child psychiatry Flashcards
oppositional defiant disorder
pattern of angry irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months. need four symptoms and has to occur with at least one non sibling.
anrgy/irritable mood, touchy easily annoyed, angry and resentful, argumentative/defiant behavior, argues with authority figures, actively defies or refuses to comply with authority figures. often deliberately annoys others. blames others for his mistakes.has been spiteful or vindictive at least 2x in 6 months.
mild symptoms? moderate? severe?
mild: 1 setting ,
moderate 2 settings,
severe 3 +
treatment for ODD
parent-child therapy. bug in ear parenting. authoritative parenting.
conduct disorder
behavior in which rights of others/social norms for age have been violated. repetitive and persistent behavior. has to have 3 in last year/1 in last 6 months.
symptoms of CD
billies, threatens, intimidates. starts physical alterations, has used a weapon that could seriously harm. physically cruel to people, or animals. stolen while confronting victim. forced sexual activity. deliberately engaged in fire-setting or causing serious damage. broken into homes, truant from school, styae rout at night despite parental cautions. has to be impairment.
when does this occur?
childhood onset: 1 symptom <10
can also be unspecified.
worse prognosis when?
when there is little prosocial emotion. lack of remorse or guilt, callous -lack of empathy. unconcerned about performance. shallow or deficit affect.
treatment for CD
multisystemic. probation etc. foster care. functional family therapy. anger control management. parent management training.
abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication. restricted repertoire of interests. vary greatly depending on the developmental level.
who gets autism?
4X more prevalent in boys. not affected by income, education.
characteristics of autism
does not coo by 12 months. does not gesture point wave by 12 months. does not say single words by 16 months or 2 word phrases by 24. has any loss of language or social skill at any age. does not play with parents, does not show interest in others. doesn’t enjoy peek a boo. does not bring or show objects to parents. insists on sameness, difficulty expressing needs, tantrum selfinjurous or aggressive.
part of ASD. impaired social interactions such s eye contact, motor bx, posture, facial feature.s no delays in language or other communications issues. tend to have an above average IQ.
childhood disintegrative disorders
marked regression in multiple areas following two years of previously normal development. begins to resemble ASD. loses language, social skills, toileting, play, motor skills.
rett’s syndrome
normal birth. after 5 months head growth rate decelerates. this only occurs in females. social interaction, locomotion, language problems develop.
how do we diagnose ASD
interview. observation.
most effective treatment for behavioral issues?
reinforcement therapies are the best.
most effective for learning new behaviors
discrete trial instruction. applied behavioral analysis.
intellectual disability (mental retardation)
need 3 criteria. 1 subaverage IQ (below 70), deficits in adaptive functioning (communication, self care, social skills, academics, work), onset needs to be before 18.
mild retardation
50-70 IQ. most kids are similar for the first few years of life. can achieve a 6th grade academic level. can support self with minimal supervision.
35-50 academic skills up to 2nd grade. benefit from extensive social and vocational training. can performed unskilled or semi-skilled tasks under supervision.
severe retard
20-40 can acquire some basic skills (feeding) can learn to read. simple task under supervision. requires assistance for most activities of daily living.
profound retard
below 20. difficulty with simple tasks even under supervision. function best at highly structure settings.