Conversation Four: Sickness Flashcards
Aminah, ada barang-barang di dalam kereta.
Aminah, there are some things in the car.
Tolong bawa masuk ke rumah.
Please bring them into the house.
Baik-baik jangan becah telur-telur iru.
Be careful not to break the eggs.
Hari ini panas. Tolong buat sedikit teh.
It’s hot today. Please make some tea.
Hari nak hujan. Ada awan di langit.
It will rain today. There are clouds in the sky.
Saya mahu cici cadar, tapi saya takut hujan.
I wanted to wash the bedseehts, but I was afraid of rain.
Awak sudah habis seterika baju kemeja tuan?
Have you finished ironing the master’s shirts?
Ia, sudah habis.
Yes, I have finished.
Tapi stoking-stoking tuan ada lubang.
But there are some holes inside his socks.
Stoking-stoking itu mesti dijerumat.
They need sewing.
Awak ada kanji baju kemeja tuan?
Did you starch the master’s shirts?
Tidak. Mem cakap tak usah.
No. You told me not to.
Apa saya mesti masak untuk makan tengahari?
What should I cook for lunch?
Tolong kupas ubi kentang dan rebus sekali.
You can peel some potatoes and boil them.
Tolong masakkan lobak itu.
Please prepare some carrots.