Lesson 10 Flashcards
a specific, narrow ability or skill that may be used to predict job performance
intelligence, general mental ability, or intellectual ability
cognitive ability
the ability to apply ideas in the “real world”
practical intelligence
knowledge that is derived from pexerience when learning is not the primary objective
Tactic knowledge
knowledgable of issues and/or procedures deemed essential for successful job performance
Job knowledge
the ability to accurately perceive and appraise emotion in oneself and others, and to approparietyly regulate and express emotion
emotional intellegence
traites or characteristics that involve the control of muscle movements
psychomotor abilities
traits or characteristics that involve the use or application of muscle force over vaping period of time, either along or in conjunction with an ability to maintain balance or gross body coordination
physical abilities
traites or characteristics that involve difference aspects of vision and audition, as well as the other sense
sensory/perceptual abilities
the testing or monitoring of genetic material to determine a genetic propensity or susceptibility to illness resulting form various workplace chemicals or substances
genetic testing
testing procedures that require job candidates to produce behaviours related to job performance under controlled conditions that approximate those found in the job
work samples/simulations
assess aptitude or profiencency in performing important job tasks that are abstract and less realistic than those performed on the actual job
situational exercises
type of situational excreices designed to measure an applicants judgment in workplace or professional situations
situational judgment test
a simulation exercise designed to assess leadership, organizational and communication skills
leaderless group discussion
a simulation exercise designed to assess organization and problem solving
in basket exercise