Lesson Nine: Where To? Flashcards
Di mana beg tangan awak?
Where is your handbag?
Pagi tadi ada di atas meja.
This morning it was on the table.
Tolong carikan.
Please look for it.
Saya tak nampak beg itu tengahari ini.
I did not see that bag this afternoon.
Awak ada dalam beg itu?
What was in the bag?
Saya punya saputangan, gincu, kotak bedak, sedikit duit, cermin muka, kotak rokok, dan pemetikapi.
My handkerchief, lipstick, powder compact, some money, a mirror, cigarette case, and cigarette lighter.
Ini dia beg tangan awak.
Here is your handbag.
Di bawah kerusi ini.
It was under this chair.
Saya mesti keluar pada pukul empat.
I must go out at four o’clock.
Awak mahu pergi ke mana?
Where are you going?
Saya mahu pergi tengok wayang gambar.
I’m going to the cinema.
Jangan lupa bawa cerminmata.
Then don’t forget to take your glasses.
Apa nama filem itu?
What is the name of the film?
Seribu satu malam.
A thousand and one night.
Adakah awak mahu bawa kereta?
Are you going to take the car?