Lesson 14: Management Development Flashcards
What is the single characteristic that best distinguishes a successful organization from others?
The caliber of the management team.
What percentage of Canadian organizations consider the development of their leadership a top development priority, according to a Conference Board report?
What does “bench strength” refer to in the context of management and leadership development?
The development of high-potential men and women to take over leadership roles as the baby boom generation retires.
What are the three mechanisms organizations are increasingly using to create bench strength?
Leader-led development
Action learning
Executive coaching
What do mentoring and coaching focus on in terms of skill development for managers?
Developing soft skills, such as human interaction skills, rather than hard skills, such as technical ones.
What are the four key aspects of successful training and development?
Identification of training needs
Choice of training design and delivery techniques
Integration of psychological forces, such as motivation and self-efficacy
On-the-job practice and support
What is the purpose of management training?
To develop the critical skills managers need, such as understanding their roles and functions, and to create effective training experiences.
What are the three roles of managers in organizations?
What are the main functions of managers?
What is the difference between management development and employee training?
Management development focuses on developing people skills, relies more heavily on experiential techniques, takes into account individual differences, is a longitudinal process, and has unique strategic significance due to the potential impact of incompetent managers.
What is management development?
The complex processes by which individuals learn to perform effectively in managerial roles.
Why is management development important?
Managers are responsible for the organization’s functioning and its financial and psychological health. Their pivotal role in organizations makes investing in their development a prudent business decision.
What is leadership?
The individual qualities and behaviors that define and shape the direction of an organization and inspire others to pursue that direction in the face of obstacles and constraints.
What is the starting point for a discussion of management development?
The identification of training needs, which requires a thorough understanding of the managerial job and the skills required for it.
What are the three roles identified by Henry Mintzberg in his analysis of management activities?
What are the three types of interpersonal roles managers play?
Leadership (motivating others)
Liaison (connecting with others within and outside the unit)
Figurehead/representational role (representing the group in various contexts)
What are the key aspects of a manager’s informational role?
Monitoring the environment for pertinent information
Disseminating information to others about the unit and outside developments
Acting as a spokesperson to promote the unit’s plans, values, or goals
What are the main responsibilities in a manager’s decisional role?
Making decisions about people, goals, and means to attain those goals
Initiating change as an entrepreneur
Allocating resources and making choices between competing proposals
Acting as a negotiator in both internal and external environments
Troubleshooting and reacting to unexpected events that disrupt the unit
What are the four main functions of management, including the one that has gained importance in recent times?
What does controlling in management involve?
Controlling involves monitoring the activities of the organization and its members to ensure their positive contribution to the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. It includes establishing mechanisms to monitor and resolve performance gaps and addressing constraints and problems.
What does organizing in management entail?
Organizing involves establishing systems that ensure the efforts of various units and individuals within an organization are coordinated efficiently and effectively to accomplish major tasks and contribute to organizational goals.
What is the purpose of planning in management?
Planning in management involves defining objectives and developing goals for the organization and the departments or units for which the manager is responsible. The scope of these goals and objectives depends on the level of management and the nature of managerial responsibilities.
Why is leadership now considered a critical function of management?
Leadership is considered a critical function because managers are responsible for attaining goals and keeping employees committed to those goals. Commitment is more likely when employees believe in the importance of the goal, its positive outcomes, and the impact of their individual efforts on goal attainment. Leadership fosters adaptability and resilience in organizations, which are essential in a competitive global economy.
What are the two basic notions of leadership that have emerged by the beginning of the 21st century?
Transactional leadership
Transformational leadership
What is transactional leadership?
Transactional leadership is a style in which leaders make clear to the followers the behaviors and attitudes associated with rewards and punishment. They provide clarity by specifying individual goals and monitoring work behaviors relevant to those goals.
What is transformational leadership, and what are the two fundamental characteristics of charismatic leaders?
Transformational leadership is a style in which leaders influence followers by inspiring them to engage willingly in the attainment of goals and to forgo self-interest for the common good.
Charismatic leaders, a subset of transformational leaders, display two fundamental characteristics:
(1) presenting an idealized vision or goal that promises a better future
(2) convincing followers that the vision can be achieved.
How does transformational leadership theory combine traits, behaviors, and situations?
Transformational leadership theory combines traits, behaviors, and situations in the following ways:
Charismatic leaders have, or project, personal traits such as self-confidence and unconventionality.
They engage in specific behaviors, mainly supported by exceptional communication skills.
Contextually, charisma tends to emerge when followers feel concern and anxiety about the current situation, and when they feel a strong need for change.
What is authentic leadership?
Authentic leadership refers to leaders who are self-aware, ethical, and transparent, reflecting their true beliefs and moral values in relationships with others.
What are the positive consequences of authentic leadership?
Positive consequences include greater job satisfaction, reduced burnout, better job performance, increased employee commitment, and improved firm performance.
Can charismatic leadership skills be developed?
Yes, charismatic leadership skills such as presentational skills and communicating emotions can be partially developed through training.
What is servant leadership?
Servant leadership is a style that focuses on employees’ needs, empowering them and serving their needs for growth, autonomy, and competence.
What are the effects of servant leadership?
Servant leadership has a positive effect on both employees and the organization.
Figure 13.1: The Most Frequently Cited Skills of Effective Management
What are the four basic clusters of managerial skills identified by Cameron and Tschirhart?
1) Human relations skills.
2) Competitiveness and control.
3) Individual entrepreneurship and innovativeness.
4) Order and rationality.
What is emotional intelligence (EI)?
EI is the ability to manage and cope with emotions, including one’s own emotions and those of others.
What are the five sets of skills involved in emotional intelligence?
1) Self-awareness.
2) Self-control.
3) Motivation or drive.
4) Empathy.
5) Interpersonal skills.
How does emotional intelligence impact managerial success?
Managers with higher levels of EI are more effective, more likely to be promoted, and sometimes considered more important than cognitive intelligence (IQ) for managerial success.
What is a model of management skills development?
A model of management skills development is a basic blueprint that identifies the components or steps to be included in the development of training programs.
What are the four basic commonalities shared by most models of management skill development?
Initial skills assessment
Skill acquisition
Skill practice
Skill application on the job
What is the purpose of the initial skill assessment in management skill development?
The purpose of the initial skill assessment is to help managers become self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses relative to the skill in question and to identify learning and behavioral styles that should be considered when developing training programs.
What are the three fundamental purposes of skill practice in management development programs?
Reinforce learning and shift from declarative to procedural learning
Build self-efficacy in performing the skill
Maintain trainee interest, attention, and motivation on the learning task
What is the final step in management skill development, and why is organizational support important?
The final step is skill application on the job (transfer). Organizational support in the form of follow-ups, additional coaching, and reinforcement is required to ensure that managers transfer their newly learned skills and do not relapse into pre-training behaviors.
What are the 10 steps in the TIMS (Training in Management Skills) Procedure by Phillip Hunsaker?
Learn skill concepts
Check concept learning
Identify behaviors that define the skill
Model the skill
Practice the skill during training
Re-assess skills
Questions to assist in skill application
Exercises to reinforce skill application
Planning for future development
What are the three general categories of management skills?
Conceptual skills
Technical skills
Interpersonal skills
What is Error-Management Training (EMT)?
EMT is a training approach that allows and encourages trainees to make errors, which can be especially useful for developing management skills that require problem-solving and adaptive expertise.
What are the four basic steps of contemporary decision-making training programs?
Definition of the problem
Generation of alternative solutions
Evaluation and selection of a solution
Implementation of the solution and follow-up
What is a SWOT analysis in planning skills?
A SWOT analysis involves identifying the strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) of the unit managed, as well as the opportunities (O) and threats (T) that exist in the environment.
What are the two distinct steps in performance appraisal?
Assessing the performance of people
Establishing goals and directions to encourage improved future performance
What does the SMART acronym stand for in goal-setting?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and specified in Time.
What are some examples of technical skills managers may need to acquire?
Examples include expertise in computer spreadsheet programs like Excel, presentation skills using programs like PowerPoint, and staying up-to-date with specialized information in their field through conferences, workshops, or professional journals.
What are some key interpersonal skills for managers?
Key interpersonal skills include communication, coaching, managing conflict and stress, as well as developing political skills and empowering and motivating employees.
What are the principles of effective communication?
Effective communication involves congruency (ensuring the message sent aligns with actions), clarity (using appropriate language), and ensuring comprehension by actively soliciting feedback from the listener.
What are the five ways of managing conflict?
What are the two main types of conflict?
Interpersonal conflict (co-workers who may dislike one another)
Issue-based conflict (people who may have conflicting views on a problem or its solution)
Why is conflict not inherently “bad”?
Conflict is not inherently “bad” because issue-based disagreements can often enhance the quality of the final decision. However, improperly managed conflict can create organizational problems.
What is the ultimate conflict resolution outcome?
Collaboration is the ultimate conflict resolution outcome, although it is not always possible.
What are the key aspects managers should focus on when dealing with emotional aspects of conflict?
Treating the parties with respect
Listening to the other party and ensuring they know they have been heard and understood
Sharing their own needs and feelings
What is a stress reaction?
A stress reaction is a person’s emotional and physical response to a perceived threat. Stress reactions serve as useful warning mechanisms that inform people that “something is wrong” and that they should do something about it.
What are two well-known work-related stressors?
Role conflict - associated with having contradictory task demands
Role ambiguity - not knowing what is expected
What are the two basic ways to deal with stress?
Change the environment by removing the stressors
Learn to cope with and manage stressors more effectively
What is the first and most important step in learning how to cope with stress?
Recognizing when one is experiencing stress.
What do stress-related training programs usually rely on?
Stress-related training programs usually rely on informational (reviewing basic principles related to stress and its management) and experiential techniques (principally simulations and role plays).
What are the two main types of management development programs?
Informational - focusing on learning principles
Experiential - providing direct experience and engagement
What is experiential learning?
Experiential learning is learning by experience. It involves active exercises designed to engage the learner and provide direct experience, which allows managers to derive personal lessons and understandings that shape future behaviors.
What are the three general approaches to management development?
Management education programs
Management training programs
On-the-job management development
What is an After-Event Review (AER)?
An After-Event Review (AER) is a formal, structured debriefing held immediately following an experiential learning situation. Led by a facilitator, participants discuss the task objectives, outcomes realized, and specific behaviors that facilitated or inhibited the achievement.
Why is understanding and integrating principles taught in management training important?
Understanding and integrating principles taught in management training is important because it enables managers to apply them correctly in a manner that is appropriate to their personal style and the work group situation. This helps them operate effectively in fluid and varied environments.
What is the main goal of management education programs?
The main goal of management education programs is to develop a broad range of knowledge, principles, and general conceptual abilities relevant to the managerial role.
What is the purpose of case studies in management education programs?
Case studies serve two purposes in management education programs:
They exemplify the principles and techniques discussed during lectures.
They allow trainees to test and modify their understandings of the principles, providing valuable feedback.
What is a corporate university?
A corporate university is a function or department, independent of the human resource department, that offers an integrated set of learning and development experiences tailored to a specific organization or industrial sector. Its main objective is to develop individual competencies that are relevant to the organization.
How do corporate universities differ from traditional management education programs?
Corporate universities differ from traditional management education programs in that they are owned by companies, focus on developing competencies specific to the organization or industry, and sometimes operate in collaboration with universities, contributing credits toward formal degrees and diplomas.
What is management training?
Management training refers to training programs that involve activities and experiences designed to develop specific, immediately applicable managerial skills (e.g., communication, decision making) in a particular organizational setting.
What are some examples of management training programs?
Examples of management training programs include specialized workshops and seminars, as well as outdoor wilderness training activities such as rock climbing, white-water rafting, or winter camping.
What is the purpose of outdoor wilderness training in management training programs?
The purpose of outdoor wilderness training is to expose trainees to physically and psychologically demanding activities that require self-reliance, teamwork, strong communication skills, and trust in others, ultimately helping to enhance individual skills and improve the ability to function collaboratively with others.
What are the sources and lengths of management training sessions in North America?
In North America, management training sessions typically last from one-half to three days and are conducted by internal trainers from the company’s HR department or external specialized trainers, depending on the organization’s size and internal expertise.
What are some concerns with commercially available management training programs?
Concerns with commercially available management training programs include their potential inappropriateness due to being designed for and used in different organizations, leading to content that may not be relevant to the specific trainees. This raises concerns about “identical elements,” or the extent to which the training context matches the job context.
What is on-the-job management development?
On-the-job management development refers to programs that provide individuals with managerial learning experiences while they are working in their job positions.
These programs aim to develop managerial skills and competencies through real-life experiences and interactions.
What are two common examples of on-the-job management development techniques?
Two common examples of on-the-job management development techniques are job rotation and coaching.
What is job rotation and how does it benefit managers?
Job rotation is a planned process that involves posting the manager to different jobs, areas, or functions of the organization. It develops managers by giving them the opportunity to use existing and new skills in diverse ways, with different people, and in various functional contexts, ultimately enhancing their skills and helping them learn about the organization itself.
What is the difference between coaching and mentoring in management development?
Coaching and mentoring both aim to help managers become more effective, but they differ in their focus.
Coaching usually targets the development of specific skills or overcoming specific challenges, while mentoring focuses on broader, more diffuse goals, nurturing the manager’s growth and providing a long-term perspective on general managerial problems and difficulties.
What are the key benefits of using coaching and mentoring as management development approaches?
The key benefits of using coaching and mentoring as management development approaches include their high congruence with and relevance to the specific organizational culture, their focus on one-on-one sessions between the manager and another person (mentor or coach), and their ability to address both specific skills and broader career development strategies.
What is coaching in management development?
Coaching is a one-on-one structured learning experience aimed at helping managers develop insights and techniques pertinent to the accomplishment of specific aspects of their job. The success of coaching relies on the qualities of the coach and the manager’s openness to the coaching experience.
How do internal and external coaches differ in their roles?
Internal coaches are employees within the organization who may have a better understanding of the company’s culture and can often intervene within the organization to remove obstacles. External coaches are consultants hired for their expertise in specific sectors or specialized content, offering a fresh perspective and unbiased advice.
What are three key qualities of great coaches?
Three key qualities of great coaches are
goal orientation,
being challengers, and
being person-focused.
Great coaches listen and empathize with learners, help them clarify their goals, challenge their beliefs and thinking, and focus on the learner’s individual development rather than imposing a single way of doing things.
What are the five key elements in the “development pipeline” for coaching?
The five key elements in the development pipeline are insight, motivation, capabilities, real-world practices, and accountability.
Coaches help managers recognize their strengths and weaknesses, care about change, identify resources and best practices, implement changes in their day-to-day work, and commit to specific actions.
What are some positive outcomes of coaching for managers?
Positive outcomes of coaching for managers include progress in management of people,
relationships with others,
communication skills,
engagement, and
These outcomes are greater when coaches are committed to change and the organizational environment actively supports managers in their attempts to change.
How effective is management development?
Management development is found to be highly effective in increasing learning levels but only moderately effective in building expertise. The impact on organizational outcomes is less clear due to the limited number of studies assessing these outcomes. However, some data indicate that leadership development programs contribute to an organization’s effectiveness.
What factors distinguish effective training programs from less effective ones?
Effective training programs tend to have two distinguishing characteristics:
(1) the contents are developed following a thorough needs analysis, and
(2) they provide significantly more time for the practice of learned skills. Organizations that invest more effort and are more mindful of skill development tend to be more successful at it.
What do meta-analyses reveal about the effectiveness of management training?
Meta-analyses reveal that management training has a major impact on learning and a more modest impact on expertise and organizational outcomes. However, there is variation in results across different development efforts, with some programs being more effective than others.
What are the “silent killers” identified by Michael Beer and his colleagues that prevent transfer of training in organizations?
The six silent killers are:
Unclear organizational priorities and strategies.
Lack of commitment to change by upper management.
A reluctance to allow honest discussions of problems.
Lack of coordination across different elements of the organization.
Inability to identify and nurture talented individuals.
Managers’ reluctance (fear?) to tell the truth about barriers to behavior change on the job.
What do Beer and his colleagues suggest about leadership training and development?
Beer and his colleagues suggest that leadership training and development should be tied to organizational development efforts. The target for change should be the organization and not just the individual. Senior management needs to be directly involved with the development of leadership, and HR needs to play a more active role in ensuring the transfer of skills to the job.
What changes do human resource departments need to make to improve leadership training and development?
HR needs to:
Provide more than a list of static classes.
Accept responsibility for the transfer of skills to the job.
Carefully assess training needs and ensure congruency between the trained behaviors and the acceptability of these skills to local management.
Recognize the difficulty of displaying newly learned behaviors and provide on-the-job support, such as help lines, job aides, and mentoring and coaching.
Why is it important to tie leadership training and development to organizational development efforts?
Tying leadership training and development to organizational development efforts is important because it addresses the root causes of performance issues, which often lie within the organization rather than just the individual.
It also ensures that both HR and senior management play a larger role in developing leadership, resulting in more effective training programs and a higher likelihood of transfer.