Lesson 8: Off-the-job Training Methods Flashcards
What are instructional methods?
Instructional methods are techniques used to stimulate learning.
Instructional methods are usually used in a classroom or formal setting for the purpose of learning.
Can instructional methods take place outside of a classroom?
Yes, some instructional methods like games and simulations can take place outside of a classroom and can also be incorporated into computer-based training programs.
What is the most popular method of providing training in Canada and the United States?
Instructor-led classroom training is still the most widely used training method in Canadian organizations, and 42% of training hours are delivered by an instructor in a classroom in the United States.
What is the order of instructional training methods in this chapter?
The instructional methods are presented in order of degree of trainee involvement, from passive to active, starting with lectures and ending with action learning.
What do Canadian workers consider the most valued type of training?
Over one-third of Canadian workers consider in-house, instructor-led workshops as the most valued type of training.
5.1: Instructional Methods
What is a lecture method?
A training method in which the trainer presents the training content to be learned in a unidirectional flow of information from the trainer to the trainee.
What are the advantages of the lecture method?
Large amounts of information can be provided to large groups of trainees in a relatively short period of time at a minimal expense, key points can be emphasized and repeated, and all trainees hear the same message.
What are the drawbacks of the lecture method?
It is not as effective for the development of skills or for changing attitudes, does not accommodate differences in trainee ability, and trainees are forced to be passive learners with little opportunity to connect the content to their own work environment or to receive feedback on their understanding of the material.
How can trainers overcome the disadvantages of lectures?
By including time for discussion, questions and answers, and other opportunities for trainee involvement, supplementing lectures with instructional media, and using instructional methods like case studies.
What is a flipped classroom?
It is a recent instructional strategy where participants view a video lecture outside of the classroom and then spend class time working on engaging and collaborative activities that are facilitated by the instructor.
The flipped classroom might be especially effective for teaching procedural knowledge
What guidelines should trainers follow to effectively use the lecture method?
They should know what they want to accomplish with the lecture, provide an introduction to the topic, present the content in a logical manner, break the lecture into segments, summarize the material, and use a variety of supplementary material or exercises to maintain interest.
What is an effective technique for transcribing lecture information?
Ruling off a wide margin down the right-hand side of each page for headings while placing detailed information in the body of the page.
How many major points should be presented during each half hour of a lecture?
No more than six major points.
What can trainers use to maintain interest during a lecture?
Stories, case incidents, graphics, humor, trainee presentations, videos, and question-and-answer sessions.
How should trainers conclude a lecture?
With a summary of the key learning points followed by some time for questions and answers.
What is the discussion method?
It is a method of training that allows for two-way communication between the trainer and trainees as well as among trainees.
What are the five purposes of group discussions?
- To help trainees recognize what they do not know but should know,
- to provide a forum for getting answers to questions and advice on matters of concern,
- to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the development of critical thinking skills,
- to promote the sharing of ideas and derive common wisdom, and
- to enhance social and interpersonal skills.
What are the drawbacks of group discussions?
They are not effective with large numbers of participants, some group members may dominate while others do not contribute, and some may become dogmatic in their positions on issues.
Why must group discussions be carefully facilitated?
To manage the outcomes and to ensure that all participants have the opportunity to contribute and derive value from the discussion.
What are the benefits of group discussions?
They provide opportunities for trainees to learn from each other, share ideas and perspectives, and develop critical thinking and interpersonal skills.
How can trainers create a participative culture at the beginning of a training program?
By convincing group members that a collective approach has some advantage over individual approaches to a problem and by getting trainees to buy into the process as an activity that is both interesting and useful.
What is the major difficulty with the discussion method?
Comments tend to be addressed to the trainer, and the trainer must reflect the questions or comments back to the trainees.
How can trainers ensure that one trainee does not dominate the discussion?
Trainers can use more subtle techniques like giving trainees roles that change with each discussion, keeping groups small, or asking trainees to take notes or summarize the thoughts of others.
What should trainers be aware of when dealing with groups of mixed educational backgrounds?
They should be aware of reading speed and literacy problems and be gentle in working with trainees who might struggle with reading or summarizing.
Why is positive reinforcement critical in group discussions?
It encourages reluctant participants to contribute and helps the trainer use the energy of more assertive individuals while keeping the discussion focused and productive.
What is the case study method?
It is a training method in which trainees discuss, analyze, and solve problems that are usually based on a real situation.
What is the primary use of the case study method?
To encourage open discussion and analysis of problems and events and to apply business-management concepts to relevant real-life situations.
What are the objectives of a case study?
To introduce realism into trainees’ learning, deal with a variety of problems that occur in the real world, teach trainees how to make decisions, and teach trainees to be creative and think independently.
What skills and abilities does the case study method develop in trainees?
It teaches trainees to think for themselves, develop analytical and problem-solving skills, encourage creativity, and improve the organization of thoughts and ideas.
What is the role of the trainer in the case study method?
The trainer functions as a catalyst for learning, encouraging and guiding trainees to analyze and solve problems and develop their analytical and problem-solving skills.
The trainer guides and facilitates trainees’ analysis and solution of cases, encouraging them to think critically and apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations.
Where is the case study method often used and what benefits have been found?
The case study method is often used in business schools to teach students how to analyze and solve realistic organizational problems.
Several studies have found that using cases improves communication skills, problem solving, and enables students to better understand management situations.
What are the different types of cases that can be used in the case study method?
Cases may be concerned with corporate strategy, organizational change, management, or any problem relating to a company’s financial situation, marketing, human resources, or a combination of these activities. They may also present either single problems or a number of complex, interdependent situations.
What are the requirements for the case method to be effective?
The qualifications of both the trainees and the trainer affect the ability to analyze cases and draw conclusions. Trainees need time to analyze cases properly. Finally, case studies and discussions work best in an open and informal atmosphere.
What are the advantages of using audio-visual techniques to present cases?
This approach has advantages for both the trainees and the trainers.
For example, trainers do not have to do as much research and writing, and trainees are able to identify better with the characters.
What are the requirements for writing a case study?
The case study should be based on a real organizational situation, not fictitious, and ideally written by more than one person to reduce biases. The writer must not make assumptions and should include only facts while relating core issues to the reade
What should be included in a typical case report?
The overall description of the company and the industry situation, key issues, and relevant details should be included to give the reader enough information to make a qualified decision. The length of a case report may vary, but a typical case is up to 20 typewritten pages.
What is the purpose of a teaching note in a case study?
A teaching note provides communication between the case writer and those who teach the case. It includes information on approaches to teaching a specific case, may contain samples of analyses and computations, and may state the objectives of the case and contain additional company information not available to trainees.
What is a case incident?
A case incident is a short one-page method of training that focuses on illustrating or probing a specific problem, concept, or issue.
How are case incidents useful in training?
Case incidents are useful in training because they are short, and trainees can read them during a training session without the need for advance preparation and reading skills. They allow trainers to focus on one topic or concept, and trainees can use their own experiences to participate and increase their confidence
What is the main disadvantage of using case incidents in training?
The main disadvantage of using case incidents in training is that some trainees may be bothered by the lack of background material. It may be necessary for trainees to make assumptions, which can elicit shallow answers based on speculation and ill-informed opinion.
What are some ways to use case incidents in training?
Trainees can be divided into groups with one member assigned the task of making notes while another can be designated the group spokesperson.
The groups discuss the case incident and answer case questions. The trainer then has each group spokesperson present his or her answers. This process can then lead into a general group discussion.
Trainees can read the case incident, answer the case questions, and then have a class discussion. This method is especially useful when an example is needed to illustrate a specific point.
A case incident can be used to illustrate a point at the start of a training program, or used as an exercise at the end of a training program.
What is Behaviour Modelling Training (BMT)?
Behaviour modelling training is a training method in which trainees observe a model performing a task and then attempt to imitate the observed behaviour. It is based on social cognitive theory and observational learning.
What are the key elements critical for observational learning to take place in BMT?
The key elements critical for observational learning to take place in BMT are attention, retention, reproduction, and reinforcement.
What skills can BMT be used to teach?
BMT has been used to teach interpersonal skills such as supervision, negotiation, communication, and sales, as well as motor skills. It is the most popular method for teaching interpersonal and supervisory skills.
What are the general principles of learning in BMT?
The general principles of learning in BMT are observation (modelling), rehearsal (practice), reinforcement (reward), and transfer.
How should the training task be broken down in behaviour modelling training?
The training task should be broken down into key learning points or behaviours to be learned as a series of critical steps that can be modelled independently
What is the final step in behaviour modelling training?
The final step in behaviour modelling training involves specific actions to maximize the transfer of learning on the job.
What factors contribute to the greatest transfer of learning on the job in behaviour modelling training?
The greatest transfer of learning on the job in behaviour modelling training is achieved when models displaying both positive and negative behaviours are used, when trainees are instructed to set goals, when trainees’ superiors are trained, and when rewards and sanctions are provided for using or failing to use newly learned skills on the job.
What should trainers ensure in BMT to ensure effective learning?
Trainers should ensure that trainees are provided with opportunities to practice the observed behavior, receive feedback on their performance, and are motivated to use the new behavior on the job.
What is a mixed modelling strategy in BMT?
A mixed modelling strategy is an approach in which an ineffective model is demonstrated first to increase motivation to try the new positive behavior. It shows trainees what should be done (a positive model) as well as what should not be done (a negative model).
What is a role play in training and development?
A role play is a method of training in which trainees can practice new behaviors in a safe environment.
What is the emphasis in a role play?
The emphasis is on doing and experiencing.
What skills are role plays most useful for acquiring?
Role plays are most useful for acquiring interpersonal and human relations skills and for changing attitudes.
In what type of training programs are role plays often used?
Role plays are often used in training programs that involve interpersonal skills such as communication, sales, performance appraisal, counselling, mentoring, team building, and leadership.
What are the three phases of a role play?
The three phases of a role play are: (1) development, (2) enactment, and (3) debriefing.
What happens during the development phase of a role play?
During the development phase, a role play is carefully developed to achieve its objectives, and a scenario is created that provides information on the time, place, roles, encounter, and instructions on what each role player should do.
What happens during the enactment phase of a role play?
During the enactment phase, trainees are provided with the role-play information and scenarios, are assigned roles, and act out the role play.
What is the role of an observer in a role play?
An observer may be present in a role play to provide feedback on the performance of the role players.
Why is it important for trainees to switch roles during a role play?
It is important for trainees to switch roles during a role play so that each one spends some time in each role.
What is a reverse role play in training and development?
A reverse role play is when trainees play the role of another person in a scenario, putting themselves in that person’s position.
By playing the role of another person, trainees can develop empathy for others and learn what it feels like to be in a particular role, which can lead to a change in trainee attitudes and behavior.
What is the debriefing phase of a role play?
The debriefing phase is the final phase of a role play and is considered to be the most important.
The debriefing phase should last two to three times longer than the enactment phase.
During the debriefing phase, participants discuss their experiences and the outcomes of their role play. Correct behaviors are reinforced, connections with key learning points and trainees’ jobs are made, and plans are established for skill or attitude changes on the job.
The debriefing phase is considered the most important phase of a role play because it provides an opportunity for participants to reflect on their experiences and connect what they learned to their work in the real world.
What is the purpose of analyzing the causes and effects of behaviors during the debriefing phase?
Analyzing the causes and effects of behaviors during the debriefing phase helps participants understand why certain behaviors were effective or ineffective, and how they can improve in the future.
What is a multiple role play?
Role plays can involve groups of trainees acting out various roles in what is known as a multiple role play.
A multiple role play is when groups of trainees act out various roles in a training scenario.
What is a performed and observed role play?
A performed and observed role play is when a role play is performed by one group of trainees and observed by another group.
No, in some cases, it might be preferable to have all
No, in some cases, it might be preferable to have all of the trainees participate in a role play, but it depends on the training content and objectives.
How can role plays be useful in training?
Role plays can be useful in training by allowing trainees to practice new behaviors in a safe environment, experience a role and what the role entails, and acquire interpersonal and human relations skills.
What is the role of the trainer in role plays?
The role of the trainer is crucial in role plays to establish trust, create an open and participative climate, and warm up trainees by involving them in minor role situations.
What can trainers do to reinforce risk taking and use mistakes as learning opportunities in role plays?
Trainers can ask trainees to show all the incorrect ways to handle a situation, point out critical mistakes, and then start again.
If the trainer does not draw out the incorrect and correct behaviors during the debriefing phase, trainees might not learn the appropriate behaviors.
What is a limitation of role plays compared to behavior modeling?
Unlike behavior modeling, trainees are not shown exactly what to do and how to behave prior to participating in a role play.
When are role plays most successful?
Role plays are most successful when they mirror the reality and setting of the organization and participants relate to it on an emotional level.
Why do some trainees resist role playing?
Some trainees resist role playing because it can be uncomfortable, and they may feel self-conscious or embarrassed.
Steps for Effective Role Plays
- Consider role plays when the training involves communication or interpersonal skills.
- Define the learning outcomes of the session.
Study the relevant organizational roles. - Create the role-play scripts—one with a general context, and the other that’s specific to the role.
- Prepare the observation sheets with pertinent points to be observed.
- See that the setting is right for the role play—stage, A/V tools, light, and so on.
- Call for volunteers.
- Facilitate and debrief after the role play.
- Do not leave any issue unresolved.
What are simulations in training and development?
Simulations are a form of training that involve the use of operating models of physical or social events that are designed to represent reality.
What is the purpose of simulations in training?
The purpose of simulations is to increase trainee motivation, involvement, and learning by creating models or active representations of work situations.
When are simulations used in training?
Simulations are used when training in the real world might involve danger or extreme costs.
What fields commonly use simulations in training?
Simulations are widely used in business, education, healthcare, and the military. For example, simulations are typically used in medicine, maintenance, law enforcement, and emergency management settings.
What are equipment simulators in training?
Equipment simulators are mechanical devices that are similar to those that employees use on the job, designed to simulate the kinds of procedures, movements, and/or decisions required in the work environment.
What is a major disadvantage of simulations?
A major disadvantage of simulations is that they are expensive to develop and stage.
What is a positive aspect of using simulations in training?
Simulations are an excellent way to add some realism to a training program, especially in situations where it would be too costly or dangerous to train employees on the actual equipment used on the job.
What are the four steps of a successful simulation?
The four steps of a successful simulation are preparing for the simulation, delivering the simulation, debriefing the simulation, and following up on the simulation.
Why is the debriefing step of a simulation important?
The debriefing step of a simulation is important because it allows the participants to reflect on the experience and understand how it relates to their work.
What is physical fidelity in simulations?
Physical fidelity in simulations has to do with the similarity of the physical aspects of a simulation (e.g., equipment, tasks, and surroundings) to the actual job.
What is psychological fidelity in simulations?
Psychological fidelity in simulations has to do with the similarity of the psychological conditions of the simulation to the actual work environment.
Why is psychological fidelity important in simulations?
Psychological fidelity is important in simulations because it allows the experience to be as similar as possible to what trainees experience on the job, including on-the-job psychological conditions such as time pressures, problems, conflicts, and so on.
What is the advantage of using simulations in training?
Simulations allow a great deal of flexibility since complicating factors or unexpected events can be built into the program
What are games in training and development?
Games are training methods that involve structured competition that allows trainees to learn specific skills.
What is the purpose of business games?
The purpose of business games is to require teams of players to compete against each other to gain a strategic advantage, gain market share, or maximize profits. They focus on the development of problem-solving, interpersonal, and decision-making skills.
What skills do business games focus on developing?
Business games tend to focus on the development of problem-solving, interpersonal, and decision-making skills.
What principles of learning do games incorporate?
Games incorporate many principles of learning, such as learning from experience, active practice, and direct application to real problems.
What are some disadvantages of games as a training method?
Some disadvantages of games as a training method include the possibility of learning the wrong things, a weak relation to training objectives, and an emphasis on winning. Trainees can also sometimes get so caught up in the game that they lose sight of the importance of learning.
There is not very much evidence on how effective games are for improving skills and on-the-job performance, although trainees seem to enjoy games and respond enthusiastically to them.
What should be included in a well-planned and prepared game?
A well-planned and prepared game should be linked to training objectives and include a debriefing session so that trainees understand the purpose of the game and the critical skills and behaviours to be learned.
What is action learning?
Action learning requires trainees to identify problems, develop possible solutions, test these solutions in a real-world, real-time situation, and evaluate the consequences. The aims are to solve an actual business problem and to test theories in the real world.
What are the goals of action learning?
The goals of action learning are to involve and challenge the trainee and to move employees from passive observation to identification with the people and the vision of the organization. This method moves trainees from information receivers to problem solvers.
Who is the originator of action learning principles?
Reginald Revans is the originator of action learning principles
Reginald Revans emphasizes that the learner develops skills through responsible involvement in some real, complex, and stressful problem.
How does action learning incorporate adult learning principles?
Action learning incorporates more of the adult learning principles than any other method of training. It is problem centred and allows for self-directed and independent learning.
What are the learning outcomes of action learning?
Learning outcomes include group and interpersonal skills, risk taking, responsibility, and accountability.
What are the challenges of action learning?
Solving real organizational problems can be stressful for trainees. The difficulties of working in teams on real problems can lead to conflict and increased anxiety and stress.
What are the important factors to consider when designing an action learning project?
The project must be challenging and deal with real organizational concerns. Trainees should buy into the importance of the project and receive some release time to work on it.
In addition, some training in group skills might also be necessary. The group working on the project should be small enough (four to seven members) to develop trust but contain a diverse set of skills to enable creative solutions.
The learning process should be monitored and the trainees held accountable for their proposed solutions.
What is instructional media?
Instructional media refers to the medium or media used to deliver the training content and methods to trainees.
What are audio-visual methods?
Audio-visual methods refer to various forms of media that trainers can use in the classroom to illustrate key points or demonstrate certain actions or behaviors.
What are some examples of instructional media?
Examples of instructional media include face-to-face lectures, online videos, DVDs, slides, and other forms of media.
How are slides and videos used in training?
Slides are often used to highlight important parts of a lecture or a discussion, while videos are often used to illustrate how to behave in a certain situation or to demonstrate effective and ineffective behaviors.
What is an advantage of audio-visual methods?
An advantage of audio-visual methods is the ability to control the pace of training and show complex and dynamic situations in a realistic manner. Videos, for example, can show a situation that is difficult for a trainer to describe, such as a hostile customer or a dangerous malfunction in equipment.
What are some guidelines for choosing an instructional method?
- Start with the program’s objectives and learning outcomes
- Consider the cost and resource availability
- Consider the on-the-job application
- Consider the trainer’s skill and preferences
- Consider the trainee’s preferences and characteristics
- The effectiveness of an instructional method depends on the training objectives and learning outcomes
What is an aptitude-treatment interaction (ATI)?
Answer: An aptitude-treatment interaction (ATI) refers to situations in which the effect of a training method on trainees depends on trainee characteristics (e.g., aptitude, self-efficacy, and demographics).
An aptitude-treatment interaction (ATI) refers to situations in which the effect of a training method on trainees depends on trainee characteristics (e.g., aptitude, self-efficacy, and demographics).
How can a trainee’s aptitude affect their ability to benefit from a particular method of instruction?
Trainee characteristics, such as aptitude, can affect their ability to benefit from a particular method of instruction through an aptitude-treatment interaction. For example, there is some evidence that high-ability trainees benefit more from programs with less structure and greater complexity, while low-ability trainees benefit more from explicit and structured programs.
What is blended training?
Blended training is an approach that combines classroom training, on-the-job training, and computer technology. It involves the use of face-to-face instruction as well as some aspect of online instruction.
What are the benefits of a blended delivery approach in training programs?
A blended delivery approach allows participants to learn in ways that are most suitable to their needs, styles, and preferences. It also allows multiple learning outcomes to be achieved and increases the possibility that the training will be applied on the job.
Why is it important for trainers to be skilled in a variety of instructional methods?
Each method has its place and there are many factors to consider when choosing an instructional method. Mixing, combining, and blending instructional methods is the best approach for maximizing trainee engagement, learning, retention, and on-the-job application. Therefore, trainers must be skilled in a variety of instructional methods.
What are some examples of trainee characteristics that can affect the effectiveness of a training method?
Trainee characteristics such as aptitude, self-efficacy, and demographics can affect the effectiveness of a training method. For example, high-ability trainees might benefit more from programs with less structure and greater complexity, while low-ability trainees might benefit more from explicit and structured programs. There is also evidence that self-pacing methods are especially effective for older trainees.