What problems did the USSR face?
1987 USSR 57.1 billion roubles in debt, rose to 100 billion by 1989 leading to decline in living standards. Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic dominated USSR and saw rise in nationalism while collapsing economy made states feel no need to stay in USSR.
How did Russia set up the Union Treaty?
Russia – March-April 1990 elections for Congress of People’s Deputies saw rise in reformers and opponents of Communism. Boris Yeltsin was elected chairman of Congress and on 12 June Congress declared Russia to be a sovereign state with laws taking precedence over those made by Supreme Soviet of USSR. Union Treaty drafted in November 1990 with a referendum in March 1991 for former USSR members to form a new union of sovereign countries. Baltic states, Moldavia, Georgia, and Armenia boycotted but rest saw 74% support.
When was the USSR’s coup?
Gorbachev was not democratically elected and faced opposition from Communists in army, party, and KGB who felt he allowed fall of communism, and reformers led by Yeltsin. 18 Aug 1991 2 days before Union Treaty in effect, communists launched coup in Crimea. Yeltsin rallied public against the rebels in the coup and emerged a saviour of the new Russia. Communist Party made illegal in Russia by August. Gorbachev resigned on 25th Dec and Communist Party ceased to exist on 31 Dec.