6 years
development of superego: conscience. a sense of morality. empathy. learns that lying is wrong. begins to understand the finality of death. associates this with fear of losing a loved one.
7-11 years
sexual dormancy. industry vs inferiority. lifelong sense of competence developed here. formal schooling starts and the capacity for logical thought is developed. this is where most learning problems develop.
what specifically happens at age 9
universality of death. I can die too.
characteristic peer relationships 7-11
same sex. form relationships with adults that are not the primary care giver.
adolescence. independence, autonomy. decision making. there is a lot myelination still occurring in the brain. frontal and parietal lobes. massive pruning! 50% of the synapses are lost.
what is the physical indicator of adolescence?
who starts puberty first?
girls. 10.5 F. 11.5 M.
first menstruation
first ejaculation
middle adolescence 15-17
by age 15. body image and popularity become a major focus. prefers to spend time with friends and not family. risk-taking behavior. autonomy and need for privacy. less likely to comply with medical advice.
late adolescence 18-20
identity crisis: define and refine place in the world. role confusion here. this is where some develop abstract thinking (hypothetical and formal reasoning)
stages of dying
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.