Lesson 9 Flashcards
a form completed by job candidates that provides a prospective employer wit basic information concerning such things as applicant knowledge, skills, education and previous work experience
application blank
individuals who, based on their screening outcomes, are expected to be successful in the job, but who nonetheless would have performed satisfactory
false negative
the first step of the selection process, involves identifying individuals from the applicant pool who lack the minimum qualifications for the target positions.
KSAOs deemed necessary for minimally acceptable performance in one or more positions; designed for making the first cut in screening applications and can be referred to as selection criteria
Minimum qualifications
the proportion of applicants for one or more positions who are hired
selection ratio
individuals who, based on their screening outcomes are expected to perform well in the target job, but who do not
false positives
a formal method for quantitatively combining information from application blank items by assigning weights that reflect the value of each item in the prediction of job success
weighted application blanks
a pre selection questionnaire that requires applicants to provide detailed job related information concerning their background and life experiences
biographical information blank (BIB)
biographical data gathered from applicant BIBS, application blanks, and other sources
the correlation between assessment scores and job performance measures
validity coefficient
information gathered about a job candidate from supervisors, coworkers, clients, or other people named as references by the candidate. The information is usually collected from the written references and or contacts over the phone
reference checks