Liberation Flashcards
What telegrams were issued in 1946?
Feb 1946 – Stalin makes speech calling for preparation for war, American politburo considered it call for WW3. On February 22, diplomat George Frost Kennan made his Long Telegram arguing that USSR intended to spread its influence and build arms. September 1946 N K Novikov made response telegram arguing US imperial, USSR to undermine it.
What actions showed Stalin intended to dominate Eastern Europe?
April 1945, Stalin tells Milovan Djilas that whoever occupied a zone imposed their system on it.
National Front strategy by Stalin showed his intentions to take over. However, he showed lenience to Czechoslovakia and Hungary.
What happened in 1943?
1943 Moscow Meeting, European Advisory Committee to determine liberation of Germany, and Declaration of General Security to create UN.
USSR stopped allied landing in Balkans at Tehran to secure claims.
Who claimed what at percentages deal?
1944 Moscow percentages deal, Stalin had 90% of Romania, 75% of Bulgaria, Churchill had 90% of Greece, and Yugoslavia and Hungary split.
What happened to axis and invaded countries?
ACCs set up in Axis countries, first in Southern Italy summer 1943. In invaded countries governments in exile lost power and Stalin encouraged communists to form popular fronts.
What happened to Poland?
Jan 1944 – USSR enter. July 1944 – Committee of National Liberation set up. Aug 1944 – NKVD destroys Polish Home Army at Warsaw Uprising, USSR only crossed 12 km to help. Jan 1945 – Stalin recognises Lublin government.
What happened to Romania?
Romania wanted for access to Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Central Europe, alongside Black Sea. 20 Aug 1944 – USSR approach Bucharest, King deposes Nazi Dictator Marshall Antonescu. British don’t intervene. 12 Sept – USSR have control, over winter Communists form national front and workers form committees in factories and take over farms. March 1945 National Democratic Front.
What happened to Bulgaria?
Bulgaria wanted for access to Turkish straits and Greek frontier. Sept 1944 Patriotic Front formed of Zveno (antiroyalists), left wing agrarian farmers, and Social Democrats. Kills 10,000 of ruling class and trade unions infiltrated. Government set in Sofia. Stalin told them not to be antagonising but backed by ACCs.
What happened to Yugoslavia?
Yugoslavia, 14 Oct 1943 – war waged against Serbs and Croats led by Colonel Mikhailovich. Liberation committees set by Tito. April 1944 – Molotov says Yugoslavia chief mainstay in Southeast Europe. May – British offer support, Nov – Albania liberated, January 1945 Stalin rejects federation with Bulgaria.
What happened to Greece?
ELAS, People’s Liberation Army, Greece, wanted to make National Liberation Government. Britain wanted moderate coalition. Stalin complied and didn’t encouraged 3 Dec 1945 revolt pushed for by Tito.
When was Comintern dissolved?
What happened to Hungary?
Sept 1944 – Soviets approach Budapest, Hungary. Admiral Horthy calls ceasefire, Germans take him as prisoner and Arrow Bow Party encouraged to gain power. Feb 1945 – Communists have 4000 members. Sept 1945 – 17% won in election, 3 provisional roles. Matyas Rakosi uses salami tactics to overthrow opposition, attacked Churches, farmers as kulaks, and nationalised industry.
What happened to Czechoslovakia?
Czechoslovakia – 1943 Eduard Benes requests alliance, Autumn 1944 – Ruthenia annexed, Klement Gottwald of Communist Party gained power with Benes cooperating. January 1945 – went to Moscow to see Rudolph Slansky. Ministries of Interior and Information gained.
What happened to Finland?
Finland, 30 Nov 1939 invasion for refusal to give up key frontier bases. After Winter War Soviets won with 200,000 casualties. Invaded summer 1944 – requests for declaration of war against Germany, Petsamo region on arctic coast, and giving manufactured goods and rolling barges. Marshall Mannerheim president until 1946 and only 1 communist in government.
What happened to Italy?
Italy, March 1943 Allies defeat Mussolini, armistice in September. March 1944 – Germans seize Rome and fight in peninsulas until April 1945. Allies set up ACCs. Stalin recognises government 14 March 1944. Palmiro Togliatti of PCI to form coalition with socialists and set economic plan. Became Minister of Justice 1945.
What happened to France?
August 1944 – General de Gaulle of Free French gains power. Wants French led bloc. Set Franco-Soviet treaty in Dec 1944 for preventative war against Germany. Maurice Thorez of FCP encouraged to support treaty and create coalition.