End of Cold War in Europe Flashcards
When did Gorbachev revoke Brezhnev Doctrine?
On 6 July 1989 revoked Brezhnev Doctrine ‘the common European home… excludes all possibility of armed confrontation.’
What was situation for countries in 1989?
Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria, ready to contemplate limited political and economic reform. In GDR, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Albania, governments were unwilling to experiment. In Yugoslavia problems with nationalism arose which would tear it apart.
In 1989 how did Solidarity enter Poland’s house?
1988, indebted to West. Price rises up to 200%. General Jaruzelski started to negotiate with Solidarity and Catholics. 7 April 1989 Round Table Agreements recognised Solidarity and allowed 35% of seats in Sejm, lower house of Parl, and upper house elected freely. On 4 June they won 92/100 seats in upper house and 160/161 allowed in lower house.
In 1989 how were Communists removed in Poland?
Only 25% of eligible voters voted for Communists, Solidarity would form government and Communists minority of ministerial positions. 18 Aug, coalition with minimum communists. Communists still controlled ministries of Defence and Interior until January 1990 when PCP dissolved with fall of Communism in GDR. Reformed as Social Democrat party with Walesa president.
How were Communists removed in Hungary?
May 1988, Hungarian Socialist Workers Party, MSZMP, replaced Janos Kadar with Karoly Grosz as living standards fell and debts to West were highest. In Feb 1989 multi-party system was needed. March 1989, Gorbachev urges that socialism remains dominant force. In June round table talks it is decided to have free elections in spring 1990. The MSZMP reformed itself as the Hungarian Socialist Party, HSP, but in March 1990 won <11% of vote. Re-emerged as most popular party in 1996.
How were communists removed in Bulgaria?
1989, Todor Zhivkov in power for 35 years. Took part in cronyism giving favoured officials 500% salaries, special education for children + access to shops that imported Western goods. 200,000 Turks removed as part of Bulgarianisation. Petar Mladenov, foreign minister, told Gorbachev he would remove him in July 1989, 9 Nov Zhivkov forced from power. Elections for June 1990 where BCP became BSP and formed coalition. 1994 narrow majority, removed from power in elections of 1996.
Outline events in Germany from August to October 5th 1989?
1989 in economic crisis, not bankrupt due to FRG loans of 1983-4. In August Hungary opened borders with Austria and 150,000 East Germans fled. Helmut Kohl urged Honecker to grant exit visas to those fleeing, so he did for those going to Poland and Prague and besieging West German embassies. Made GDR look unsure. Leipzig demonstrations Sept-Oct, October 5th Gorbachev tells Honecker to follow the example of Poland and Hungary.
When protests in November 1989 led to GDR opening wall?
4 Nov 1989, half a million demonstrate in East Berlin. 6 Nov Krenz’ government (new Chancellor), suggests travel for 30 days a year, Volskammer deems insufficient. 9 November, press conference announces exit visas for border crossings including West Berlin and 20,000 meet at wall, leading to it opening.
Velvet Revolution 1989 : what inspired protest?
Opposition initially limited to Charter 77 led by Vaclav Havel which monitored government’s compliance with Helsinki. As a consequence of Poland/Hungary events opposition grew leading to economic but not political reforms. When wall opened demonstrations occurred to honour death of student killed in WWII German occupation. Mass protest.
Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia: outline events from Civic Forum forming to splitting of country.
19 Nov 1989 Civic Forum formed of 12 opposition groups, 7 Dec Ladislav Adamec resigns, 29 Dec government formed with Communists minority and Vaclav Havel president. USSR persuaded to withdraw troops from country. After this happened pressed for dissolution of Warsaw Pact. 1992 Czechoslovakia splits.
How was Communist power removed in Bulgaria?
Events in Czechoslovakia inspired Romanians. Nov 1989 Gorbachev aware of plans to overthrow Nicolae Ceausescu. Corrupt with 1100 room palace. Gorbachev wanted RCP to remain dominant. Demonstrations started in Timisoara near Hungarian border and spread to Bucharest, Dec 21. Army sided with people and Ceausescu fled, executed on 25 Dec by army. 22 Dec National Salvation Front formed by Silviu Brucan and Ion Iliescu. NSF set Council for National Unity and held elections in May 1990. NSF won and Iliescu president.
How was Communist power removed in Yugoslavia?
In 1960s-70s became more involved with the West and Tito allowed more cultural and intellectual freedom but after 1980 death ethnic rivalries grew with dissatisfaction for regime in USSR and Yugoslav Federation promoted nationalism. Inflation had reached almost 300% annually by 1989. In Jan 1990 Communist party no longer dominant in constitution, April 1990 elections allowed starting from a state level. Each election brought nationalists with each state demanding independence until Yugoslavia split. Bosnia saw 100,000 deaths between 1992-5 for independence.
How was Communist power removed in Albania?
Enver Hoxha removed Albania from USSR 1961. Stalinist regime in place. Ramiz Alia replaced him, 1985, and in Feb 1989 introduced reform on perestroika. Protest began in Tirana inspired by Romania, decentralising economy and legalising non-Communist parties. In March 1991 Communist Party, Socialist Party of Albania, won but unrest led to elections in 1991 where Democratic Party won significantly. Economic crisis led to reintroduction of ASP in 1997.
Outline GDR situation from entrance of Modrow to power to Feb 1990 where Gorbachev consented to Germans deciding themselves..
13 Nov 1989, PM Egon Krenz in GDR replaced by Hans Modrow who agreed to free elections. Alliance for Germany coalition won in March 1990 and on 12 April announced wish to join GDR. Initially USSR, Britain, France, and Chancellor Kohl unsure. Certainty of GDR citizens convinced them. US and USSR were main sources of power so talks started between Washington, Moscow + Bonn. By February 1990 Gorbachev shifted from opposing to realising Germans should decide themselves.
Outline the Two Plus Four talks and their results in 1990 for GDR.
In Summer 1990 talks in Bonn, Paris, Berlin, and Moscow. USSR won over with West German loans to modernise economy and London+Paris won by promise united Germany would remain in NATO. 12 Sept Two-Plus-Four Treaty signed in Moscow, a peace treaty ending partition of Germany and revoking residual powers of occupiers. 2 Oct 1990 GDR and FRG integrated.
What actions were made in Paris 1990?
Paris 1990 – representatives of NATO and Warsaw Pact sign Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe calling for reduction of conventional weapons across East and West of Europe, signatories no longer adversaries. Charter of Paris for a New Europe to organise annual meetings and Conflict Prevention Centre in Vienna.